Celestial Masters Alliance

Purifying Mantra Chapter 219 Crazy

When my eyes could see again, Zhang Lingxi's face was enlarged. The expression of disgust was no longer there, and there was worry in his eyes. His mouth opened and closed anxiously to call, but I couldn't hear the sound. I could only nod, saying that I was fine. Then he pointed to his ears to show that he couldn't hear.

Zhang Lingxi understood what I meant, left me in a panic, and ran away. I got up and looked in the direction he left. The thunder and lightning just split open a pit on the ground. Ma Tiantong and Xie were already standing by the pit. , looking into the pit through the collapsed and burning villa.

Thunder and lightning not only struck Mao Tianshi, but also destroyed the villa. The special fuel in the villa caused the ruins to burn out of control. The fire lit up the entire mountain. This was great, and I couldn't help but want people to find out.

I also ran to the pit, and my hearing gradually recovered. The fire burned and made a sound like the roar of a beast. At this intensity, the fire would probably affect other mountains. My mind was in a mess, but Ma Tiantong was already reporting the fire and its location to the other end of the phone. After speaking on the phone, he threw the phone into the fire.

I looked at the coke tied up by the golden snake whip in the pit, and sighed, it was expected! The thunder and lightning just now was more powerful than the one caused the first time, and most people would have turned into ashes long ago...

The black coal at the bottom of the pit suddenly moved twice, and he stood up suddenly, coughed twice, looked around, and started coughing again. The eyes on his dark face were particularly clear, and he no longer pretended to be immortal. Hypocrisy and hatred.

He rushed towards Zhang Lingxi, but because he was restrained by the golden snake whip and couldn't control his balance well, he fell down several times at the edge of the pit before climbing back up. Ma Tiantong quickly stretched out his hand and pulled Zhang Lingxi behind him. Master Mao Tiantong looked at Ma Tiantong and shouted: "The matter is done, give me the money quickly! I have to buy an electric fan before the department store closes!"

He shook his head nervously: "No! It's too hot! The children are crowded together, and they can't sleep at all at night. Xiaoyu has prickly heat on his body! I have to buy a fan first, and then renovate the Taoist temple..."

"No, no, no, I'd better take the children to a place where they can make more money!" As he spoke, he knelt on the ground and cried loudly: "I was wrong, I was wrong, I shouldn't have taken the children at all. It would be great if the children went to a place like that and stayed in the Taoist temple to live peacefully..."

"No, no, no! It's all because of them. If we don't leave, we will be arrested. We won't survive..." He repeated these words over and over again, even coughing could not stop him.

The magnetic field on his body spread out and had no tendency to gather. "He is crazy, and his consciousness was split apart by lightning." I made a statement without emotion at all about what I could see.

Ma Tiantong and Zhang Lingxi looked at each other and then turned to Master Mao Tianshi at the same time. Mao Yiping was still kneeling on the ground and crying. They both sighed at the same time. Zhang Lingxi took back the golden snake whip that was bound to Mao Yiping and looked at me. He glanced at it and said, "You can do it. You actually used the fire talisman to attract thunder and lightning. However, the paper talisman burned just now, and the atomized talisman that gathered your blood was left in the air. In fact, you can use the paper talisman to condense the thoughts and manipulate the elements to arrange and combine. It directly attracts thunder and lightning.”

I didn’t understand the long paragraph he said before, but I did understand the paragraph that concentrated his thoughts at the end. I didn’t want to choke him, I just told the truth: “First of all, I don’t understand how the elements should be arranged. Secondly, there are no Chinese signs on the heads of those elements, making it difficult to implement your opinions in reality."

Zhang Lingxi nodded, looked at the villa with an ever-increasing burning area and said: "The mountain collapse has blocked the only road leading here. I'm afraid the fire fighters will not be able to get here for a while, and if this continues, innocent people will be affected."

Ma Tiantong interrupted: "Hey!" He raised his head and looked at the rolling clouds in the sky and said: "The bonus that you just used to induce thunder and lightning will arrive soon. Don't worry about other mountains. We, on the other hand, have to go down the mountain quickly. The fire is bound to cause Attention of the surrounding residents, there is only one way to go up and down here. It is too late and it will not be good to be stuck on the road with this thing." Ma Tiantong lifted Master Mao Tian who was almost fainting from crying and handed it to Zhang Lingxi. A look.

Zhang Lingxi immediately understood and called Xie over. Ma Tiantong was holding Mao Tianshi and was about to throw him onto Xie's back. However, Mao Yiping struggled and ran away, jumping and shouting: "You bastard, it's your turn now!" It’s time for Master to arrest you!”

Before any of us could react, Mao Tianshi rushed back, opened his arms and deliberately slowed down his movements. Although he was chopped into black charcoal, we could still distinguish his funny expression and his appearance. It's really creepy with a weird expression on his face.

Both Ma Tiantong and Zhang Lingxi were disgusted and moved away. Only I forced myself to freeze in place and he hugged me upright. Mao Yiping hugged me tightly, raised his head and his eyes were infinitely gentle. He raised his hand and touched my hair with his toes. She said softly: "Little fish, you have to be good, and you have to listen to the master when you grow up, you know?"

Zhang Lingxi came over and slashed the back of his neck with a knife. Mao Yiping staggered twice and then lost consciousness. I reached out to catch him and said, "What should I do with him?"

"Take it to Longxi Island." Ma Tiantong came over again and grabbed Mao Yiping's back collar, but his clothes were scorched by lightning and shattered into dust at the touch. Ma Tiantong had no choice but to lift one of his arms and throw him onto Xie's back.

I chased him for two steps: "He killed someone and should face legal punishment."

Ma Tiantong looked back at me coldly and said, "Do you have a complete chain of evidence to prosecute him?"

Zhang Lingxi handed me my backpack. I glanced at the villa still burning in the fire and hugged the backpack tightly. Zhang Lingxi held my shoulders with both hands and slid his hands up and down my arms twice to express comfort: "He is crazy now. As long as someone puts him on medical parole, he will still be used. It is better to keep him in our custody." Within the controllable range. For example, Dragon Breath Island."

I nodded and said, "But Longxi Island has been destroyed by the volcanic eruption!"

Zhang Lingxi put down her hands on my shoulders, lowered her head and thought for a moment before saying: "Let me tell you this! You ate the wrong thing and had a stomachache for two days. Wouldn't it be fine if you didn't even need to take medicine? The same is true in that place. .”

Ma Tiantong interrupted him and said, "Your metaphor is so disgusting!"

Zhang Lingxi waited for him and said, "Can you tell me something better?"

Ma Tiantong pulled up Mao Yiping's body that was hanging on the side of the beast. After finding the best balance point, he turned around and said: "Once there are too many species in that place and the operation is overloaded, it will conduct a clearing on its own. It will return to normal after that. The species that escaped this disaster will reproduce again and wait for the next eradication. Heavy rain is coming, let’s go!”

While I was still digesting what they said, I was grabbed by Ma Tiantong and pulled onto Xie's back. After Zhang Lingxi also jumped up, Xie slowly took off and set off towards the town.

Before reaching the town, huge raindrops poured down from cumulonimbus clouds. The townspeople who had just discovered the wildfire and wanted to find out what happened retreated back to their homes. We took advantage of the heavy rain to land in a sparsely populated area, and Ma Tiantong's car happened to be parked nearby.

After landing, Xie shook off the rainwater and shrunk to the size of a cat at a speed visible to the naked eye. Zhang Lingxi bent down and took it into his arms. Ma Tiantong put Mao Yiping on his shoulders and quickly ran towards the old pickup truck he drove, threw Mao Yiping in and looked at me.

Zhang Lingxi had already hid in the back seat. I knew it was time for us to say goodbye here, but I felt a little embarrassed for some reason. I cleared my throat and then said to Ma Tiantong, "Well..."

"What?" The heavy rain hit the ground and drowned out my voice, causing Ma Tiantong to yell at me.

I sighed in my heart and yelled loudly: "I told you, I won't see you off if you go to Dragon's Breath Island!"

Ma Tiantong wiped the water on his face, lowered his head, and after a while he took out a Ruyi Jade Lock from his pocket and shouted: "I took this thing away! Stay alive and wait until I come back to pay you back!" "

I looked at the jade lock and cursed in my heart: Didn’t you get that thing for yourself a long time ago without asking? What kind of article are you going to use it for now? Besides, I can't get a cheap deal and act like a good boy. I took this thing away and the fat man left the Five Mysterious Bells. What else can I say?

I nodded and whispered back: "Try your best!"

Ma Tiantong looked at me again before getting into the driver's seat. Zhang Lingxi lowered the rear window, put up a awning on his forehead to cover his clean face, and greeted loudly: "Zhu Mo! I'll give you a piece of advice!"

Knowing that he wouldn't have anything nice to say, I had no choice but to reply: "Speak!"

He moved closer to the window again, stretched out his hand to poke the smile on my face, and then shouted: "Don't do this again, it's too much!"

I felt frustrated and touched my face, okay? After I lost all feeling, I tried even harder to maintain the same condition. I was afraid that others would see that I was unconscious, so Zhang Lingxi vetoed all my efforts with just one sentence. well! Forget it, it would be nice to have someone like this to give me some advice!

"I got it! Take care of yourself!" I said to the window.

Zhang Lingxi nodded and closed the window. Ma Tiantong started the car and drove away. I shouted at the taillights: "Drive carefully!" Both Zhang Lingxi and Ma Tiantong opened the windows and stretched out their hands to wave.

I stood alone in the heavy rain, sighing silently: this farewell, maybe we will never see each other again. Take care of yourself!

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