Chimera Wandering The Dead Roads

Chapter 29 - Hive King and Queen

This bloody war has been on going for the pass five hours! That by now all guardian's but me have fallen back to the titan line. No New hive have shown up luckily but, there's two portals on the city walls. My undead are clamouring everywhere around it ready to pounce. Which if someone looked closely enough they'd see lots of variations. I have over a million normal undead hive soldiers all howling at the portals. Two thousand death knight like hive members with swords drawn. A thousand wraiths acting as mages and leaders in the mix. Then at least twelve liches from patriarchs are leading undead.

Seeing all these undead from a top the tallest building. As Myriad has joined me is pretty nice to see as its my army. But those portals are troublesome it means that likely big bosses. Who wanted to colonize this place are coming through those things! So as that is likely the case I put midnight coup in its holster. While I take the rocket launcher sins of the past from Myriad. Turning the rockets into infection rockets that'll leave mist. Upon exploding so it'll only serve to turn anything unlucky in a wide area.

Just when I finish turning all the rockets the two main culprits appear. From the portals drop two very large hive members. Bigger than some of the story buildings around the city. But seeing how they sent this many hive here I'll be dubbing them. King and Queen of the hive, as their one of the first I've seen like this. But where's there two there's likely hundreds more elsewhere! Once they land on the wall I fire a rocket off at the king. That upon seeing the rocket fly the army starts charging them.

Infection mist covering the kings head that once he inhales. He gets nice douse of it in his lungs meaning he'll be turning soon. As the bites from the soldiers accelerate the process. The queen is holding her ground against my army for now. Just that was until the king suddenly bites her shoulder. Wrestling her to ground as he continues biting her to death. The soldiers roaring at their queens fall but cheer once she turns.

So now I've got the equivalent of two death tyrants. This little skirmish went nicely in my favor as I got a decent army! Now as its all over I send everyone but the death tyrants, and the first lich. Into my necromancer storage for a later date to shine. But for these three as they're my first of their groups I'll name them. The male tyrant shall be Vash, the female Kurumi, and the lich Achile. Now with them named I got a notification about them all. Listing them as my first three undead executives in my army.

So that likely means they'll be more intelligent than most. Thats very pleasing to know is a possibility likely. With that out of the way I send them away like the rest. While getting down from the building I'm on with Myriad. I check my status to see whats new about it.


Name: Biazar Reaper Chimera

Race: Human(locked), EXO

Age: 45

Titles: 2nd Lt. , Mad Man, The Gamer, Squad Leader, Slaughterer, Necromancer, Controller, Undead King, Drone Controller, Myths Father, Guardian, Tainted Guardian, Black Oni Tyrant

lvl- 40 500/40,000


Mana: 320,000/320,000

Str: 1600

Agi: 1000

Cha: 1000

Dex: 1000

Wis: 1000

Int: 1000

Luk: 1000

Points: 0

Abilities: Gamer's Mind- passive lv Max, Gamer's Body- passive Lv Max, Appearance Default- Passive Lv Max, CQC- passive lv 70, leadership- passive lv max, marksmanship- passive lv max, Blade Mastery- passive lv max, Stealth- active lv max, Observe- active lv max, Spy- passive lv Max, Negotiating- active lv max, Necromancer- unique lv max, Emporers Guidance- unique lv max, Sleep Gain- unique lv max, Waker Control- unique lv max, Chimera's Call- unique lv max, World's Road- unique lv max, Legion- unique lv 10


Wooh only forty levels the leveling requirements are gonna be harsh. In this world but those six hundred points went into strength. As there's going to be some very big fuċkers that love punching. Now making my way towards the guardians I tell the commanders thats its all clear. Survivors and guardians move into the city and start the repair work.

While I meet up with Zavala, Cayde, and Ikora who are heading back. Cayde gave me a highfive and commented on how awesome. It was to see my powers in action on such a large scale. Then just witness the cramped streets clear instantly from any undead. Ikora gave me a very pleased and amused smile for the spectacle. Zavala remained stoic with another stick up his ȧss. Trying to look like a calm and collected leader now in front of me.

Rasputin and Riley were in the plaza waiting for me. Rasputin was pretty excited to learn what I did going on about protocols. While Riley was saying I've already made a name for myself. As one of her friends from the city called to tell her about. The black oni tyrant who led millions of undead in retaking the city mercilessly. With a strange wolf exo sniping enemies and rebellious undead. Then as if the army was a dream they disappeared in a black fire with only us both. Walking down the street calmly like we weren't just in a skirmish.

For our victory Cayde dragged us to the bar to party. Saying we need to relax after such a long and draining fight. I didn't drink anything but I sat at the bar eating a meatball sub. Rasputin not touching another glass of alcohol for tonight. As he doesn't want to be carried back again over my shoulder. Riley was making drunken advances on her pipe wrench. Which is quite funny as apparently it turned her down six times.

Cayde, Zavala, and Ikora where all relaxing back at a table. Drinking some scotch while complaining about the aburptness of the attack. Zavala half drunkenly screamed it was a bunch of bullshit and thay should fuċk off. Ikora was drinking in moderation while watching Zavala rant. Cayde well he was face down on the table singing he's awesome. Whileile his arms flailed about lazily before passing out.

Tonight's been interesting and rewarding to say the least. The universe better be careful though I'm pretty merciless. That I may hound anyone with undead if they bug me.

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