Celestial Masters Alliance

Purifying Mantra Chapter 210 A Helper Came

The address given by Mao Yingnan was very detailed. I took a train to the local area, rented a car, repaired it for a night, and then drove the next day to find the place euphemistically called Jinxiu Villa.

In addition to mountains, this town is completely flat. There is not even a building more than 20 meters tall, and there is neither a splendid view nor a villa. After walking around for a long time, I asked the people at the small shop and learned that there was originally a road leading directly to the mountain at the intersection of the town, which was the exclusive road to Jinxiu Villa. However, Jinxiu Villa had been abandoned for a long time. Last year, it rained heavily and the rocks collapsed. It's blocked. Since the mountainous land is sold to developers and the developers don't care about it, people in the town will naturally not meddle in their own business, so the road has always been blocked.

The owner of the small shop also advised me not to run there if I had nothing to do. Since the completion of Jinxiu Villa, the whole mountain has become ghostly. The developer must not have asked my husband to see it, which is a Feng Shui taboo. I walked from the town intersection at night. As you pass by, you can hear the cries of children coming from the mountains.

I told the boss that I heard that a resort was built here a few years ago. There was a loud noise at the time, but then there was no news. I just happened to pass by nearby today and asked casually. I don’t know if the boss believes it. I’m a little worried. People in small places are outspoken. Maybe someone will call the police and go up the mountain to investigate before I go up the mountain, ruining my big job.

Saying goodbye to the owner of the small shop, I drove around the town again before returning to the intersection. The town was desolate all year round, and not a single car passed by for a long time. I parked the car at the place where the mountain collapsed, and crossed the pile of landslides. Looking inside, there is indeed a winding mountain path. Because no one has taken care of it all year round, the road is covered with gravel and fallen leaves, creating an endlessly desolate scene.

Even if the intersection where the mountain collapsed was dug, the car would still be unable to go up the mountain and would have to abandon the car. I had no choice but to drive back to the town, get a room in the only guest house in the town, and pay the room fee for three days. After eating something, I lay in bed and waited for nightfall.

There are no entertainment options in the town, and the whole town goes to sleep around ten o'clock. In order to deceive others, I insisted on waiting until twelve o'clock before sneaking out with my equipment.

After crossing the stone slope blocking the path, there is no light on the winding mountain road. The strange thing is that the moon, which was still in the sky before I went out, seemed to be hiding secretly to stop me. I took out my flashlight, dimmed the light, and walked hard on the dead leaves and stones on the ground. Although I couldn't feel the cold wind, I could see it teasing the corners of my clothes and deliberately teasing the withered grass branches on the roadside, making a strange and soul-stirring sound.

I don’t know what the developers were bewitched to build the villa on this remote and steep mountain. They also built the winding mountain road to be narrow and steep. There were no protective measures on the outside of the road. I don’t know that when the villa was built, Have any of the building materials vehicles had any accidents?

After walking for a full hour, I saw only 90-degree turns and 45-degree turns on the winding mountain road, twisting and turning but no sign of the villa. I began to suspect that I had either climbed up the Penrose Stairs or encountered a ghost beating the wall. When I was frustrated, a bright light came towards me from the front. I was swept away by this strong light in the darkness. I subconsciously squinted my eyes, preparing myself for the temporary blindness. I pulled my hand back and pulled out the dagger hidden under my backpack. . Perhaps because his body had no feeling and his eyes didn't need time to adapt, he looked directly at the light source of the flashlight. Ma Tiantong, dressed in black, was sitting on a stone that was broken into two halves, with his feet raised and his chin raised at me.

"Why are you here?" I quickly stepped forward and kicked his shoes.

Ma Tiantong stared at me, scanned me from top to bottom with his flashlight several times, then pursed his lips into a straight line, nodded, shook his head and whispered in a low voice: "It's true that if you follow your duty, disasters will be natural." Eliminate it."

"What?" Actually, I heard his words clearly. They were the ones he ordered for my life when I went to Longxi Island with Fatty. When Ma Tiantong suddenly said this at this moment, he must have noticed the changes in me. It's just that the disaster will disappear naturally. I can't agree. After all, someone will come to take my head after completing the mission. How can this disaster disappear? Could it be that if there is no feeling, if someone chops off the head, the pain will be eliminated?

"Waiting for you!" Ma Tiantong stood up from the stone, patted his butt and complained: "I saw you entering the town during the day, and you just came up now!"

I saw that Ma Tiantong didn't want to continue the topic of criticizing orders, so I didn't bother to ask. I guess he was worried that two people going up the mountain would attract more attention than one person, so he deliberately avoided me and went up the mountain first. But how did he know this place?

"Will you help me?" I asked tentatively.

Ma Tiantong shrugged, walked in front and continued to move up the mountain. There was no answer from him for a long time, only the sound of dry leaves crunching under his feet on the road, accompanied by the embarrassment of occasionally kicking small rocks to break the tranquility. Since he doesn't want to talk, let's talk about something else: "How is Zhang Lingxi?"

Ma Tiantong stopped and looked at me with a curled lips and said, "The contents of his stomach have been taken out, and he is recuperating after the wound was re-sutured."

I lowered my head to avoid his eyes, feeling like I was a bitch who would just dig into a hole when nothing happened.

Ma Tiantong reached out and patted me on the shoulder, laughing uncontrollably: "In that kind of complex environment, we can understand."

This guy suddenly became sensible, which is so unaccustomed to him. Maybe it's because Zhang Lingxi is not around.

Ma Tiantong put his arm around my neck and pulled me toward him, arm in arm and walking forward. I was in a state of rejection. Is this guy really Ma Tiantong? Could it be that he is a bad guy wearing a human skin mask? From the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of his hand on my shoulder and squeezed hard. Maybe he could see that I had blessed the Heart Purification Mantra, but he didn't know that I had lost all my feelings.

It seemed that this incident made him trust me more, and he finally decided to tell me the purpose of his coming here: "The fat man asked me to catch the fugitive who betrayed his master and abandoned his ancestors. It just so happens that I want to return your favor, two things." Doing things together saves trouble!"

snort! You didn't suffer any loss at all, and you dared to shamelessly say that it's time to get to know you again. Just as I was thinking about it, I reached out and pinched his face hard, pinched the skin around his ears and pulled it out hard.

Ma Tiantong didn't expect my sudden attack and couldn't hide away. He covered his face in pain and jumped to his feet, screaming: "Are you sick? You're so cruel."

"I'm testing whether you're crazy or fake." I rushed forward to tear him down again.

This time Ma Tiantong was prepared, jumped back, took a step sideways, perfectly dodged my attack, and screamed: "I just brewed up the emotion to influence you, but it was wasted, can you do it?"

"If you have something to say, just say it, if you have a fart, just let it go. Don't make so many noises. I can't feel it anyway." I growled impatiently, and suddenly realized that any random noise we made could be heard in this quiet valley. The reverberation in his heart expanded tenfold, and he unconsciously covered his mouth. Damn it, he was so blatantly heading to someone else's lair and making such a loud noise, as if he was afraid Mao Tianshi wouldn't notice.

Ma Tiantong paused for a moment, turned on his toes and jumped, landing next to me. He deliberately did not question what I just said: "There is no need to be secretive. A warlock of Master Mao Tiantong's level, you just entered the town today." It’s decided when you will go up the mountain, there’s no use hiding it.”

I sighed deeply in my heart, maybe it would be sooner than I knew.

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