Celestial Masters Alliance

Purifying Mantra Chapter 136 Medical Kit

It's Duan Lingchao and Eagle! The hollow and low voice of the eagle, even if it was calling for help, was like a ghost in hell. The one who was paddling desperately but could not make a sound must be Duan Lingchao. I was a little panicked. Duan Lingchao was okay, but Eagle...

It turns out that thinking about these questions is unnecessary, because the life jacket on the eagle's body has been torn into foam. Although he tried his best to resist with a flashlight and harpoon, there were many spider crabs. The bed board was right in front of me, and it was also the place where spider crabs were densest. I watched helplessly as he was torn into pieces, and his internal organs became floating objects on the sea, but there was nothing I could do.

The emergency light in the eagle's hand floated on the sea, illuminating Duan Lingchao's frightened and pale face. I shouted to her: "Come here! Come on!"

The life jacket on Duan Lingchao was also in a mess, but she seemed to be in better condition than the eagle. It must be the result of the eagle licking the calf and protecting her daughter with herself. what do I do? If I were to go out to rescue her with the Dingshen pestle tied to my body, I would be dragged under the water by the Dingshen pestle within less than ten meters with my physical strength. Once I leave the Dingshen Pestle, the shark feathers will attract spider crabs and tear me into pieces in an instant.

The disaster was caused by me. Now only Duan Lingchao is alive on the whole ship. How can I watch her die again! Give it a try! With all my strength, I stuck the tip of the Dingshen pestle firmly on the bed board, passed one hand through the ring on the iron chain, and jumped into the sea water.

The spider crab was attracted to me and kept trying to move towards me. I carefully pulled the bed board and paddled hard towards Duan Lingchao. From time to time, a spider crab would stretch out its long claws to touch my legs and feet, and then shrink back and retreat, as if my body was a soldering iron that would burn me if I touched it.

Duan Lingchao has an emergency light hanging around his neck and is waving a harpoon with both hands. He is agile. This kind of mobility reminds me of Zhang Lingxi. She kept breaking off the spider crabs' long claws, sometimes piercing their hard shells. As far as I could see, she had destroyed more than five spider crabs. But the price was that her arms and shoulder armor were punctured, and the spider crab even wanted to tear her arm off entirely.

My arrival disrupted the spider crabs' plans. They quickly took away the long claws that had penetrated Duan Lingchao and fled. I knew Duan Lingchao couldn't hear me, but I still couldn't help shouting: "How are you? Can you hold on?"

I grabbed her uninjured arm and tried to lift her onto the bed, but Duan Lingchao pushed me away as if she was electrocuted. Could it be that you can't stand the touch of a man? How long has it been since we still pay attention to this?

I reached out to her again, and she shook her head violently and grabbed the bed board herself. Due to the serious injury, the bed board could not withstand the force at a fixed point, and it was floating up and down. Duan Lingchao was unable to climb up. A long pincer saw the right opportunity and pierced Duan Lingchao's thigh. As Duan Lingchao roared, the long pincer penetrated her thigh.

In a hurry, I pulled out the calming pestle inserted into the ship's board and swung it at the ungrateful guy. The spider crab that was hit instantly burned in the sea and quickly turned into ashes. sky! It's so magical.

I didn't plan to fight for a long time and waste my energy. I quickly used the tip of the Dingshen pestle to climb onto the bed board. I reached out to Duan Lingchao again. This time she didn't refuse me. She held mine with her uninjured hand and used her strength to climb up. Got on the bed board. She moved to the center of the bed and lay there.

I once again tied the Dingshen Pestle to the bed board and let the iron chain fish in the water. The spider crabs sensed the Dingshen Pestle and retreated one after another, leaving a large open space.

Duan Lingchao's wound was bleeding profusely, and the emergency light shone directly on her face, which was so white that it turned gray, making her look like a corpse that had been dead for a long time. Obviously, the weight of the two of us was the limit that the bed board could bear. Although we could float on the water, the sea water overflowed the top of the bed board. I moved to her side and called her gently: "Duan Lingchao?" Then I put my fingers under her breath, which was still hot.

Duan Lingchao slowly opened his eyes and stared at me. I quickly gestured and said, "Your wound is very serious and needs to be treated!" She blinked at me to show that she understood.

At this time, I couldn't care whether she agreed or not, so I took off the emergency light around her neck, tore off the tattered life jacket hanging from her body, and piled it aside.

The wound on the arm was not dangerous, so I didn't check it carefully. The wound on the shoulder armor was a blood hole with a large amount of bleeding. It almost injured an artery. This girl was lucky. I looked at the injury on her thigh and began to hesitate. Duan Lingchao was wearing trousers, and he had to take them off if he wanted to check the wound.

Duan Lingchao noticed my hesitation, gritted his teeth and unbuttoned his pants by himself, but she didn't have the strength to take them off, so I tiptoed to help.

The wound on the thigh was on the outside, with a penetrating bloody hole two fingers wide. These were the two fatal wounds on Duan Lingchao's body, and other minor injuries could be completely ignored.

Now that the injury is understood, what should we do next? I had nothing at hand, so I had to take off my clothes in frustration and tear them into strips to stop her bleeding first. It was obvious that my clothes were not enough, so I took her pants and while tearing them, a small golden Rubik's cube came out of the pocket of her pants. It fell on the bed board, how could the golden shawl be on her body? My heart "thumped" a little.

But compared to these external things, saving lives is more important. I grabbed one end of the golden shawl, lifted it slightly, and tied it to the rope at the connection point of the bed board to prevent it from being lost under the impact of the waves.

Then he concentrated on tying a bandage on Duan Lingchao, but the blood soon soaked the temporary bandage, making it completely ineffective. The wound needs to be disinfected and sutured, and the patient needs blood transfusion and antibiotics. What should I do? If this continues, she can last up to half an hour.

Duan Lingchao stared at me, his eyes starting to blur. "No! There will be a way. Let me think about it!" I shouted, holding her hand tightly with one hand, and scanning the sea surface aimlessly with the emergency light in the other hand.

A small white dot caught my attention. Could it be a lifeboat? I shook Duan Lingchao's hand excitedly and shouted, "There is a lifeboat! We will be saved if we go there!"

I put down Duan Lingchao's hand, patted it gently, took off my shoes, put the ring of the Dingshen Pestle on my hand, and jumped into the sea. I stared at that bit of hope, not noticing that the blood had already attracted a large number of sharks. They didn't dare to provoke the spider crabs, and only looked for the leftovers around.

The small white dots were sinking into the sea little by little. I was so anxious that I swam there desperately. But it's too late, too late! The edge of the lifeboat was already submerged in the water when I arrived.

I resented my powerlessness, screamed, let go of the Dingshen pestle, took a deep breath, and dived into the water. But I was too reckless. I had no lighting facilities and was completely unfamiliar with lifeboats. I was still surrounded by spider crabs and sharks and dived rashly.

Now that you’ve done it, you have to fight. I grabbed the edge of the lifeboat and groped around, feeling for the handle before I ran out of oxygen. The heavy lid was opened and the contents floated out. I only had one chance to find the medicine bag, and now the army of spider crabs was rapidly gathering towards the lifeboat.

I resisted the dazzling sea water and tried to open my eyes. A fluorescent cross floated in front of me, and there happened to be a huge guy stretching its long limbs towards me. I kicked hard on the lifeboat to gain strength, rushed forward, and held the small bag with the cross in my hand. That little touch instantly chilled me. The spider crab's long claws scratched my waist, almost gouging me. Regardless of the last breath I exhaled, I struggled to float to the surface.

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