Celestial Masters Alliance

Purifying Mantra Chapter 160 6 Toes

His eyes were sharp and resolute, and his dark eyes were like obsidian falling into a deep well. There is also a pair of eyes like this. I am still not sure, so I hurriedly lifted the quilt covering his feet with trembling hands. His feet were as thin as wood and covered with abscesses, but I still saw the six toes that were different from ordinary people at a glance, Uncle Qiming! No wonder he had been staring at my ear just now.

I quickly squatted on the bedside, looked at those familiar eyes and shouted: "Uncle Qiming! You are Uncle Qiming! I am Zhu Mo!" The moment I said my name, my voice weakened unconsciously.

Uncle Qiming nodded hard, tears wet the bandage around his temple. Uncle Qiming paused for a while, then raised his hand and pointed to the bed next to him. I looked around and saw that there was also a man covered in bandages lying on the bed. He closed his eyes tightly and was completely unaware of my arrival. The foot of his bed was the door through which I came in. Uncle Qiming was referring to the door, not this person!

I quickly leaned down again and whispered: "Uncle Qiming, I'm leaving right away. I can't save you now. When I get out, I'll find wood right away... Zhao Shuang, let's find a way to rescue you together. Don't worry. !”

Uncle Qiming's raised hand was waving vigorously in the air, as if to interrupt my thoughts of coming back. I held the hand and said: "We must come to rescue you. Mu Mu has known that you are still alive a long time ago and has been looking for your whereabouts. He will not let go of any clues. He is not a person who will give up. , and you don’t have to persuade me to hide it from him.”

Uncle Qiming suddenly squeezed my hand hard, his eyes widened, full of anger, then he let go, glanced his head to the side, and stopped paying attention to me. It seems the rescue plan pissed him off.

I sighed softly and said, "Then I'll leave first!"

Approaching the door, I looked back at Uncle Qiming again. He raised his hand and pointed this way. Was he telling me to leave quickly? I nodded to Uncle Qiming and paused when I glanced at the other hospital bed. He was also wrapped in bandages. Was it a burn? This thought pricked me.

No matter who he is, he is a person captured by the Tattoo Gang. When I move in to rescue the soldiers, I will pack them all up and rescue them. I slipped out of the office and put on my feet the pair of shoes that had once been a hindrance to me. Unfortunately, the shoes looked good, but they were not suitable for the leather shoes I used to run away from, and the size was much smaller. But I’m not qualified to be picky because I’m barefoot, something is better than nothing!

Duan Lingchao didn't trick me. The escape route she designed for me can be said to be unobstructed. Even if I encounter security guards, I will have a place to hide. As I climbed out of the cargo aisle at the back door of the kitchen, I looked at the time and saw that it had only taken fifteen minutes.

It was pitch dark outside, and it was past midnight. I hid in the firewood pile and covered the light emitted by my phone to check its other functions. There is no signal on the mobile phone, so it is impossible to contact the outside or find the location. If you want to escape from the control of the Tattoo Gang, you can only use the most primitive method and go straight in one direction.

Duan Lingchao fully charged the phone and put the software functions that I could use in the most conspicuous place. However, I couldn't be stupid enough to run away with a flashlight. I could only go in the dark, and I had to be careful to block the light when checking the compass.

I gently opened the pile of firewood to survey the environment outside. The dryness of the pile of firewood told me that if they had not smuggled me out of the country, I would still be in the north. The soil on the ground has a high sand content and is dry, that is, Said I was still in the Northwest.

The sky was covered with dark clouds and there were no stars in sight. The moon was hidden behind the clouds and had very poor light transmittance. It looked like a security guard who was off duty, occasionally looking up at the unsettled earth with sleepy eyes. This situation is almost always bad for me. The people from the Tattoo Gang sniped me in Huaishu Cave. They are well-equipped and well-trained personnel. If I want to avoid their pursuit, I must go in the opposite direction. To the south of the building is a dense forest that is lower than the building. To the north is a dirt slope and waist-high weeds. There seems to be a roadbed across the dirt slope.

I wasn't sure if the roadbed existed, but I had to figure out a direction to escape. According to normal logic, those who pursue me will definitely start in the dense forest, because it is easier to hide there. Even if there is indeed a roadbed to the south, I'm sure there won't be many cars passing by on that road. What's more, at this time, even if I meet a kind-hearted driver, he may not dare to give a ride to a stranger like me in hospital clothes.

There are many members of the Tattoo Gang and their actions are too large. It is impossible to randomly choose a place where people come and go to hide, so this must be a place where birds don't poop.

Going north, I decided, no matter whether there is a road or not, I have to take one step at a time!

I ducked into the grass and moved carefully towards the north. The cool breeze at night blew up the dead grass and provided me with cover. I took off the bandages on my hands and tied them around my trousers and cuffs to prevent poisonous insects from taking advantage of the loopholes.

The rustling of withered grass and occasional irregular sounds made me always suspect that the pursuers had arrived, causing me to look back from time to time and lose my bearings. I could only take out my mobile phone every once in a while and adjust the direction by holding the light. The size of this grassland was completely different from the size I just visually inspected. I walked forward in the dark for more than an hour and still had no end in sight. I began to suspect that the roadbed was just an illusion.

When I looked back at the building where Uncle Qi Ming was imprisoned, I couldn't help but feel a little bit in my heart. No wonder they rarely used advanced lighting. Looking at the huge black building from a distance, the yellow light coming from inside looked like a ball of light. Will-o'-the-wisp, no matter how brave you are, you won't approach this kind of place.

I slumped down on the withered grass and took out my feet from the leather shoes to release them. My injured hands were covered with bandages. Even if I rubbed them for pain, I couldn't tell the extent of the injury. However, judging from the pain, the heel must have worn out the blood blisters, and the blood blisters have also burst, so with every step I took, the heel of the shoe was sliding up and down with my movements, and the contact surface between the sole of the foot and the sole of the shoe made a squeaking sound. , like insects chirping.

Just as I was thinking about this, a few chirping sounds came from my left side, and the sound in the grass was a bit abrupt. I quickly put on my shoes, looked nervously in that direction and backed away, but I didn't see the pursuer. strangeness! Extravagant extravagance can cause psychological pressure on people, and people with weak tolerance may be helpless. Don't they act according to common sense?

My feet sank, and I lost my balance and grabbed a clump of grass next to me. The clump of grass couldn't bear my weight at all, and it was uprooted and fell into the ditch with me. The soil in the ditch was particularly soft, and the weeds were thicker and taller than anywhere else. The soil made a dull and hollow sound when it bore the weight of my body.

I lay on the grass to rest for a while, then sat up with one hand on the ground, but the soil under my hands suddenly sank again, which made me numb all over. Could it be a swamp?

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