Mo Qingqing was dizzy with hunger.

On the road, there is no one person, no beast, and no bugs are even heard. The beast that died a few days ago has rotted long grass and vines. All kinds of plants covered the ruined city again, the grass had grown to be taller than her knees, and many puddles were covered by weeds, and they often fell into the puddles accidentally.

Some of the puddles are deep.

Fortunately, she is now strong, jumps high, jumps fast, and can climb out of the puddle by herself.

After she fell several times, she thought it was safer to walk from the ruins of the collapsed house. However, the ruins were piled up with small hills, and many places below were hollow. After stepping on it, it collapsed with a rumbling sound. The ruins were full of steel bars criss-crossing each other. Mo Qingqing fell into the pile of steel bars in the ruins, and was poked into his body by several steel bars on the spot. Thighs, stomach, shoulders, arms were all hurt.

There is no one here to help.

in ruins.

She fell down outside the ruins covered in injuries, and did not dare to move any more. She lay down from the afternoon until the sun went down, and the wounds on her body healed, and only then did she recover. Probably because of running all the way, the wound has grown again, and the nutrition is urgently needed, and the eyes are green from hunger.

She was too hungry and couldn't find any prey. She had no choice but to learn from Shennong and taste the herbs to see which vines and weeds could be eaten.

There are mushrooms everywhere, but these mushrooms like to grow on rot or carrion. They are colorful and colorful, and they are especially prone to bugs and bugs. Many of those brightly colored and odd-looking bugs look like they are highly poisonous. Even if they are not highly poisonous, those bugs that are either soft enough to have no bones, or thorny bugs or feet can give people goosebumps all the time.

Plants with thorns cannot be eaten, try not to touch them if you can, because some plants with thorns need to **** blood. Especially the kind of thorny vines, must not touch. The vines were entangled in the body, and the thorns pierced into the flesh and began to **** blood like a blood-sucking needle. Thanks to the fact that these plants were still small and not very strong, she escaped with her life. There is also the ordinary grass that looks inconspicuous, just like the ordinary grass that grew on the side of the road before the disaster. She thought it was a wild vegetable and could be eaten. As a result, she put a mouthful into her mouth, and her mouth became numb on the spot. Her mouth spread all over her body, and she fell straight down. If the energy gathered in her heart hadn't worked in time, she would have been poisoned to death.

When it was dark, Mo Qingqing not only failed to find food, but almost lost her life several times.

She lay beside the ruins in frustration, staring blankly into the distance, not even feeling sorry for herself and grievances.

Suddenly, she saw a raft with an awning piled up on the edge of the ruins ahead, and a mani pile beside the raft.

Mo Qingqing jumped up with joy!

This is their raft! She asked them to make the awning made of animal skins.

Experienced, she deftly avoided all places with puddles, and went around to the raft, where she saw a pile of burnt ashes. The word "wind" was written on the mani pile and a guiding arrow was drawn.

The ashes have long since burned, and they are cool. Judging from the fact that they were blown away by the wind, they have already left.

But Mo Qingqing was not discouraged, not at all discouraged, but very happy.

No way.

She quickly removed the animal hide on the raft for sunshade, and vigorously shook off the ash and grass seeds on it.

The place takes root and sprouts quickly, because the plant seeds on it are easily shaken off.

Mo Qingqing draped an animal skin with a length and width of more than one meter over her body, and went to the sawgrass to find the accompanying vines to make a belt, and made a simple robe from the animal skin to wrap her body , this was a long sigh of relief. She finally didn't have to run naked.

Mo Qingqing sat on the raft, holding her chin until it got dark.

After dark, it's time for those little monsters to come out for food, she'll be fine when she catches the little monsters.

Although the little monster is small, it is also meat, and the little mung bean can quickly increase her power.

The waiting time was very boring. She had enough rest when she was lying there before, and she was not sleepy or sleepy.

Mo Qingqing simply got up and practiced hunting.

The little monster is alert and has good hearing and vision. Her sound is also very good. Basically, the sound of the surrounding tens of meters can't escape her ears. No matter how far away, the distance is far and the range is wide, and it can't be noticed. For her, if she suddenly attacks her from a distance of more than 20 to 30 meters, she can basically avoid it. She just needs to control the warning range within 30 meters. A lot of little monsters do the same.

In order to catch the little monster, she must sneak up to the little monster, and the attack speed of the sudden explosion is faster than that of the little monster.

She can't run as fast as the little monster. If she can't make a sneak attack, and the little monster doesn't attack her, she turns around and runs away, and she won't catch the prey.

Mo Qingqing took the time to practice catching prey while she was free.

Rush over, grab the little monster, tear it open and dig out the heart, this is the most efficient.

She practiced repeatedly, and finally, it was dark and windy.

The small light spots that were common in the past two days are no longer coming out.

She estimated that all the small light spots that were born from the heart mutation should have floated out, and there will be no more small light spots.

The plant that had been sleeping for a day woke up in the wind, spreading its branches and leaves in the wind. A seedling rooted on the rotting beast corpse next to it is rapidly growing green shoots, and the vine spreads the beast corpse and continues to expand around.

In the strong wind, plant seeds are constantly blowing from a distance, falling in the puddles and on the corpses.

She was sitting on the raft, holding the steel bar, holding her chin and waiting for the little monsters to come out to hunt and eat her. However, she waited left and right, and there was not a single little monster.

She waited for a long time, and suddenly remembered that when she encountered little monsters, Feng Qingran and the others would also meet. She knew that if she caught little monsters to eat, Feng Qing would also. She is alone, they have eight, she can catch one, and they can catch ten together. In addition, Feng Qingran, who had a ghostly idea, was there, and half a little monster, like a locust crossing the border, was not left behind for her.

Mo Qingqing comforted herself: Maybe there will be a leak?

She waited for a while, but there was still no little monster.

She gave up, don't wait any longer. If she waited any longer, she would starve to death.

She had to pick up the steel bars and leave here, and walked along the marks left by Feng Qingran and the others, hoping to meet little monsters on the way.

However, when the wind stopped, she encountered a little monster about half the size of her palm that was catching bugs. She was so hungry that she wanted to take her own hands, and she finally encountered a little monster. At this time, she didn't care whether the food it ate was disgusting or not, so she rushed over with steel bars.

The little monster was so frightened that it threw down the half-meter-long bug it had just hunted and turned around and ran. The steel bars pierced it in the opposite direction, snapped the head off, tore it in two, took out the internal organs, stuffed the whole thing into the mouth, and chewed it. She threw away the intestines of the little monster, and after rummaging through it, she threw away the internal organs when she couldn't see the little mung bean other than the heart. This little monster is very small, and what grows in its heart is not a small mung bean, but a small sesame seed.

Lice is also meat, Mo Qingqing does not dislike it at all. She threw the little green sesame into her mouth and swallowed it.

Small green sesame seeds are tasteless and tasteless. After swallowing them for a minute or two, I felt a warm feeling in my stomach, and my hunger disappeared a lot, but I was still hungry.

She carried the steel bar and continued to walk for more than an hour. When she got there, she was very hungry again, and she never encountered the little monster again.

She can be sure that the little monsters along the way have been swept away by Feng Qingran. She felt that if she went down the road Feng Qingran and the others walked, she might starve to death on the road before meeting them.

She knew that Feng Qingran and the others were going to meet up with Mengmen's large army from another road. As long as the general direction was good, it didn't matter if she took a detour, as long as there was prey.

She recognized her lower position and walked to the left.

She walked for about an hour, thinking that the little monsters here were also attracted by Feng Qingran and they were caught and eaten, when she suddenly saw two feet as long as her arms little monsters are fighting.

Mo Qingqing, who was so hungry that her eyes were shining, didn't even think about it, she picked up the steel bar and rushed over.

She never thought that she would not be able to defeat the two little monsters. There was only one thought in her mind, she couldn't let them run away, she had to catch them and eat them immediately.

The two little monsters are fighting fiercely, fighting to the death, their attention is on each other.

As the two winners of this fight, I didn't expect the other one to suddenly come out, so I was completely defenseless. Just when the two of them were fighting for their lives, Mo Qingqing suddenly rushed over and stabbed the two of them with the steel bar in his hand. She held the steel bars in both hands with great strength. The steel bars poked at their bodies like copper skin and iron bones, and knocked them down from the air to the ground on the cement board overgrown with plants.

Mo Qingqing saw that the steel bar was bent, and the little monster was fine. She thought the little monster was going to run.

That's fine!

She hurriedly threw the steel bars, raised her fists, and aimed at the heads of the two little monsters who were biting each other, thinking it was the other party's shot that hadn't responded yet. When she clenched her fist hard, blue light appeared in her fist, and she could smash the cement board with a hard punch. No matter how tough those two little monsters were, they couldn't bear the heavy blow of this iron fist.

The cement board was smashed, the heads of the two little monsters were smashed into the cement board, and the body that was trying to escape was also smashed.

Mo Qingqing slammed thirty or forty punches in one breath, and two fists were painful, until the little monster struggled and let go. She picked up the little monster whose flesh was about to be smashed, shook it, and saw that the little monster was still twitching, and a dazzling light from the heart rushed to the whole body.

Mo Qingqing subconsciously wanted to rip off their heads, only to find that their heads were gone. She pulled out the cracked scales on their bodies, and then pulled out the heart, peeled off the heart, and saw that it was a faint blue crystal the size of a soybean. The blue crystals in the hearts of the two little monsters are similar in size and shape. She took out their intestines again, and found a small pouch not far above the heart, with small green beans and small sesame seeds in it. One has a small mung bean and a small sesame in the pouch, and the other has a small mung bean and two small sesame seeds. She rudely confiscated it, and then ate the two little monsters into her stomach.

She didn't have a pocket to hold these blue crystals, so she ate all the small ones first, for fear that they might fall off accidentally.

After eating these pills, the whole body is warm and comfortable, and the hunger is relieved a lot.

She sat on the spot and waited until she felt that her digestion was almost done, and then ate another soybean.

The reaction was a little strong after eating soybeans, her whole body seemed to be on fire, the blood vessels and meridians all over her body were glowing blue light, and her head was a little dizzy, she sat for more than half an hour just feel better. She was afraid that she would eat too much indigestion and lie down, so she did not dare to eat another one.

She thought for a while, then forcibly tore off a scrap from her animal skin robe, wrapped the little soybean, and went on to catch the little monster. She searched for more than an hour, and it was almost dawn, and finally found another one.

The little monster was as long as her arms, chubby and chubby, a bit like a little tiger, but it had horns on its forehead, and a pair of wings spread over a meter behind it. It flew in the air and circled around Mo Qingqing, looking for opportunities to attack from time to time.

Across a distance of at least seven or eight floors, Mo Qingqing could feel the threat from this little beast. She felt that if she had encountered it yesterday, she would have stopped. Even at this moment, the feeling of nervousness like an enemy has always enveloped her. Her heart couldn't help beating wildly, the alarm bell rang in her head, and her whole body was tense. Probably because her heartbeat was too strong, the blue energy was so active that she was about to turn into a blue light bulb or torch, and her body was enveloped in blue light to form a layer of light covering her.

Seeing that it is too powerful, Mo Qingqing decided to name it Yihu!

It flew faster and faster, circling back and forth in the air, trying to find an attack opportunity after repeatedly circling.

Mo Qingqing couldn't turn her head, and her eyes couldn't see. However, the blue light on this Yihu was brighter than hers, and the heat generated by the high-wattage light made her feel it even from a distance of 100 meters, not to mention that it was only 20 to 30 meters away. She can pinpoint its location without looking at it. Mo Qingqing "stared" at it tightly, and when it rushed down, he grabbed its head and dug out its heart.

Yihu is in the air, it will not fall if there is no chance to strike.

Mo Qingqing didn't dare to risk jumping too high to hit it, so she could only passively stand in place.

Time is passing little by little.

She and Yihu spent the day until dawn, and the light of dawn shed.

The winged tiger flapped its wings and flew into the distance.

Mo Qingqing shouted: "Hey, don't go, come back and fight."

Yihu didn't turn his head back and flew out of Mo Qingqing's sight.

Mo Qingqing felt that if she was Yihu, she would not fight if she was not sure. There are a lot of prey, and they can't afford to hunt with their lives, and they're not dying of starvation.

She was worried that if Yihu gave her a carbine, she didn't dare to stay where she was. She quickened her pace and ran out for several hundred meters, only to find a gap in the ruins to get in, take out the little soybean and ate it, and then shrunk in the gap and slept.

She woke up and it was afternoon.

When I woke up, I only felt spiritual and relaxed.

The only bad thing is that the body is very dirty, and the mud seems to be thicker. She walked a long way to find a swimming pool in a collapsed building. Although the pond was broken, the ruins of the fallen building had been piled up to the side of the pond, and a lot of them had been poured into the pond, but there was still a puddle in the middle, and the water was relatively clean.

She stepped on the cement block to the edge of the puddle, first checked that there was no danger in the surrounding area, and then unbuttoned the animal skin robe to take a bath.

After she took a clean bath, she lay on the ruins to bask in the sun and watch the sunset, and then went hunting and traveling again until it was dark.

In one night, she only hunted three little monsters, and found two small mung beans and one small soybean.

The newly grown plants are almost as high as her waist.

She deviates from Feng Qingran's walking route, and after walking for two nights, she can't find Feng Qingran's path, but fortunately the general direction is good, Mo Qingqing is not panic.

She ate the two small soybeans she hunted after dawn, slept until noon, and continued on her way.

She walked into the afternoon, and she could tell from the sun that it was about three or four o'clock when she suddenly heard someone talking.

After so many days, I finally met someone. Mo Qingqing was overjoyed and rushed over.

She was about to shout hello to them when she heard the sound of a blunt object hitting her head and breaking bones. She was stunned for a moment, and said in her mind, "What's the situation?" She put her foot down and tiptoed to touch it, and saw a pretty, good-looking woman with a small waist showing a dagger and fell to the ground. the man's chest.

It was a tall man who fell to the ground, wearing animal skins, a bit like a mutant. His brain burst and he was dead.

Mo Qingqing opened her mouth in shock!

This is cannibalism!

The woman carefully drank the blood with the faint blue light in the man's heart, then took the heart and ate it in a big mouth, then wiped her mouth, brought a few stones, put the The man was pressed under the stone, making the man look no different from those who died on the side of the road.

Mo Qingqing stared blankly at the woman walking away, and did not recover for a long time.

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