But My Hubby Dotes on Me

Chapter 141: Reply or not (4)

Lu Weixi was about to resist, and the man next to her grumbled with disgust in his throat: "Lest you move around and you can't sleep. Okay, go to sleep."

Although being held by him, he is a little uncomfortable, but maybe his body is warm, although the circle does not completely lock her movement, she can also adjust her posture. Or it's because it's late now, and it's time for her to sleep normally.

In short, although a little awkward, with his arm resting on her back and her chest resting on her chest, she quickly fell asleep.


the next day.

When Lu Weixi woke up, the bed next to him was empty again. Already used to Qin Zhiyou's disappearance in the morning, she didn't think much, washed and cleaned up, and came down with the briefcase, "Aunt Hao, I don't have breakfast..."

Before the word "eat" was finished, she saw Qin Zhiyou and Aunt Hao turning their heads to look at her.

Qin Zhiyou glanced at her, then turned his head indifferently, drinking the soup in the bowl uninterestedly. Aunt Hao said: "Mrs. Young, my wife ordered last night, you must drink the soup you cooked for you this morning. It is said that your body is too thin and too weak, so you can nourish your body."

At this point in time, Ms. Yang would definitely not be able to get up. But she can't get up, doesn't mean she can't give orders. Qin Zhiyou is here, how dare she be disobedient. So the two distressed brothers sat in the dining room silently eating breakfast.

Qin Zhiyou finished eating first, wiped his mouth elegantly with the napkin, and drank the tea to clear his mouth. Then he said: "I will be very busy these days. If I don't ask Secretary Wang to call back at night, I won't I'm back, I don't need to cook my meal."

Although he said this to Aunt Hao, Lu Weixi who drank the soup knew that he was actually telling her. Blame her for calling him last night.

She didn't say anything, just drank the soup with her head down.

Qin Zhiyou didn't leave after eating, and still sat in the dining room. With one hand on the dining table, the other hand idlely swiping the phone. Until Lu Weixi had finished eating, he cleared his mouth and the car roared outside. It was Secretary Wang who had arrived.

Qin Zhiyou stood up slowly, his expression calm. It happened that Lu Weixi also walked to him, squeezed by his body, and staggered two steps beside him. Qin Zhiyou turned around and stretched out her hand, holding her elbow, with a faint expression: "You can't walk well, you wouldn't let me help you on purpose."

Lu Weixi was too lazy to argue with him, went to the garage and drove. Qin Zhiyou also got in the car here, and deliberately blocked the door, and then left after turning around rather bluntly.

In the car, Qin Zhiyou was turning his mobile phone in one hand, and put his fingers on his knees with the other hand. Secretary Wang reported to him for a long time, but he didn't say a word. After a long time, Qin Zhiyou suddenly missed a sentence: "Madam Young often contacts you?"

Secretary Wang thought for a long time before remembering that Lu Weixi called him last night. No wonder he arrived early today, but Qin Zhiyou asked not to drive into the community too early to pick him up, and waited until he gave orders before driving to the door. It turned out that I wanted to come out with Mrs. Young.

He replied with a strong desire to survive: "Almost nothing."

After he answered, secretly observing Qin Zhiyou in the rearview mirror, his brow furrowed deeper and deeper, and he seemed to be even more unhappy. Secretary Wang immediately shrank herself into a dust to avoid being affected.

But here, after Lu Weixi worked, he also ran into trouble.

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