Chronicles of Celestial Origins

Chapter 251 Confrontation (4)

Tang Ning returned to the cave. Not long after, Xue Yan came again and asked him to come over to talk. The two of them arrived at Qin Gang's cave.

Zhu Xu was already in his house. After Qin Gang invited him to take a seat, he got straight to the point: "Senior Brother Lu talked to me yesterday."

"What are you talking about?" Zhu Xu asked

"What else could it be? It's just to persuade me not to hold on to the Ministry of Finance's finances. Senior Brother Lu said it very clearly. It can be said that he spoke sincerely and promised to give me a top-quality spiritual weapon from the Ministry of Finance."

Zhu Xu sneered and said: "The action is quite grand."

Qin Gang smiled: "He underestimates Qin too much. I am not doing this for personal rights. As long as I serve in the Intelligence Department for one day, financial reduction and standardization must be implemented. I told him very much about this." clear."

"He is not very happy. The main purpose of inviting you two here this time is to discuss the next step. I will have a showdown with him at the next meeting and clearly ask him to express his position. If he still delays and refuses, I will exercise my power of inspection and work in the department. We exercised our decision-making power on the subject and voted to force the issue of reducing financial expenditures.”

"I hope you two will support me then. Now that Lu Guangyuan has left, there are four managers in the department. We have three votes, and he only has two votes. We can definitely win. This matter should be done sooner rather than later. If Junior Brother Zhang Yan comes back, I'm afraid it will be difficult to implement. "

The power of resolution is a unique right of the supervisor. When the supervisor and the deacons disagree, they can temporarily use this power to make resolutions by voting by the stewards.

When exercising the power of resolution, as long as the number of votes of the inspectors is higher than the number of votes of the deacons, the deacons' orders can be annulled. If the votes of the two parties are equal, the deacons' opinions will prevail, so Qin Gang can't wait to press on.

The inspector is a position created to restrain deacons from having too much power. The power of decision-making is an important factor in restraining deacons.

It is worth mentioning that even if the inspector has a higher vote than the deacon in the resolution, the deacon still has the right to veto. If the deacon firmly opposes it, he will veto it with one vote. At this time, all orders and proposals will be put on hold, and then a letter will be sent to the sect to request a ruling.

Under normal circumstances, supervisors and deacons maintain a tacit understanding and will not get into trouble like this. Neither the supervisor's decision-making power nor the deacon's veto power will be easily used.

Once you use the permission, it is equivalent to breaking up. How can we get along with each other in the future?

Any order issued by the deacon can be abolished by the inspector through a resolution. If the deacon vetoes it, the matter will be brought to the sect and the senior sect will be asked to rule. No matter what the final result is, it will not be a good thing for the Ministry of Deacons.

Because the senior officials of the sect will think that you are not capable enough and cannot even control and handle the internal affairs of the department. How can you be a deacon?

If it reaches a sect ruling, it means that the conflict between the two parties is irreconcilable. The inspector has the support of the majority. In order to avoid deepening the conflict and allow departmental affairs to proceed as usual, the sect will consider removing the deacon and replacing him with someone else.

Therefore, in all these years, Kong Fanxing has never used his decision-making power. Of course, Lu Xingxian also gave him enough respect. Usually it was not an important matter. If he spoke, Lu Xingxian would agree.

Just like thirty years ago, when he asked Tangning to serve as the acting captain of the air rescue team, Lu Xingxian immediately agreed.

If it was a major event, Lu Xingxian would usually greet him in advance and agree on the matter.

The two sides maintain a certain tacit understanding. Although there are some small secret fights, the cooperation is still pleasant.

Lu Xingxian once told Tangning that although he and Kong Fanxing had different views on some things, the general direction was still the same.

This is absolutely true.

The two have worked together for many years and rarely quarrel because they both stick to their respective bottom lines.

Now that Qin has just taken office, he has become red-faced and unruly. Such a strong and aggressive approach will inevitably lead to a counterattack from the other side.

Hearing that he was going to use his decision-making power to force Lu Xingxian to agree to his proposal, Tang Ning and Zhu Xu looked at each other with some worry.

Lu Xingxian has been in charge of the Intelligence Department for many years and has deep roots. Even if he can be forced to regress this time, what will happen in the future? Once the decision-making power is used, it means that the conflict between the car and the horse is completely revealed, and even the final covering cloth is not needed.

Tang Ning frowned and said, "Should this matter be slowed down? If the pressure is too much, it may not be appropriate. I don't think it should be done too hastily and should be taken slowly. You can first propose to reduce some of it, for example, limit the expenditure for next month to 10,000 souls. Ishiuchi, I think Senior Brother Lu will agree. If we use the decision-making power, there will be no room for buffering. "

Qin Gang waved his hand and said: "Junior Brother Tang's words are wrong! This is a good opportunity. The so-called opportunity cannot be missed and will never come back. We have the advantage and are sure to win. If we don't take this opportunity to show off our position to them, when will we wait? Wait for Zhang Yan Junior Brother returns to the sect, even if I use my decision-making power, it will not help, Junior Brother Tang, please do not hesitate."

Zhu Xu said slowly: "Then it's up to you!"

Tang Ning stopped talking. He knew that Qin Gang was a very thoughtful and independent person. It could be seen that he wanted to do something, but this approach would only be counterproductive.

To put it bluntly, he didn't even recognize anyone in the intelligence department when he arrived. He didn't even have a seat on his butt yet, and he wanted to seize power from Lu Xingxian. It couldn't be that easy.

Zhu Xu had been suppressed by Lu Xingxian for so many years, and Kong Fanxing had been ready to make a move when Kong Fanxing was here.

From Tangning's perspective, the two of them were a madman and a fool, and had almost lost their minds.

Zhu Xu is the "madman" who has been suppressed for too long and is eager to seize power and take over as deacon. Qin Gang is the "fool" who is full of grandiose plans and wishful thinking regardless of the actual situation.

It might be an exaggeration to say this, but he felt that it was too unrealistic to seize power from Lu Xingxian based on their current strength.

Lu Xingxian has held the power of finance and personnel for many years, and the captains of each team of his disciples are all members of his team, most of whom were promoted by Lu Guang. No matter how you look at it, they have no advantage.

In this situation, if you are eager to confront Lu Xingxian with your sword and spear, isn't this losing your mind?

Qin Gang has been in the Supervision Department for a long time and has the support of Luo Qingshui. He has never been in charge of a department before, so it is understandable that he is a little arrogant and insists on going his own way.

But it was impossible for Zhu Xu not to understand. He probably couldn't wait any longer. It happened that Qin Gang had this idea, and the two hit it off. He could use Qin Gang's power as inspector to confront Lu Xingxian and increase his influence.

These two people were focused on their own plans, and Tang Ning had no choice but to follow them. Now the three of them were like grasshoppers on a rope.

He had no choice but to move forward. Even if he didn't want to, he had to follow even if it was a broken ship or a pirate ship.

From the beginning, he was labeled as Luo Qingshui's family, and he couldn't throw it away or get rid of it.

He can only move forward and not backward, otherwise he will fall into a very embarrassing situation where he is not human inside and out.


In Lu Xingxian Cave Mansion, Chen Xuan frowned: "So, he is determined to intervene in the financial affairs of the Ministry? Now Senior Brother Lu has left Qiyuan Island, and Senior Brother Zhang has not yet arrived. He has already let go I think they will take action soon. I guess they will not miss this opportunity and may bring this matter up in the next meeting.”

Lu Xingxian said lightly: "Of course he will not miss this opportunity. He said that financial reduction must be implemented, and a set of clear regulations must be formulated to unify the mission rewards, operational funds and loss subsidies for the disciples of the department to form a constant system Standards, starting from the information department, and finally promoting the entire sect.”

"Promoting the whole sect, huh, it's such a fool's errand. Are we the ones who spend the most money on the sect?" Chen Xuan said disdainfully: "Those high-level officials in the sect, up to the headmaster, and the masters of the three halls, if they don't have spirit stones, what will they do with it?" Cultivation? If we really promote the sect, I’m afraid even Hall Master Luo will have to speak out against it.”

"I heard that before he was in the Supervision Department, he just practiced hard and never took care of any specific affairs. This kind of person's brain is damaged by cultivation and he doesn't know how to think about things. He thinks that the whole world revolves around him? He can do whatever he wants. How is it? Xuande Palace actually sent such a person down, I don’t know what to think.”

Lu Xingxian said: "He asked me to think about it carefully. If I don't agree, he will exercise his decision-making power at the next meeting."

Chen Xuan muttered: "Why don't you go out for a while and wait for a while, so that even if he has the intention, he will be unable to do anything. When Senior Brother Zhang returns to the sect, there will be no fear of him using his decision-making power."

Lu Xingxian sneered: "Qin Gang is just a mere person, why do I need to find excuses to avoid seeing him when he goes out? If he becomes known, won't he be treated as a laughing stock by others? This is the Intelligence Department, not his Supervisory Department. When you come here, you will be honest. If he actually does his job, I'll see what kind of tricks he can make."


After Tang Ning returned to the cave, he sat cross-legged and closed his eyes to practice Qi. After a while, the storage bag around his waist trembled. He took out the formation plate and took a photo of the talisman floating in the thick fog into his hand. His spiritual consciousness was injected into it. It was the meeting hall. Chen Xiao, the disciple on duty, gave Lu Xingxian the order to go to the palace to discuss matters.

Today is not the day for discussion. Is there something urgent?

Because Qin Gang is pressing harder and harder, the relationship between everyone in the department has been very tense and delicate recently. Qin Gangfang and Lu Xingxian had a complete showdown yesterday and made their attitude clear. They will discuss things today, and there must be a plan in the process.

He left the cave, and Chen Xiao stood with his hands tied outside the thick fog, bowed and saluted: "Uncle Tang, Uncle Lu, please go to the meeting hall."

"Yes, I understand." Tang Ning responded and turned into light and left. Not long after, when they arrived at the palace, Lu Xingxian sat on the throne. There was no one else in the palace except him.

"Junior Brother Tang, sit down! Today is not the time for discussion. There are only you and me, no one else. I have other important matters with you." Lu Xingxian said.

Tangning originally thought it was a meeting arranged by him, but she didn't expect it to be a meeting.

He didn't know why Lu Xingxian was looking for him alone. He thought it must be related to the dispute between Qin and Gang.

In the past, every mission he had had was to go to his cave. This was the first time in so many years that he was summoned to the meeting hall alone.

"I wonder why Senior Brother Lu called me?" Tang Ning followed the instructions and sat down.

"You are in charge of intelligence liaison. Over the years, you have submitted countless information files. In addition to the files sent by various intelligence stations, there is also an encrypted file. Even you do not have the authority to read it. Do you know what these encrypted files are? Where did it come from?”

"I heard it's a secret intelligence station affiliated with me," Tang Ning said truthfully.

This secret volume is usually delivered every three or five months, and only Zhu Xu and Lu Xingxian can read it. But he has been in the intelligence department for many years, so he has heard some secrets about this intelligence station.

Lu Xingxian said: "These secret volumes are information sent by the internal disciples of the Demon Sect arranged by the headquarters department. They are very confidential, so they are treated differently."

Tang Ning nodded. He had heard about this for a long time and knew that there was an intelligence station outside the sect that specialized in liaising with the Demon Sect.

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