Celestial Masters Alliance

Purifying Mantra Chapter 138 Beast

The sharks nearby seemed to have spotted the opportunity and began to attack me. When a big one approached, I did not kick up the water. Instead, I quickly dived down, holding the calming pestle, intending to poke the shark's belly. The calming pestle gave way again. I saw how sharp it was, and I originally planned to stab it slightly, causing it to bleed and run away, thus attracting other sharks. However, I cut open the entire belly of the shark without any resistance.

The blood quickly stained the entire sea area red due to the shark's struggle, and its internal organs were thrown out, hitting me and causing me to sink to the bottom of the sea. Other sharks were approaching quickly, and I had to get out of here as soon as possible, otherwise the shark's entrails would be swallowed by its accomplices.

But the thick ink-like blood seriously hindered my sight, and I could no longer find the direction of the bed board. At this time, a golden light stretched out from the sea, and I swam hard in that direction.

After finding the bed board, I took a big gulp of the salty and bloody air and climbed up without any hesitation. The sharks below were fighting in groups, making the sea bumpy. This was a poor plan. I wanted to hurt the shark, but now it only added to the crisis for myself.

After taking a few breaths, fear gripped me again. Where is Duan Lingchao? The bed almost turned over just now. Did she fall into the sea?

Soon the frail figure made me feel at ease. She was lying on the edge of the bed, holding a gold shawl in her hand. It turns out that the golden light just now was caused by sunlight refracted by the golden shawl. She couldn't even protect herself, but she still wanted to navigate for me. My heart suddenly warmed up, and I rushed over and pulled her to the center of the bed.

Panting heavily, I moved her face to look at her and cursed: "Why are you lying on the edge of the bed in this situation? If you fall, I can't save you!" I didn't mean to say this, But even I don’t know why I have this reaction.

Duan Lingchao was stunned, frowning and looking at the blood covering the bed board. I sat slumped aside, a little at a loss. After a while, Duan Lingchao's hot hand was attached to the back of my hand.

I looked at her pale face, her weak eyes were sunken, how long could she hold on? Will someone come to rescue us? I was filled with guilt, and my eyes were burning due to the soaking in sea water: "I'm sorry..." I whispered.

However, speaking loudly and quietly is the same to Duan Lingchao. She looked me straight in the eyes and shook her head slightly.

I don’t know if sharks have feelings, but the current situation tells me that I should pay the price for the harm I have done to them. They surrounded the bed board and jumped out of the water, trying to knock us over and knock us down. I am afraid that this difficulty cannot be avoided. I patted Duan Lingchao on the back and told her to take care of herself. Then I held the calming pestle tightly and stood up, planning to fight the shark to the death.

Suddenly, the tranquilizing pestle in his hand vibrated, and every connection point made a buzzing sound. A huge bloody mouth full of fangs shot up from the bottom of the sea and swallowed the shark that jumped out of the sea. The moment it fell into the water, its yellow eyes with thin black pupils stared straight at me, and their eyeballs were even bigger than my head.

I fell heavily on the bed board and saw the whole thing clearly before it dived into the sea. Its entire head looks like a crocodile, while its tail looks like a shark, and its entire body is bigger than an eagle's luxury cruise ship. When the sharks saw it, they were like mice seeing a cat, and fled quickly, but the speed of the big monster was more than twice as fast as them. The shark is like feed, being swallowed by the big monster without any resistance.

As the big monster pursued, the shark quickly disappeared into the deep sea.

what is that? I thought I had read a lot of biological illustrations, but there was really no crocodile head in the deep sea, and it was impossible for ordinary crocodiles to run into the deep sea. I couldn't hide my surprise and turned to look at Duan Lingchao, pointing to the water and asking :"what is that?"

Duan Lingchao was shocked and shook his head. I couldn't understand what she meant by shaking her head. Did she never see such a thing before, or did she not see it clearly?

As the monster left, the Dingshen Pestle also calmed down and returned to its original appearance. I stared at the concentration pestle and felt a little incredible. Was the buzzing and vibration just now predicting danger, or intimidating the opponent? So why didn't it make any movement when it met the spider crab last night?

In short, the arrival and departure of the big monster took away my big trouble. Now I need to rest and seize the time to transform this floating board.

The renovation of the floating board was very successful. The sun was cruel to me, who was constantly working on and off the water, and also took away every trace of Duan Lingchao's vital signs. When the floating board renovation was completed, Duan Lingchao failed to celebrate the completion of the water isolation project with me, but fell into a coma again.

The sea is a place full of yearning for people, a place that breeds life, but it can also fill people with fear and despair. I dismantled a few boards, built an extremely ugly stand, and tied the survival blanket and gold shawl to the stand to protect Duan Lingchao from the sun.

If this were on land, who would have thought that a priceless piece of art would be reduced to serving as a sunshade?

The exposed parts of my body turned red and black under the sunlight, and felt as hot as Duan Lingchao's body. The wound turned white in the middle due to the corrosion of sea water, and the sides were red and swollen. Pink blood was constantly seeping out. The pain and itching were intertwined, consuming my remaining willpower.

I stared at the sea, trying to catch a glimpse of the creatures swimming around. As long as it could be used to quench my thirst and feed my stomach, I would get it at any cost, because I have nothing to lose now, and I only have this strength that I don’t know how long I can maintain.

However, where the big monster swam, there was no trace of other creatures. I'm worried that if it doesn't have enough to eat, it will come back and use us to stuff it between its teeth.

Duan Lingchao woke up. She looked at me blankly for a while, then suddenly crawled towards the edge of the raft. I was startled, jumped up quickly, grabbed her and shouted, "Don't drink sea water, it will make you die faster!" "

Obviously, I misunderstood her. Her endurance and restraint were beyond my understanding. She just put her hand into the seawater, wetted it, and wrote on the dry board: You will become Richard. Parker?

Richard Parker? who is it? I also wet my fingers and drew a big question mark on the wooden board.

"Young Pi" Duan Lingchao only wrote the title of the book, and I immediately understood the meaning of her words. Richard Parker is the name of the tiger in Pi. I watched the movie first before looking for a book to read carefully, because from the beginning of the movie I noticed that "lotus flowers bloom in the woods", and later I actually found lotus-like leaves in the woods, but what was wrapped inside was a tooth.

After studying it again and again, I discovered a different story, that is, the third story that Pai did not tell. The tiger is the animal nature of Pi. When Pi returned to the civilized world, Richard Parker left without mercy, without even looking back.

Duan Lingchao's use of metaphors is very good. She must have the same interpretation of "Pi" as I do, otherwise she wouldn't use Richard Parker to warn me not to become a man-eating beast. This girl, if we weren't on opposite sides, maybe we could become friends who talk about everything.

I wet my fingers again and replied to Duan Lingchao with two words: "No!"

The connection of understanding ability made Duan Lingchao also feel the joy of meeting his soulmate, but it was a pity that he met at the end of the road. I helped Duan Lingchao return to the shade, and I lay beside her. Together we looked up at the sky, watching dark clouds billowing in like thick smoke.

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