
Chapter 33:Side-story: A Tea party

Arius loved his daughter so much, he put everything aside just because Athena wanted to have fake tea with her dad.

He sat on the small chair for a while but it was too uncomfortable for him so he put it aside and sat on the floor. It didn't make much of a difference because all the stuff there was for Athena and so he was still big for the table.

"Daddy tea!" Athena brought in her tea pot filled with water and poured her father some tea.

Arius looked at the water in his cup. Somehow it had an odd color.



"Why is it brown?"

"It's tea!"

"No, I mean I get that it's tea but did you mix something in it?"



"You not dwrinking?"

"Ahh… Athena, you're not supposed to add paint. It turns bad."

"Bad?" Athena didn't like the word and pouted. Tears started brimming her eyes, "But it tea!"

What she meant was that tea is supposed to be brown, that's why she added paint but now that she thinks her father thinks it's bad she couldn't help but cry.

On the other hand, if there is really one thing Arius can't bear to see, it's his daughter crying.

"Yes it's tea!" He stated, "Of course I'll drink."

He sipped the 'tea' thanking God that the cup was tiny.

Athena stopped crying and giggled.

"It good?"

"Yes… Very good… How about I make tea now?"


Oh thank God! Arius took a breath of relief and made proper tea, that was just water.

He poured it for Athena then and offered her a cookie too.

"I'll do it fwor daddy!" She took the pot from her father poured him some tea, "Daddy wants eyes?"

"Eyes? In my tea?"

"Ywes! Eyes tea!"

Arius laughed, "Athena, It's ice."

Athena didn't quite catch the difference. It only confused her, "Eyes?"

"Ice." Arius spoke again, "I-c-e."


Even after she made a change. Her pronunciation was pretty much still stuck on eyes.

Arius laughed, "Okay. I'd love eyes in my tea." He couldn't help but chuckle.

Eyes in my tea…

He felt like a monster.

For him, the thing he feared the most, turned into what he loved the most.

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