Chicago 1990

Chapter 174: kowtow

"This is what the girl Fiona said to the police."

Goodman rushed over quickly. "She said her father, Frank is an alcoholic, has been wandering outside, and the whole family does not have him. But as the guardian of five children, Frank will go home once a week. , Receive weekly welfare payments and unemployment benefits, most of which are used to pay for the alcohol bills, and a small part is left for a few children in the family to make ends meet."

Song Ya has experienced this kind of life, but Aunt Susie has a more conscience than Frank, and his five children use the money left over from drinking to make ends meet.

"Fiona found out that Frank hadn’t come home a week ago. She went to the bar to find someone. The people in the bar told him that Frank had a few words with an old man with a gray beard. The other party invited him some wine and left. Frank night No one saw him again after leaving the bar alone drunk."

"Later, the people in the bar saw the old Mike next to you on TV and recognized that he was the person who invited Frank to drink in the bar, so Fiona appeared in front of the reporter today."

"Old Mike said the same to the police. He went to Frank to talk and told him not to harass Connie anymore. He left when he took the words. That's it."

After listening to Goodman, Song Ya said: "This is unreasonable, right? Fiona's first choice shouldn't be to call the police?"

"According to her, Frank often went missing, so he didn't take it seriously at the beginning, and only asked a police officer friend to help find it in private." Goodman replied.

"So she was so smart that she caught an opportunity to focus on the media?" Song Ya didn't believe it at all. How could a child who grew up in a family have such a keen sense of smell.

"That girl is very pretty, you know, pretty girls are pretty good at making trouble," Goodman said.

"A white girl who grew up in Nancheng dare to have trouble with a black singer from Nancheng gang background? You haven't really understood Nancheng Chuck, it's impossible." Song Ya repeatedly shook his head, "unless someone encourages her, and that person is better than me. force."

"So you suspected that you were on Pablo?" Goodman was not convinced: "Frank is also white. Didn't he go to trouble Susie and Connie?"

"He's different..." Jia Chou Song Ya didn't need to say it, at least not wanting to say it for the time being, he had already guessed faintly why Frank would harass Connie.

"What did Pablo figure about? Let you help Little Lowry play songs? You are redder than Little Lowry, and your personal image and public perception are better than Little Lowry. Can you two take advantage of Little Lowry together?" As a lawyer, Goodman's thinking is very careful.

Song Ya picked up the microphone and yelled at him, "We will know this soon." He dialed Hayden's phone, "Hayden, are you asleep? Did you go to bed? Get up... I want you tomorrow morning Show up in New York, find Pablo, and discuss with him about joining hands with Lori."

"Why!?" Hayden protested loudly, "You and him..."

"Don't ask, don't ask any questions, you go to New York, negotiate with Pablo, and then report to me on the progress at any time."

"Okay, I'll do it...but it's your own decision, I reserve my opinion on APLUS." Hayden could only agree to it aggrievedly.

Hanging up, facing Goodman's questioning eyes, Song Ya smiled and pointed at him and herself: "You are a lawyer, and I am your client. I didn't kill Frank, but you don't believe it. What would you do? There are two different types of arguments. Which one would you use in court?"

"I won't go to court..."


"Well, I will probably adopt a defense plan that defaults to you killing someone, because clients often lie to lawyers." Goodman replied.

"Yes, Pablo is the same as you. He has already decided that I did Frank. He thinks he has caught me. If he doesn't make good use of it, he is not Pablo. What is he doing for Lori? Can do it all."

August 7th, at nine ten in the morning.

"The Chicago police have begun a large-scale search for the whereabouts of the missing Frank Gallagher. The case involves the famous local singer APLUS and his bodyguard. Analysts believe that if Frank Gallagher's body is found, significant progress will be made in this case..." A brief announcement of the news with a scene of a police officer asking the masses.

Old Mike's Cadillac Fifth Avenue slowly drove into the garage.

Song Ya hurried downstairs, arched when he saw the other party, and slowly pulled down the garage door.

"What's the matter with you?" Song Ya saw that his face was swollen with blood on the corner of his mouth.

"I was stopped by four scum police officers. We talked for a while." Old Mike walked to the faucet, spat out blood, then bent down and directed water to his mouth.

"Who? Will there be trouble?" Song Ya asked.

"The leader is Vick McGee. They asked about some cases. There will be no trouble, I promise." Old Mike took off his jacket and carefully checked his ribs.

"Should I call a doctor?"

"No, the old bones are very hard." Old Mike is very hard: "I have solved Frank's matter, and he should be found in two days."

"In two days, it will be the 9th? Very well, since you don't need it, I won't call a doctor. You can take care of it yourself, the break-in period?" Song Ya let go.

At ten o'clock, Hayden called and Song Ya turned off the TV.

"On the ninth, Lori will return to Chicago and perform the opening performance for the White Sox (major league baseball team) at the new Komisky Park. He invites you to come and perform his new single'I, Lori'. Paying for the chorus part and the phrase'Chicago X4, RAPGODX4', Pablo told me that when you sing RAPGOD, you still have to point your finger at Lori... This is too outrageous! It's just whimsical! It's completely out of Chicago! The status of the king of rap."

Hayden was very angry. "He might as well let you kneel to Lori on the spot kowtow (kowtow)."

"That's it, that's it! Hayden!"

Song Ya was relieved instead. Pablo was deceived by himself. He thought he sent Hayden overnight for fear of the murder case. This offer is also very logical. He found Frank's daughter, so he can't go wrong!

"How much is the liquidated damages for this kind of performance? Okay... you do, promise him, but you must first lower the price and handle it carefully so that you don't make him doubt... No, never touch the problem of liquidated damages."

After twelve o’clock, the noon news and daily news from the various stations were all gathered at home. The situation was very lively. The focus of the attack on Song Ya really focused on the Frank case. The words gangs, murders, etc. also frequently appeared on TV screens and In the newspaper.

"That's it, that's it..."

Song Ya became more and more excited. He and the door-to-door Eli said: "Reverse, I want a beautiful, perfect, artistic reversal!"

"As you wish." Dile smiled.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Snoop Dogg came to visit.

Song Ya met him in the garage, with Old Mike by his side.

"YO! Derui asked me to bring you a lofty tribute to APLUS brothers, what do you say, the dog that bites does not bark, we know at first sight that you are much more ruthless than Little Lori ." Snoop Dogg came up with a set of RAP.

"Search Mike." Song Ya didn't want to ignore him at all.

"Hey! Relax, what do you think of me? Am I the one who betrayed my brother?" Snoop Dog raised his hands to cooperate with the body search and protested loudly.

Old Mike carefully found a small packet of leaves, opened the plastic bag, and dumped the things into the sewer.

"FXXK, it's a pity, that's a good thing." Snoopy reluctantly gave up.

"I'm in trouble now, what can you do?" Song Ya asked him.

"It's still the same thing, let's take refuge in you, me and Derry! Brother, really really ask you to think about it. If GD doesn't cover us, we have only the blood gang to choose, and the lame rapper will take refuge in blood. Help? Really, we will be laughed to death by then."

Snoop Dogg came for that thing, "You send a gunman, just one, and you can do it by going to Los Angeles. Big E will be scared by you to diapers. Now you have a reputation! The rap circle is not convinced by anything. Just serve a ruthless person like you!"

He pointed to old Mike, "You can send this old man!"

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