This man was He Yuhan's bodyguard, and he was often familiar with the places He Yu-Meng and Lang Jiahh went. He Jianqi was very satisfied now. This time, she didn't believe that He Yuhan wouldn't miscarry or have an accident.

"Young madam, where are we going!"

"Go out and buy some food!"

He Yulian's company's canteen was really not used to it. She was also allowed to go out to buy one, but she didn't want that many people following her. As long as one person followed her, it would be fine!

"Xiao Wu, follow me!"

What a coincidence, Xiao Wu arrived at the corner of the company and used his hand to cover He Yuhan's mouth. In less than a minute, He Yuhan had lost consciousness and fainted.

The silk handkerchief in Xiao Wu's hand was covered with knockout drugs, causing He Yulian to faint. Lang Jiahh's company's Xiao Lu saw all this and was about to go back and report it to Lang Jiahh, but Lang Mengyi blocked her way.

"If you are going to report it, I will let my family die without even knowing where. I'll give you a sum of money if you don't report it. "

Other than some accidents, Xiao Lu did not report it or report it.

"Woman, you just can't escape from me. "Haha." While He Jianqi was still triumphant over herself, she didn't know that He Yufei had saved him.

Chu Yufei saw He Yuxiu sitting in the passenger seat of a car, so he followed her closely until the car stopped at a small hotel before stopping Xiao Wu.

"Let her go, I'll give you double the reward."

Xiao Wu knew how important He Yu-Meng was, so Chu Yufei threw him a cheque with 2 million written on it. God, how many years would it take him to earn twenty million?

Xiao Wu took the cheque and let He Yufei go. Chu Yufei took He YuMeng and she still hadn't woken up yet. "Sorry, He Yuhan!"

He drove her to the clothing store opposite Lang Jiach's company. Seeing that it was He Yuhan, the manager called Lang Jiahh.

Liu Zhimei was caught in an underground garage that hadn't been used for a long time. They tied her to a post and taped her mouth. "Wu, wu, wu!"

He Yulian's pupils constantly expanded. Had she been kidnapped? Where is it?

Two hours had passed, but he still couldn't find He Yufei. Just when he was about to call the police, Chu Yufei called him.

Seeing He Jianqi's frantic actions, her face turned red. She had still underestimated He Yulian. Did she think that with Lang Jiah's love, with his child, she would be able to keep her position?

By the time Lang Jiahe arrived, He Yuhan was already awake. In fact, she had been in a daze forty minutes ago, and had only vaguely heard Chu Yufei's words. No matter how much damage he did to her before, it was Chu Yufei who saved her this time.

"It was Chu Yufei who saved me!"

Lang Jiahh had investigated and found out that the security guards of his company had been bribed, and were even bribed. They knew who had kidnapped them, but did not report that they had been bribed! Who in the world had such great ability? He had to find out who this person was after his company had kidnapped him right under his nose.

The sky was still struggling with the season, and soon it would be summer. He Yulian sat in a rocking chair in the yard enjoying the rare good weather. It was neither hot nor pestilential, just sunny, and there was no rain.

"Long time no see." When He Yulian closed her eyes, a voice appeared to disturb her. A familiar voice entered her mind, piecing together all of those intermittent memories.

Chu Yufei knew that He Yuhan was here, he wanted to see if anything had happened to her. He Yulian remembered that she was very grateful to him for saving her, and her hatred towards him had lessened!

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