The entrance to the mysterious cave is hidden in a dense forest and is located under a steep cliff. There is a natural stone cave at the entrance. The entrance of the stone cave is covered by dense vines and moss, making it difficult to be discovered.

The cave is about two meters high and one meter wide, enough for a person to pass through. The air in the cave is moist and filled with a faint earthy smell. The light inside the cave is dim, with only the occasional sunlight shining through the vines and moss into the cave, allowing people to barely see the surrounding environment.

Deep in the cave, there is a narrow passage, at the end of which is the real entrance to the mysterious cave. The passage is about ten meters long, and its width and height gradually decrease, as if it is a long and narrow corridor leading to an unknown world.

On both sides of the channel, there are some traces of artificial excavation. For example, there are grooves and stone doors on some stone walls, as well as some stone pillars carved with mysterious symbols. These traces seem to be traps and traps specially set up by the cultivation sect to protect the sect's ruins.

Through this passage, you can reach the entrance of the mysterious cave. The cave entrance is in the shape of a semicircle, about three meters high and four meters wide. From the outside, the cave is deep and dark, as if it is a portal to an unknown world.

Every step Jin Jun took was carefully placed on the floor of the passage, as if walking on a tightrope, each step was startling. With his keen intuition, he noticed that the texture of the ground was a little strange, but it was difficult to determine.

Suddenly, the ground beneath his feet began to tremble violently, as if some underground creature was crawling. Immediately afterwards, the solid ground broke instantly, and a huge suction force sucked Jin Jun's legs into an expanding sand pit.

"Oops!"Jin Jun was startled, and quickly mobilized all his strength to jump back.

Just on the ground where he just left, a huge sand pit opened like a monster's mouth, swallowing up the place where he was standing without a trace.. Jin Jun's heartbeat accelerated instantly, and his adrenaline surged. He quickly scanned the surroundings, trying to find a chance to survive. His eyes were fixed on a distinctive stone not far away. It was flatter and brighter than the surrounding stones. Slightly deeper. Jin Jun instantly recognized this as an iconic safe passage sign.

Without any hesitation, Jin Jun burst out with all his strength and rushed towards the stone like a cheetah. Every step he took cleverly avoided the quicksand area. , and at the same time, he must always be alert to other potential traps.

Just when he was about to touch the life-saving stone, a bottomless crack suddenly opened in the middle of the passage. With a loud rumbling sound, the crack quickly expanded to both sides.. Jin Jun's heart tightened when he saw this, but he did not stop. Instead, he accelerated towards the stone with his firm will and sharp skills.

However, just when he was about to step into the safe area, a huge The stone suddenly fell from the roof of the cave and headed straight towards his head. Jin Jun instantly bent over and rolled his body nimbly to the side, successfully dodging the fatal blow. He rushed towards the flat stone. Block, his whole body lying tightly on it.

At this moment, Jin Jun was exhausted, but he knew that he must not relax. He tried his best to control his breathing and try to calm his violently beating heart. Then he began to carefully observe the surrounding environment, looking for the next one Possible trap.

Jin Jun looked up and saw several arrows made of feathers and bones hanging from the top of the cave. They shone with light in the dark cave, as if they were the eyes of the god of death, exuding a strange and terrifying aura..Jin Jun knew that these were no ordinary arrows, but deadly weapons coated with poison.

His heart was beating wildly in his chest, as if it was about to burst out of his body. Every step was like walking on the tip of a knife, Every step is full of unknown dangers. Those hanging arrows are just the tip of the iceberg. There are more unknown dangers hidden in the cave, waiting for him to reveal. Suddenly

, Jin Jun found a small rope hidden on the side of the cave , its color is almost integrated with the stone wall of the cave. If you are not paying special attention, it is easy to miss it. This rope seems to be the mechanism that triggers the arrow. Jin Jun took a deep breath and carefully pulled the rope, counting silently in his heart..When the count reached ten, there was a slight noise from the top of the cave, and then, as if under command, the hanging arrows shot at Jin Jun one after another. The sound of the arrows cutting through the air echoed in the cave, which was creepy.. Jin Jun was startled, and his body quickly rolled to one side, avoiding the dense arrows in an almost instinctive way.

The sound of wind caused by the arrows flying past his body made Jin Jun feel a sense of death. The thrill and excitement of escaping. Every one of his senses was on high alert, and his nerves were tense to the extreme. Although the arrows did not hit him, their poisonous power made people frightened. Jin Jun knew that once he was hit by any arrow If shot, the consequences would be disastrous.

He knew that he could not stay long and quickly observed the surrounding environment. There seemed to be a mechanism hidden on a stone slab. He stepped on the stone slab carefully, and suddenly, a stone slab on the top of the cave slowly opened, revealing A dark hole.

Jin Jun was overjoyed and without any hesitation, he quickly jumped into the cave entrance. As the stone slab closed, the arrows in the cave also stopped firing. Jin Jun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

His eyes fell on the seemingly clear small pool on the side of the cave. The sunlight slanted down from the gap at the top of the cave and fell on the water, casting a crystal light. However, he knows that behind beautiful things there are often dangers.

Just when he was hesitating to get closer, the small pool suddenly surged, as if something was surging undercurrent. Immediately afterwards, a strong poisonous gas spurted out from the pool, and the air was filled with a pungent stench. Jin Jun felt dizzy and almost collapsed.

He quickly held his breath and forced himself to stay awake. He knew that this was a trap in the cave. Once trapped by the poisonous gas, the consequences would be disastrous. He looked around for the direction of the vents.

The vent was in a far corner, not far from him. Jin Jun took a deep breath, mobilized all his strength, and ran towards the vent. His heartbeat was beating rapidly, and every beat seemed to remind him of the urgency of time.

Poisonous gas continuously gushes out of the pool and spreads throughout the cave. Jin Jun felt that his steps were getting heavier and heavier, as if there was a heavy burden pressing on him. His lungs were frantically calling for fresh air, but the poisonous gas was constantly eroding his body.

Just as he was about to reach the vent, a powerful air flow struck from the depths of the cave, pushing the poisonous gas to a higher concentration. Jin Jun felt as if he was being pushed back by an invisible force, and every step was extremely difficult.

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