Celestial Masters Alliance

Purifying Mantra Chapter 121 Heavy Rain

I threw it into the shallow well and tried to avoid its face. When I saw its face, I would hesitate. Should I choose to be alone or keep such an ugly monster as a pet?

Mucus began to flow out from where its scales fell off, and the grid-like burns spread much more than before. Its condition deteriorated rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. I prepared an adult dose of antibiotics and injected it intramuscularly under the scales above his tail fin. Because this part was farthest from his face, I was a little afraid that he would suddenly jump up and bite me.

After the injection, I went to pick some fruits. It was still early and the time was stretching infinitely. I suspected that there was something wrong with the hands of the watch. After touching my sticky body, it was a good idea to take a shower before it got dark. I carried the bucket and headed towards the top of the mountain.

The fat man warned me, saying that as long as I don't touch the lake, I'll be fine. What does not touching mean? Not drinking? Not swimming? Then I can pump out the water to take a bath and wash clothes. Just make sure that the pumped water does not flow back.

I lay down by the lake, took a bucket of lake water and hid behind a tree to wipe my body. The cold liquid made me shiver. I looked at the red clouds in the sky. The trees by the lake did not completely cover the lake. Why did the lake water What about colors that don’t reflect the sky? This is not in line with scientific logic at all.

When I was fetching the second bucket of water, I stared at the bottom of the lake. I had the urge to dive down and see what was at the bottom of the lake. What would be the consequences if I really swam here?

A scream gave up my urge to test. It came from the shore, and it must be the shark. I sighed and put the clothes I changed on by the lake, planning to wash them tomorrow. No one would take them away anyway. I got another bucket of water and walked leisurely down the mountain.

The shark's condition has improved. Is it because the medicine has taken effect? Or is it a flashback? I walked back and forth around the shallow well. The shark's forelimbs were on the edge of the shallow well, staring in the direction of the rocks, and making a huffing sound from its big mouth.

I walked towards the rocks, and it turned out that there was a long-dead shark half-hidden in the fine sand under the rocks. Before I even got close, the rotten smell made me retreat. Even the smelliest salted fish couldn't compare to this smell. I looked back at the shark that appeared in the shallow well. Could it be that it wanted me to bury the dead body?

I randomly threw sand on the beach to cover the body, and the shark still screamed as if he was almost dying. What on earth is going on? Do you want me to be buried farther away?

I thought twice about burying it in the woods for my own health. If it carried a virus and infected the water source, it would be a great threat to me.

Now that I had made a decision, I took my tools and found an open space in the woods and started digging a hole. I peeled off leaves and shoveled away the thick moss. The tool made a clanging sound when it hit a stone. I tried again in another place, but it still worked. Stone. Impossible. If this place is all stone, how did the trees grow?

I scraped away the moss with a shovel, and was horrified to find that the tree was really growing in the stone, and I couldn't find any cracks in the place where I scraped it. In other words, the entire island was one big stone. The red stones have a sparse texture and are mixed with bubbles, a bit like cooled magma.

I shuddered, no way! I ran to the tree on the other side and scraped away the moss, hoping to see soil. No, there were still red stones full of bubbles and no gaps under the tree. I sat slumped under the tree, looking up at the gradually darkening red clouds, and got goosebumps all over my body.

Don't jump to conclusions so quickly. Tomorrow we'll dig out the lake and see if there's a beach.

I went back to the tent and sat down in despair, lighting the prepared leaves. The shark swayed restlessly in the shallow well, even trying to crawl out with its thin and short forelimbs. I had no time to take care of its emotions, so I sat by the fire and watched the sparks explode, making a sound that made people fall asleep. I really didn't expect that I would close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep under such circumstances. Maybe it was because I had such a fulfilling day.

When I woke up, everything I saw was filled with red clouds again. I stretched, got up, shook the sand off my body, and walked to the shallow well. The shark lay on its back and floated on the water again, dying again. All the wounds were spread more exaggeratedly than yesterday. Moreover, the water in the shallow well was sticky and the edges were full of foam. Its body gave off the same odor as the corpse on the edge of the reef. .

Is there no hope? I curled up my index finger and tapped the space between my tightly knitted brows. The shark heard the sound and flapped its tail fin twice. I assumed it was saying hello to me. give up? I can't bear it, need help? And no clue. He sighed heavily, dug a shallow well for it, and filled it with clean water first.

It was so early in the morning that I didn't even take a sip of water, just waiting for this ugly monster. Afraid that the injury on my hand would be infected, I specially put on rubber gloves and moved the shark to a clean shallow well. This time, I dug the well on the beach. On the one hand, I wanted to confirm that there were rocks underneath the beach, and on the other hand, I wanted the sharks to stay away from polluted water sources.

After working until noon, I injected all the remaining antibiotics into the shark's body, ate something and went up the mountain. The clothes I put down yesterday were still there, and sure enough, no one had moved them. I eagerly dug through the thick moss on the edge of the lake, hoping to see soil, but there was none, only rocks full of pores.

I fell down by the lake laughing and was on the verge of an emotional breakdown. The first guess is that the entire island is a large boulder formed by the sudden cooling of volcanic magma that fell into the sea. Since there are many magma bubbles floating on the sea surface, this island is a floating island. Fatty and the others just happened to find it and want to find it again. The possibility is slim. I will die alone on this drifting island.

The second guess is that this island is a volcano that erupted many years ago, so the surface of the island is wrapped in magma. I put my hand into the lake water and paddled, feeling the coldness, but it should be an extinct volcano. If it is an active volcano, it should be a hot spring. There is also the possibility of an extinct volcano erupting. If Fatty and the others fail to come and pick me up before the volcano erupts, then...

The wild laughter made me exhausted. I lay on my back by the lake and looked at the red clouds in the sky. A thick black smoke rolled in like a huge wave on the sea, instantly covering the red clouds. I quickly got up from the ground, only to find that it was extremely hot today and the air humidity was extremely high. It was about to rain heavily. I used my hands wet with water to check the air flow. There was no change in the air flow at all. It was as peaceful as usual.

I packed up my clothes and decided to go down the mountain first, in order to strengthen the tent before the heavy rain came and bury the storage box I needed to save my life. The shark kept circling in the shallow well while I was busy, seeming very uneasy. I had no time to pay attention to it, but I was surprised to find that the water in the shallow well was overflowing.

As I tightened the last nail, large drops of water fell from the sky. I escaped into the tent and was soaked to the skin. The temperature was rising again, so I took out my portable tool set and took a look. The thermometer read forty-one. I was like a bun in a steamer in the tent, sweating like rain. Rainwater was determined to destroy everything that blocked its movement, and the tent became the target of their concentrated challenge.

How is the shark doing now? Could this abnormal phenomenon be the shark's revenge on me? I opened the tent door a small crack and looked outside. It was dark outside and I couldn't see the shallow well. Fortunately, the rainstorm came easily and there was no strong wind. Otherwise, no matter how hard I reinforced the tent, it would be useless.

I began to worry about another thing. If the heavy rain continues endlessly and the sea level will definitely rise, then the specially reinforced tent will become a submarine. Will the lake on the top of the mountain burst its banks? My tent can't withstand the impact. A more ideal outcome would be for the tent to be waterproof and float on the surface of the sea. The unsatisfactory result was that the two things came together and the island disappeared. From then on, I didn’t even have a place to stay.

I huddled in the tent, unable to do anything, looking at the small emergency light. The feeling of loneliness and helplessness poured down like a flash flood. I have been away from home for nearly half a month. Will Xiaoba take good care of Maomao and Jixiang? Have I saved enough for the rent and utility bills of the store? The power cannot be cut off in the store during the summer. What about wood? Knowing that Huang Xiao and I must have been very anxious after we went to sea, after all, he had doubted Huang Xiao's identity from the beginning.

So will he look for me? Where is the mother? You must be very worried when you know that I have lost contact. Where is Shan Yu? Does she think of me often? Has she analyzed the reason why I gave the feather arrow to her? Hate me?

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