Champion’s Heart

Vol 4 Chapter 277: Big star

Zhou Yi returned directly to his hometown of Qingyang from Changsha. The news that he was going home soon spread when he was still on the plane. Ω』Ω『E Novel WwánW. 』1XIAOOSHUO. COM

Of course, the first news came when he left Changsha, so he was warmly sent off at the airport.

Then on the plane, Zhou Yi, who was in first class, had just boarded the plane and was recognized by the flight attendants and passengers.

Before the plane took off, passengers kept coming to take photos with Zhou Yi and asked him to sign.

Fortunately, there were fewer people doing this after the plane took off. Zhou Yi fell asleep on the plane, and the people who came to disturb him were gone. Some people wanted to come to watch Zhou Yi, and they were persuaded by the flight attendants.

When the Chinese team just reached the World Cup, both the Chinese team and Zhou Yi were the focal points. Even non-fans who don’t watch the ball usually know the national team and Zhou Yi.

When Zhou Yi arrived at Qingyang Airport, because the plane did not land directly next to the terminal, but parked on the apron, everyone needed to take a shuttle bus.

After the plane landed, everyone was now ready for a grand welcome ceremony on the tarmac.

The red banner pulled up clearly read: "Warmly welcome Qingyang's proud Zhou Yi to go home!"

It's really Chinese characteristics...

In addition to the banner, many people gathered. There were fans and students. Zhou Yi’s parents and leaders were at the forefront. On either side of them, there are two children holding flowers...

Zhou Yi couldn't help grinning when he saw this scene through the porthole-he felt like he was enjoying the treatment of a national leader.

However, he was not disgusted with this arrangement. He could even think that his father must be very supportive of it-he has such a son, and of course he would like to let the world know about it. Have a face.

Zhou Yi is very clear that as a public figure and a star, there is nothing that is a trivial matter, and it is indispensable to cooperate with the leaders to make these face articles.

Zhou Yizao was psychologically prepared for this and could not be contradicted.

He is easy not to be a hostile person, but can do it for others. This is also one of the reasons for his good popularity.

And the point is that he is very clear that when he is famous, if he wants to go home in secret, it is impossible...

At the crucial moment when the Chinese team rushed out of Asia and moved to Brazil, when the popularity of the Chinese team exploded, how could he go to Jinyi night?

At this time, it would be too hypocritical to cover up.

So Zhou Yi quickly adjusted his expression.

However, he did not go down immediately. The flight attendants had received a ground notice to make Zhou Yi the last one to get off the plane.

So he had to wait in the first-class seats until the passengers behind him went down first.

Every passenger passing by him will give Zhou Yi a thumbs up, and will dare to pat Zhou Yi's shoulder.

But no one asked him to take a group photo and asked for an autograph, which relieved the flight attendant who was responsible for maintaining order.

But in the end the flight attendants swarmed up to take photos with Zhou Yi, which made the air police to maintain order a little difficult.

Zhou Yi said he didn't care.

The flight attendants gathered Zhou Yi together in cheers, and then took a group photo with him.

Later, this photo of Zhou Yi surrounded by many beautiful women was uploaded to the Internet, which attracted everyone's envy.

After everyone left on the plane, the cabin door closed again, and Zhou Yi walked to the cabin door with his bag at the beckoning of the stewardess and waited.

This is the lens that needs the camera to take the cabin door open and Zhou Yi walks out of it.

It's always unpleasant to wait, so the stewardess can only say to Zhou Yi with an apologetic smile and tone: "Sorry, just wait a little longer..."

Zhou Yi smiled and said to her: "It doesn't matter, it's not too bad for a while."

With a command, the cabin door slowly opened.

Zhou Yi took a step forward and appeared on the ramp.

At the scene, there was a sudden thunder and thunder, and the flash struck.

In the cheers, Zhou Yi took the steps down and did not forget to wave to the welcoming crowd below.

It looks very generous and natural, without any formality.

As a top European star, Zhou Yi has seen such a big scene.

For the children saluting with flowers, the leaders shaking hands and greetings, and the journalists holding cameras and cameras, he was comfortable and calm, with a smile on his face from beginning to end, making people feel like a spring breeze.

Such a performance is naturally happy in the end.

As Qingyang's pride, Zhou Yi and his parents were finally taken home by a Mercedes-Benz S6oo sponsored by a company.

At the entrance of the community, there is naturally another process like this, but the scale is much smaller. The biggest leader is nothing more than the district leader where Zhouyi Community is located.

After a lot of tossing, Zhou Yicai and his parents sat on the sand at home, and he let out a breath.

"Tired? I said don't do these things..." Zhou Yi's mother heartbroken her son and complained about her husband coming.

Zhou Jianliang retorted: "If you say this kind of thing, you really don't want to do it anymore? Rather than let reporter fans huddle around at the pick-up gate, it's better to arrange like this..."

Zhou Yi waved his hand: "I'm not tired, I'm not tired because of this-how tired can it be?"

"Alas, these days it is estimated that various activities are indispensable... Even if you go home, I am afraid that you really don't have much time to stay at home." Mom sighed. She felt uncomfortable about her son returning home and eventually participating in various activities. She felt that her son had been robbed by others.

Zhou Yi's dad doesn't care-these activities are good things that are in the limelight.

He suddenly thought of something, and said to Zhou Yi: "Son, there is something... This morning, I received a call from Gao Gao."

"Qingyang is high?" Zhou Yi froze for a moment.

"Yes, they called, I hope you can return to your alma mater to visit, and then talk to the students."

"This is no problem." Zhou Yi agreed with a sip, without hesitation.

Zhou Yi is still very affectionate about his alma mater. Of course, he is willing to return to his alma mater, and he will not charge for this kind of activity-according to Schulzer, Zhou Yi is now money, so let him participate Any activity must be paid, whether it is an interview or a TV program recording.

But this kind of activity, Zhou Yi will not collect money.

Although her mother was dissatisfied with Zhou Yi's participation in so many activities, she did not object to this invitation from the school.

She may not feel very good to participate in those business activities, but she is able to return to her alma mater and give lectures to students, but Li Cuiyun is very supportive.


In the next two days, Zhou Yi non-stop to participate in some government and commercial activities.

Basically from the morning to the evening, all the time is full.

First, the Qingyang Municipal Government gave the Zhou Yi Award. This award was due to the Chinese team's entry into the World Cup the government's bonus. In fact, it was not given by the government. It was a villa sponsored by a real estate company. The government itself did not pay. The real estate company took advantage of this opportunity to brush its presence in the media, which is equivalent to playing an advertisement.

Although the Zhou Yi family already has a house to live in, and the family of three does not need any villas, Zhou Yi did not refute, but accepted it.

In addition to the house, he was rewarded with a car worth 300,000 yuan, which was also sponsored by the company.

Zhou Yi accepted the same, and had no meaning to be modest and polite.

These are all he deserves, and his performance is worthy of such rewards, so he does not feel the need for humility.

Sometimes, modesty is really a hypocrisy.

In addition to receiving rewards, Zhou Yi also accepted interviews with several media and participated in a charity event.

The two days have passed very quickly in this intensive arrangement.

On the third day, Zhou Yi returned to his alma mater.

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