Celestial Masters Alliance

Purifying Mantra Chapter 124 Heating up

The sharks definitely don't eat cooked food, so when the big shell opened, I quickly took the pot down. Remove the pearls, cut the meat into small pieces with a knife, and arrange them neatly beside the iron pot.

It was already dark after I finished doing this. I sat by the fire and boiled some water for myself, opened a box of canned luncheon meat and ate the fruit. I'm so tired, it would be nice if I could have some beer.

I found the solar charger and placed it next to the fire. I took out the cell phone from the condom that had not been turned on for a long time and plugged it in. I was delighted to find that although the solar charger could not charge the cell phone, it could balance the charge and balance the charge. That is to say, I can listen to music when the firelight is sufficient, but of course I can only hear the few songs I accidentally downloaded to my phone. Can I still expect to have a signal here?

As the music played, I played with the huge pearl, mentally calculating how much it would be worth if I took it home. Occasionally, I caught a glimpse of thin, webbed claws sticking out of the iron pot, quickly flashing over the edge of the pot. It seems that the guy is getting better, which also means that I have a lot of work to do tomorrow, and I have to plan my time well, otherwise I won't even be able to eat.

When I woke up the next day, my whole body was sore and stiff, and I grinned every time I moved. I walked up to the iron pot and found the shark half-submerged at the bottom of the water. The originally purple water had now turned tobacco leaf yellow, and the sides of the iron pot were covered with sticky foam. It ate a lot of shell meat last night, and the moss didn't move at all. It seems that it is not a vegetarian, which undoubtedly increased my workload.

Collect leaves to dry, first replenish energy for yourself, then dive for shells, replace the dirty sea water in the shallow well on the shore, drag the iron pot to move the shark into the shallow well, scrub the iron pot, then go up the mountain to fetch water and pour it into the iron pot. Then move the shark into the iron pot, fill it with potion, light a fire to boil the shells to get the meat, and feed the shark Food.

The shark is weak, so my work is going smoothly, otherwise it would be impossible to complete this large amount of work before dark.

After three days of this, the wounds on the shark's body no longer leaked mucus, and there were even signs of healing. Its appetite is also increasing. Originally, I only gave it two meals a day, one shell for each meal. Now it has to eat two shells per meal just to stay peaceful. I could only deliver one shell to the shore during each dive. Looking at the pearls piled beside the tent, I couldn't help but sigh, keeping this thing in captivity will exhaust me to death.

The shark seems to like listening to music very much. Whenever the music plays, it will come out of the water and rest its head on the edge of the iron pot to look at the place where the music is playing. However, it does not communicate with me, nor does it eat in front of me.

On the fourth day, as soon as I got up, I found that the coastline had receded significantly, and the rocks that were originally under the water were exposed again. The temperature continued to rise at a rate of five degrees every day, causing the large shells to begin to evacuate to the deep sea. In order to ensure the food of the sharks, I I had to retrieve a large number of shells and spread the meat to dry on the rocks.

Summit Lake has also undergone changes. The water level has dropped rapidly, and the water temperature is not as cold as before.

I was a little panicked. Could it be the moon’s fault? But neither the sun nor the moon can be seen here. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean you can escape its influence. The fat man's warning made me even more uneasy. Although I didn't let the water flow out, I moved the water and used it to heal the shark. Was this a taboo?

After finishing my work, I anxiously walked around in front of the tent. The shark's head swayed with my figure. Maybe today's food was not fresh enough for it, so it planned to show its head in protest. I walked up to it and said, "Just make do with what you eat! Get well soon. If there is no food to feed you in two days, I will have to put you back into the sea!"

Of course the shark didn't understand what I was talking about. After swimming around the iron pot, it looked directly at me. It rarely looks directly at me. In my world, it is an ugly monster. In its world, I am also a strange species. I didn’t understand its expression, and it couldn’t understand why I was anxious.

I sighed and squatted on the edge of the pot. It didn't sink into the water because of my actions. It only tilted its head slightly. I breathed lightly, tried to ignore my racing heart, and tentatively reached out to it slowly and gently. He gently stroked the red hair on its head. It didn't move away, it just stayed there, with the small black dots on its white eyeballs leaning upward, as if staring at my hand.

The red hair was not as soft as expected, but as hard as a wire brush. I patted it gently and said, "The water level of the top lake is dropping rapidly and it is very likely to dry up. Without fresh water to heal your wounds, there is no need for you to stay here." I Pointing to the shell meat placed beside the pot, he said: "Don't waste it. The food I have stored can only last until the morning of the day after tomorrow at most, so after tomorrow, I have to put you back into the sea."

Of course the shark didn't understand. It swam back and forth in the pot again, and then stretched out its thin, wet, webbed paws towards me. What's the meaning? I stretched out my hand to respond, but the shark didn't even touch it. He still raised his paws high. Could it be that he wanted to touch my hair?

I'm a little worried, will it pull my hair, drag me into the iron pot, and bite my neck? But if it kills me, will it have the ability to climb out of the iron pot and return to the sea? Maybe it just wants to touch my hair?

I thought about it for too long, and the shark grabbed the edge of the pot with its other paw and swung upwards. This was enough to prove that its claws were just decorations and had no strength at all. I was slightly relieved, tilted my head and lowered my head towards its outstretched paw.

A strong fishy smell hit my face, and its wet paws filled with medicine touched the end of my hair lightly. Then it dived into the water, circled around the cauldron, and turned around several times before emerging again. He looked very happy.

I shook my head and laughed and cursed: "You idiot, if the temperature continues to rise like this, I will die soon. You entered the warm sea with injuries, and your future is uncertain! You are still happy!"

When I woke up, the sky was just turning yellow. I carried a bucket to the top of the lake. The water level dropped faster than yesterday, and the moss-covered rocks in the middle of the lake were exposed. Fortunately, I was smart and brought a rope with me. I tied the rope to the bucket to get water.

The sea water receded sharply today, leaving my small tent far behind, so I had to dig a new shallow well near the sea to replace the potion in the iron pot.

I struggled to drag the iron pot and the shark in the iron pot to the beach. Today, the sea water temperature is higher than before. The shark enjoyed the thrill of racing while I dragged it, and was very happy. I laughed and scolded: "You idiot, you are going to be a boiled fish and you are still happy. Believe it or not, I really boiled you."

The shark was stunned for a moment and suddenly became quiet. I thought it understood what I said, but it jumped up in the iron pot. well! Species are different, and thoughts cannot be on the same channel.

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