But My Hubby Dotes on Me

Chapter 159: Ferry ticket (2)

Lu Weixi didn't think about it, and immediately replied, "Listen to the good news first."

Xue Feifei said: "You asked me to inquire about the first voyage ticket of the Hanhai Group cruise ship. I asked for it for you, and more."

Hearing that she had a way to get the ticket, Lu Weixi was relieved. In fact, she has struggled for a long time in the past few days, thinking about whether to ask Qin Zhiyou for a ticket. After all, a ticket is 100,000 yuan! It's not a small number anymore.

But he never went home, and she couldn't open her mouth on the phone. This item is not sold publicly, so it is difficult to get it.

If you have a ticket, you just have to have a ticket.

"What about the bad news?"

"The bad news is that the price of that ticket has gone up, 200,000 yuan per ticket."

Lu Weixi almost smashed his cell phone before he could speak. Two hundred thousand, the money she has now is three hundred thousand. If she paid for this ticket, what would she use to treat her mother?

She almost subconsciously said: "200,000, why don't you grab it."

You know, if this ticket only counts the face price, the maximum is 20,000 yuan. This is simply a price start!

"I also think it's too expensive, so I told him to ask about your situation first. The scalper said that there are too many people who want to grab the price. Don't naturally ask for it."

"I see, thank you for asking, I'll consider it first." After hanging up the phone, Lu Weixi frowned and bit his lower lip.

Naturally, a cruise is not worth the price. Those who value it are also the guests participating in this cruise. Everyone who can be invited to participate in the event is a big shot, and it's a great occasion to expand your network. For example, if boss Liao is like this, he can go, of course it is worth the price.

And she needs this opportunity. Maybe the money she bought for 200,000 is just a cruise trip, maybe she can't even see Boss Liao, maybe even if she sees Boss Liao, her design drafts will not be appreciated. Or even if she is appreciated, she will lose out to other famous and confident designers because of her lack of reputation and the weak foundation of Lvyuan.

But if she can't get the ticket, maybe she won't have a chance to comeback in her life.

But the price is too high, she really can't afford it.

Lu Weixi's head exploded a bit, and he walked downstairs unknowingly, with his cell phone pressed against his chin, thinking about it or thinking about it or trying to call Qin Zhiyou. In any case, the Hanhai Group is in his control, so it shouldn't be a problem to get a ticket.

Just as the phone was about to dial, she suddenly saw several servants in the living room below, pointing to the TV and whispering. Hearing her voice, several servants were startled, and their faces were a little embarrassed. They nodded and called "Madam Young" and then retreated immediately.

Lu Weixi looked at the TV with a look of confusion. At this look, she immediately knew why.

Because the TV broadcast was yesterday's International Economic Forum, Qin Zhiyou on the stage was one of the guests, and among the reporters sitting down there was Liu Yiyi.

Of course, in such a formal economic forum, Qin Zhiyou and Liu Yiyi did not have any interaction during the whole process. At the reporter's question and answer stage, Liu Yiyi got up to ask questions, but it was not Qin Zhiyou. But the two of them appearing on the same occasion at the same time, still such an important occasion, can explain the problem in itself.

It is estimated that this meeting is an opportunity for them to meet. It was also because of participating in such a formal event that Yang Mogui would not ask one more word.

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