Centennial Family, Rising From Hong Kong Island

A century-old family, starting from Hong Kong Island Chapter 263

Over the past year, she began to slowly put down her acting career and pestered Su Shaoze all day long.

For this little fairy, Su Shaoze was concerned about her young age and was afraid of problems, but now she has grown up.

So, she got pregnant naturally!

Su Shaoze already had two sons, and he did not force the child in Zhou Huimin's womb.

Boys don't matter, daughters are better!

However, Zhou Huimin wanted a son more, because her mother-in-law had been in poor health for the past year, and she wanted her mother-in-law to see the birth of her great-grandson before she left.

The little goblin lay in Su Shaoze's arms very dishonestly, her two crystal clear feet kept moving, her tongue licked her lips and giggled.

But how dare Su Shaoze touch her at this time.

Fortunately, the phone rang at the critical moment, and Su Shaoze suppressed his anger and picked up the phone: "Hello."

However, there was no voice on the phone immediately, but a low-pitched sob.

Hearing this voice, Su Shaoze knew it was Liu Xiaoli.

So he hurriedly asked: "Xiao Li, what's the matter? What happened?"

Liu Xiaoli is currently in the mainland. Although Su Shaoze has some influence in the mainland, it is not as convenient as being on Hong Kong Island. He is also afraid that something will happen to Liu Xiaoli.

"Don't cry, I'm here for everything!"

Su Shaoze said comfortingly, he didn't know in his heart, so if something happened to Liu Xiaoli, the bodyguards around him must have already sent the news!

Fortunately, what Su Shaoze was worried about didn't happen, and Liu Xiaoli's sobbing voice came from the phone.

"Brother Ze, I, I'm pregnant~" Guang.

Chapter 456 Gangdong Supermarket, my son-in-law's [seeking flowers! Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Su Shaoze didn't expect that his marksmanship was so accurate that it hit two shots with one shot.

While Zhou Huimin was pregnant, Liu Xiaoli was also pregnant.

Counting the time, it should be that time, Liu Xiaoli was also spoiled by this little girl, Zhou Huimin, and she played crazy that time.

But since the two girls are pregnant, Su Shaoze is naturally happy, which is a good thing.

But it also gave him some insight, he had to watch his own bullets, and he was determined not to make any bloody incidents about the illegitimate son of a wealthy family.

Su Shaoze felt that marrying these few women would be enough to enter the Su family, and he didn't need too many concubines, nor too many children.

It is annoying for a dozen women to compete for favor at home, and it will only be more annoying for dozens of children to compete for family property in the future.

So for those women raised outside, depending on the situation, it is not easy to enter the Su family, and it is even more difficult to give birth to Su Shaoze.

There are only two children who really have the right to inherit the Su family, and there are two more in the belly!

On the other side, Liu Xiaoli hung up the phone, tears flashed in her eyes, and she laughed while crying.

"What's the matter, what did that man say? Does he not want this child?" Father Liu asked, his face livid.

Because Liu's father has experienced educated youth returning home, and has also seen many Chen Shimei with his own eyes, abandoning his wife and son for a place to return to the city.

I have also heard that many girls aborted their children or made some compromises for the sake of quotas.

After going through all this, Father Liu was worried that his daughter would also be cheated by those scumbags.

That bastard man can make his daughter's stomach bigger, what else can't be done?

If that was the case, he wished he could kill that man with a 40-meter broadsword right now. His precious daughter wasn't just for being spoiled casually.

"No, no, Brother Ze is very happy. He wants me to return to Hong Kong Island as soon as possible. After all, the medical conditions there are better and better for children."

Sensing the 'murderous look' in her father's tone, Liu Xiaoli quickly denied it.

Hearing this, Liu's father's grip on his heart was released, and at the same time, a deep sense of helplessness arose from the bottom of his heart. He was pregnant, what else could he do?

As long as the man is willing to take charge.

But at this time, Liu's mother's mind began to change slowly, and she quickly asked: "What's his name, how old is he, what does he do, and how many people are there in the family~"

Liu Xiaoli was overwhelmed by the series of words that came out of Liu's mother.

But at this time, she can only tell the truth.

"His name is Su Shaoze. He is from the Mainland. He later went to Hong Kong Island to do business. He is now the owner of a company. He is 27 years old this year!"

At the beginning, when Mother Liu heard that Su Shaoze was doing business in Hong Kong Island and was a big boss, her face was a little unhappy.

Because in his impression, the bosses on Hong Kong Island are all fat-headed and very old.

But when she heard that Su Shaoze was only twenty-seven years old, Mother Liu suddenly laughed.

Just a few years older than my daughter, just the right age.

And he is a big boss, he has a career at a young age, he is handsome and rich, and his daughter will not suffer if she follows him.

But hearing the name Su Shaoze, Father Liu seemed a little familiar.

"You said his name is Su Shaoze? He started a company on Hong Kong Island?" Father Liu said with a frown.

Liu Xiaoli nodded slightly.


After Liu's father finished speaking, he walked out of the bedroom and went into the study. After a while, he finally came back with a newspaper.

Putting the newspaper in front of Liu Xiaoli, pointing to a photo on it, said:

"Look, is it him?"

This is exactly the photo of Su Shaoze shaking hands with the leader when he came to the mainland last time. At that time, the delegation's visit to the capital was also a big event. It was very sensational, and almost all the media reported it.

And as a member of the system, Father Liu, who often reads newspapers, naturally remembered the name Su Shaoze. Who made him the youngest among all the bigwigs in Hong Kong Island!

The newspaper didn't give much introduction to Su Shaoze, but only said that he was the chairman of Yinhe Group, a famous patriotic businessman, and was personally received and praised by the leaders.

However, Father Liu has always felt that he and Su Shaoze are far away. He is not at a level that he can get in touch with. He can chat and laugh happily with the leaders, but it is difficult for him to meet the top leaders in the market.

But now, he suddenly heard from his daughter that his boyfriend's name is Su Shaoze, and they all do business in Hong Kong Island.

Father Liu muttered in his heart, could it be him?

Sure enough, his conjecture was quickly fulfilled, Liu Xiaoli looked at the photo in the newspaper and nodded lightly and said, "It's Brother Ze, I didn't expect you to still have this newspaper, Dad~"

On the other side, Mother Liu couldn't wait a long time ago: "Take it here and let me see, what does it look like?"

After seeing Su Shaoze's photo, Liu's mother really smiled brighter

"This young man is really energetic. He is tall and big. He has strength at first glance, and his eyes are really magical."


It is said that the mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, and the more she looks at her, the more she likes her. This has been fully fulfilled with Liu's mother.

The first time he saw Su Shaoze's photo, he recognized this son-in-law. He is tall and handsome, with an excellent temperament, and he is a perfect match for his daughter.

Moreover, he became a big boss at a young age, and was personally interviewed by the leader. In ancient times, this is to face the face of the sky!

Liu's mother was so satisfied with this son-in-law that even Liu's father stopped talking at this moment. The boyfriend her daughter found was very good.

"What business does he do? What does the Galaxy Group do?" Father Liu asked with a straight face pretending to be calm.

But Liu Xiaoli breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, she knew that she had passed the first level, let's talk about other things later!

At that time, the two of them could slowly accept the affairs of Su Shaoze's other women, instead of running to Hong Kong Island with a 40-meter machete to chop him up.

"The Yinhe Group does a lot of business. It opens a bank, engages in real estate development, power supply, oil extraction, electronic product manufacturing, film and TV series, and newspaper media..."

Liu Xiaoli briefly talked about the general situation of the Galaxy Group, and Liu's father and Liu's mother were shocked.

Do so much business?

How rich is that!

"By the way, the Gangdong Supermarket opposite our family courtyard is owned by Yinhe Group, and it's Brother Ze's property." 7

"Really? Gangdong Supermarket also belongs to Aze?" Mother Liu smiled brighter after hearing the shock.

If she doesn't have a specific concept for other industries of Galaxy Group, then Gangdong Supermarket is different.

This is the first large modern supermarket in their city!

On the opening day, the top leaders of the market came to cut the ribbon in person, which was a great sensation. There were a lot of things in it, many of which were directly imported from Hong Kong Island, and could not be bought in other places in the mainland.

And I heard that there is also a Gangdong International Mall in the provincial capital, which is even bigger.

But now, Mother Liu didn't expect that these belonged to her future son-in-law, so proud of herself!

After seeing the old sisters, I can brag a little bit.

"Okay, okay~" Mother Liu smiled even more happily.

Although she didn't expect her daughter to find her a wealthy husband, wouldn't it be better for a son-in-law to be promising! .

Chapter 457 Yen! JPY! [Ask for flowers! Ask for a monthly pass! 】

When Su Shaoze knew that Liu Xiaoli was also pregnant, he naturally wanted her to return to Hong Kong Island to wait for delivery, but Liu Xiaoli had just returned home for a few days, so he didn't want to return to Hong Kong Island too early.

So Su Shaoze could only send a baby-care team to the mainland to take care of Liu Xiaoli.

If it wasn't for Su Shaoze who couldn't get away, he would have personally gone to the mainland to bring Liu Xiaoli back.

During this time, Su Shaoze's time became even more tense.

The entire Hong Kong Island consortium has mobilized a total of 60 billion Hong Kong dollars in cash, preparing to enter the foreign exchange market of the island country.

And the Galaxy Group alone contributed 30 billion.

It's a big gamble.

Although Su Shaoze knew that the possibility of his failure was very small, unless there was a subversive change in the general environment, he would not fail.

But Su Shaoze still did not dare to take it lightly, after all, this is 30 billion Hong Kong dollars!

During this period of time, the mood of these rich people on Hong Kong Island began to tense, and they showed less and less time outside.

Many people speculate that major events may happen on Hong Kong Island, but in fact it is an island country.

29 Dongjing Stock Exchange, a busy day begins.

Not long after Taro Fukuda, the president of the exchange, was sitting in his office, there was a knock on the door, and an assistant walked in with a document.

"President, this is the news reported by Manager Hattori. A sum of money suddenly appeared in the foreign exchange market and is buying Japanese yen."

Taro Fukuda took a look and let it go. This is a normal process, and any large-scale capital transactions should be reported to him, the president, as soon as possible.

Although this amount of funds is quite a lot, a full 100 million U.S. dollars, it is nothing to an international stock exchange.

So Taro Fukuda didn't care about it, he just acted as a speculator in a certain country who was optimistic about the yen.

But not long after, the assistant knocked on the door again.

"President, it's another sum of money to buy Japanese yen."

By the end of the day, more than one billion US dollars had poured into the foreign exchange market, and they were divided into hundreds of separate transactions, all of which were bought in Japanese yen.

You must know that this is only 85 years, and more than one billion US dollars is a huge sum of money.

"Find out the source of these funds for me, who is it?" Fukuda Taro said with a solemn brow.

"Yes, President~"

It is very unusual. Although the foreign exchange market has a large trading volume, many international speculators will buy some Japanese yen for investment, but they have never made billions of dollars in one day like now.

Converted into Japanese yen, it is 300 billion!

But Fukuda Taro did not expect that this was just the beginning, and more funds poured into the foreign exchange market in the next few days.

And the same thing is happening not only in the East Longitude exchange, but even in major stock exchanges around the world.

Caused the yen to rise to a certain extent.

"President, according to our investigation, some of the money in the foreign exchange market comes from Maoziguo, and more comes from Hong Kong Island."

"Maoziguo? Hong Kong Island?"

Hearing these two places, Taro Fukuda frowned even deeper. How did these two places get mixed together?

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