Celestial Masters Alliance

Purifying Mantra Chapter 168 His Experience

The liar pursed his lips, chuckled and shook his head: "The Zhang family re-registered my household registration, calling me a relative of theirs, and even adopted the name "Miao Qing". I didn't understand why I adopted this name at the time. , when I was a sophomore, those men in black came again. But this time they didn’t attack me directly, they just followed me furtively. The Zhang family didn’t teach me boxing and kicking skills, so I could only endure it silently until Zhang My family called Zhang Lingxi back and arranged him to teach in the school while secretly protecting me." When Zhang Lingxi was mentioned this time, the liar lowered his head and smiled.

Then he looked up at me and continued: "You have also been in contact with him, and you know him to some extent. He always lives so real..."

Zhang Lingxi always inadvertently reveals a large amount of highly credible information. He may seem unreliable on the outside, but he is actually an extremely reliable person. I nodded slightly to confirm the liar's evaluation of Zhang Lingxi.

Seeing me nodding in approval, the liar continued: "Those people are taboo about Zhang Lingxi, and his whereabouts have become hidden. But as time goes by, there will always be loopholes taken advantage of. I was arrested and locked up in a basement. I couldn't judge who was being taken. How long have I been detained? They neither gave me food nor drink, nor did they come to question me. Just when I was about to collapse, a man in a black cloak finally appeared. As soon as he arrived, he Ask me, where is the jade lock? Where is the map?"

Um? Were they looking for a map from the beginning?

The liar shook his body, changed his sitting position and continued: "I don't know what these things are, and I have no way to answer. The black cloak also saw that I knew nothing, so they took me to the Phoenix Tomb, and they used me to make The chips were used to blackmail the Miao family into handing over the jade lock and map. It turns out that they abducted me not because of my true identity, but just to use me to blackmail the Miao family."

"Why did it take so long for them to act again?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Because Ma Tiantong's master and Zhang Lingxi's master passed away one after another!" The liar was not unhappy about my interruption, but explained patiently.

Only then did I remember that Zhang Lingxi once said that the Zhang family sent him to the Ma family to study, and the Ma family sent Ma Tiantong to the Zhang family to study.

Why didn't the tattoo gang bother me? Is it because he is afraid of grandma? Or do you think I can use it for another purpose?

"The people of the Miao family are not easy to mess with. In addition, the war broke out on the Miao family's home field. Except for the black cloak, all the people who arrested me were dead. It was only when I saw Miao Dan's head at Phoenix Tomb that I realized that I was not the replacement. It’s not you who are suffering, but you who are dying for me.” He subconsciously clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

Hearing this, I was a little confused, "Are you saying that there is no need for me to get involved in these things..."

"Zhu Mo" shook his head and said: "Ren Litian will not let "Zhu Mo" go because he is the most suitable host body."

"So the Purifying Mantra is on you?" I muttered in a low voice, and suddenly realized that I shouldn't tell this secret. I looked around in a panic, trying to find the eavesdropping device and destroy it quickly. But the cabin is incredibly clean and tidy. Duan Lingchao didn't need to be sneaky at all, nor did she need a final answer, she just wanted to be foolproof.

The liar shook his head again, indicating that he didn't know about the Purifying Mantra.

Forget it, wherever the Purifying Mantra is, it will kill us. The most important thing now is how to escape! At a loss what to do, the car stopped. Is it our time to die? The cabinet door opened, and a large stream of warm water hit me. I tried to avoid the powerful water column and peeked out to see the layout.

The dazzling light was mixed with reflective water droplets. I identified the people with their backs to the light. Five men in black with full equipment, two holding guns, two holding arresting nets, and one using a high-pressure water cannon to attack. We were sprayed with water. The scammers are right. With their level of vigilance, even if we pierce the power grid, we will be caught before we even run a hundred meters away.

The sky outside is gloomy and dark, and there are no trees or weeds. This means that the place we are now is very empty, and Zhang Lingxi and the others cannot hide and rescue.

The water gun took turns applying pressure on me and the scammer. It hurt but did not cause any scars. The evaporating flow of the water took away the heat in the car and made me dizzy. I huddled in the corner of the car in a panic, trying to minimize the impact area of ​​the water column. When the water began to take away my body temperature, they turned off the water valve, threw two buckets of mineral water next to the door, and then locked the door.

The car started moving again, and the liar and I looked at each other for a while before crawling towards the mineral water bucket. The long period of high-temperature transpiration had already made my body dehydrated. When I saw drinking water, the madness caused by my physiology made me completely ignore other details.

I stretched out my fingers from the power grid, unscrewed the cap of the bottle, lay on the ground, put the mouth of the bottle to my mouth and greedily moistened my dry and smoking throat.

"Is there any medicine in the water?" The liar looked at the bucket of water in front of him and hesitated.

I held the water bottle in both hands and took another sip: "She won't let us die now. It doesn't smell weird, don't worry!" I knew in my heart that Duan Lingchaoding had drugged it, but what can we do if we stay vigilant now? Tear the power grid with your hands? Shredding a container truck by hand? Two people challenging an entire heavily armed convoy? If you're not the protagonist in a heroic movie, don't dream about it for a hundred days! All we can do is wait.

The liar also drank the water. After this water spraying activity, the temperature in the container dropped down, and he huddled up wetly, leaning against the iron wall with his eyes closed quietly. I dragged the power grid and crawled to his side, restlessly Called: "Hey!"

He only hummed a single syllable through his nose as a reply, and there was no further movement. After a while, I called him again, and he responded in the same way again, going back and forth like this until we fell asleep.

The water was indeed drugged, and it was very heavy. When I was carried out of the car and woke up, my back was already stiff and painful. Before the effects of the medicine wore off, I was still unable to control my actions. I was carried on a stretcher by men in black like a paralyzed patient, staggering towards the desert.

The golden uninhabited desert, a desert where you can't even see a camel thorn. The sun shines directly in your eyes. If you close your eyes, you can see the bright red. The temperature here is at least 40, and the dry and crystalline sand shows off endlessly. The ultraviolet rays given to them by the sun amplify the body temperature by at least twice.

Although I was carried safely, the feeling of numbness, paralysis and helplessness was pushed to its maximum frequency. Aren't the equipment of these idiots very sophisticated? Why aren't you even preparing a car for running on sand? It makes me dry here like a salted fish.

When I held my head and saw the guys carrying the stretcher, I felt a lot better instantly. The intense heat made this guy look like a specimen of sweat glands. The clothes under his armpits and chest were soaked, and beads of sweat gathered on his forehead above his sunglasses. The sweat beads seemed to be embedded in his face and refused to fall off. If possible, I really want to grab a handful of melon seeds and smash them leisurely while smashing the melon seed peels against the sweat beads on this guy's forehead.

I turned my head, looking for the liar. He was at the front of the team, not far from me. He was also being carried on a stretcher. His body was swaying along with the stretcher, and I didn't know whether he woke up or not.

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