After covering their traces and lurking out of the Cat Clan's territory, the group of people started on their way without hesitation. As long as they passed through the hills and small deserts, they would reach the Leopard Clan's territory. The hilly land is relatively safe, and the lovebird family and the musk deer family live on the edge. They are all hospitable and very friendly to the Prime Minister Gao family who have restored their ordinary orc attire.

After passing through the redbud forest in front of us, we reach the desert. Although it was on the edge of the desert, there were still some species that had not fully evolved. They couldn't help but be cautious and cautious. The surface of the desert is covered with a thick layer of fine sand, and the temperature difference between day and night is huge. It is now afternoon. The group is hot and sleepy, but they have to work hard to get on the road. The desert at night will It's even more dangerous. The sooner you go out, the safer you will be.

"There is an oasis ahead, hurry up, the water bladder is almost bottomed out, just in time to fill it with some water."One of the men in black pointed excitedly not far away. When they walked in, it turned out to be an oasis. There was a clear water source in the center of the oasis, which soothed the heat and restlessness around it.

"What kind of flower is this? It looks so beautiful~" Another younger man in black approached a rose-like plant.

"Just keep playing if you don't care. Don't you know that the more beautiful you are, the more poisonous you are? Prime Minister Gao said coldly, making the man in black tremble in fright.

"The red ones are desert roses, small trees of the Apocynaceae family; the brown ones are striped rhinoceros horns, ornamental plants of the Asparagus family. They are all non-toxic. Father must not kill all the plants and trees."Gao Qixian replied lightly.

"how do you know? You have never been to the desert."Prime Minister Gao glanced at his son in surprise.

"Mr. Liu is proficient in plants, and my son never misses a lesson every month." Gao Qixian took a deep look at his father, and an awkward atmosphere suddenly filled the entire oasis. I don't know how sad Mu Yue was at this time, Gao Qixian secretly squeezed his sleeves tightly If only he could detect his father's intentions earlier……

"Once you've finished filling it, hurry up and leave!" Prime Minister Gao was obviously not in a hesitant mood and stepped out of the oasis without looking back.

Night came quickly and the temperature dropped sharply. Due to the hurry, the group of people were all wearing single clothes. At this time, it was true that The temperature was close to the winter temperature of the cat tribe, and everyone was shivering with cold. Unfortunately, there was no one around, and we didn't dare to light a fire to keep warm. We could only rely on our internal strength to survive the long night.

Finally, it was calm and calm until the sun rose, and everyone moved their frozen bodies. The limbs continued on their way. Not long after walking, they suddenly heard a small jumping sound in the distance. Everyone tensed up and turned around to stare into the distance. They only saw a black animal with the size of a foot approaching.

"Go quickly! It's a jerboa! Even if they don't attack, such a large group will be trampled to death if they trip!"The man in black was shocked. Fortunately, they all had good Qinggong skills, and the jerboa disappeared after an hour, but the group was also very tired.

"Why are there so many jerboas going out? Gao Qixian asked puzzledly

"Jerboas are social animals, but I have never seen such a large group of animals running for their lives."The man in black frowned and thought.

"Could it be that he encountered a natural enemy?"

"If it is true, it will be troublesome. Their natural enemy is eagles. If the eagles are alarmed, it will be difficult for us to escape. Without further ado, leave as soon as you have rested!"

The group of people started on the road again cautiously. After ten days of this, they finally arrived at the border of the Leopard Clan.

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