Bulgarian Empire

Chapter 54, The Trouble of the British

At No. 10 Downing Street, London, Prime Minister Lloyd George is worrying about the international situation that the British Empire will face next. Affected by the October Revolution, proletarian revolutions broke out in a series of countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Japan, and Mexico.

Although these revolutions failed, the idea of ​​the proletariat continued to spread. Affected by unemployment, the British Empire also broke out the labor movement, and the Proletarian Revolutionary Party has emerged in India.

Forced to do nothing, Lloyd George could only agree to Irish self-government. Of course, he also wanted to learn from Bulgaria and send all the Irish away. The British Empire has so many colonies, just give them a piece of land to establish an independent country.

Of course, you can just think about this kind of thing. As long as the capitalists are unwilling to give up these cheap labor, this kind of situation cannot happen in the British Empire.

Just as the Irish were appeased, the independence movement in Egypt broke out again. It started with the anti-British demonstrations by students in Cairo in 1919, followed by student strikes, worker strikes, and business strikes. Now it has turned into an armed uprising.

Formed guerrillas have appeared in the rural areas of Egypt. They began to attack the local British garrisons and destroyed the railways built by the British. Occasionally, guerrillas even rushed into the city and fought with the British army. street fighting.

Some of the policies implemented by the British government during the First World War have already shown the consequences. In the face of these insurgents, the local British garrisons did not work hard to suppress them.

Obviously, the unfair treatment after the World War has made the British soldiers lose their interest in working for the country. They did not take the initiative to suppress these Egyptian rebels at all, but just stuck to the city and allowed the situation to deteriorate.

These circumstances, the London government may or may not know, not only the soldiers do not want to fight, even the officers do not want to fight now.

Their poor fiscal policy during the war left many officers who served the British Empire in the World Wars with despair.

They bled and worked hard on the battlefield, but when they returned home, they were told that they were bankrupt, their fiefdoms had been taken back by the government, and their family members no longer knew where they were. They subvert.

Although it was suppressed, the lack of fighting spirit of the British Empire has become a fact. Fortunately, the British did not increase many colonies in this world war, otherwise Lloyd George would be even more worried.

For example: the Iraqi uprising in history has nothing to do with them, it is a matter of Bulgaria.

However, Ferdinand has never received it. The news of the Iraqi riots is estimated to have been extinguished before it even started. Not only Iraq, but all the colonies in Bulgaria have no way to cause a major uprising.

After all, Bulgaria's entanglement method is a bit ruthless. One person rebelled and the whole village was exiled. In just three or four years, more than 3 million people were exiled to Africa in the Asian colonies, and more than 2 million people were sent to the mines. Probably no one Capable of making trouble.

There is no way for the British to compare this. The feudal nobles hate the rebels deeply. These people are smashing their jobs. Usually, they do not need the government to order them, and they put out hidden dangers in the cradle.

Such a small matter naturally does not need Ferdinand to ask, so generally speaking, the Bulgarian colony is still calm.

Of course, don't look at the long-term revolution of the Egyptians. In fact, their results are very limited. Except for the cannon fodder troops of the British army, the casualties of the pure British have not exceeded three digits.

Lloyd George could see that the British Army was retaliating against the previous government's suppression.

Soy sauce is not treated like this. The rebellion has been going on for nearly two years, but it has not been suppressed. The number of casualties in the colony is tens of thousands of troops, and the total number of casualties is less than three digits. The casualties on the battlefield are high!

Of course, the British were not without suppression. In 1919, they dispatched 60,000 troops to suppress the peasant uprising.

This is really a peasant uprising. Although the momentum is huge, in fact, most of the rebels are cold weapons, and the colonial troops can handle it.

Like India's "non-violent non-cooperation" movement, the Egyptian people launched a movement to gain independence "through peaceful means", so it is not correct to say that they revolted.

Except for a few guerrillas who actually launched an attack on the British army, most Egyptians also chose peaceful means such as protests, demonstrations, and strikes to fight for independence.

The so-called critical situation is essentially that colonial officials are adding obstacles to the cabinet, or they are fighting for their own interests.

But if this chaos continues, it is also a problem. What about the economic losses of the capitalists? And what if the turmoil continues and finally affects the navigation of the Suez Canal?

Regarding the current issue, both Bulgaria and France expressed close attention to the situation, and even Bulgarian Foreign Minister Megev suggested to him that if the British Empire was unable to maintain social stability in Egypt, Bulgaria could help.

Lloyd George was so angry that he couldn't vent his anger. Now he really envied Bulgaria's system. There were not so many control ribs in the country, and the government never had to worry about the stability of the colony.

But forget about asking the Bulgarians to help. The British Empire can’t afford to lose that person. More importantly, it’s easy to ask God to give it away. Once Bulgaria is put into Egypt, it’s hard to say whether the Suez Canal still belongs to the British Empire.

Lloyd-George asked: "Mr Gray, how are the negotiations between the Foreign Office and the Egyptians going?"

Gray shook his head and said, "Prime Minister Adri of Egypt rejected our goodwill. They did not agree to legalize our military presence!"

Lloyd George said coldly: "Damn! Don't the Egyptians know that once they leave our protection, they will soon become colonies again?"

Gray said with a wry smile: "The Egyptians think that being colonized by us is no different from being colonized by Bulgaria, and they judge that we will not let Bulgaria control the Suez Canal.

Prime Minister Adri also sent a diplomatic note. He believed that once Bulgaria really took military action against Egypt, the result would be the same whether the British Empire stationed troops or not. They thought we were an excuse to continue to colonize Egypt! "

Well, this Bulgarian threat theory has no effect. The Egyptians said they would not accept it. They have already determined that Britain will not give up the Suez Canal.

Lloyd George had to admit that the Egyptians' guesses were very accurate. Without the Suez Canal, the British would have to make a big detour to go to India, which was not conducive to the rule of the British Empire over India.

Lloyd George complained helplessly: "Well, tell the Egyptians that our patience is limited, and if we fail to reach an agreement, we will resort to military measures!

By the way, what is Bulgaria doing now? They are so peaceful that it is a bit worrying. The empire has not used any of the plans specially made by the empire to deal with them! "

Gray thought for a while and said, "It seems to be doing some kind of 'ten-year plan', by the way, they just bought Bessarabia and the Crimean Peninsula from the Russians!

Also, not long ago, the Bulgarian government submitted a bill to the Congress to open up the stock market. As a result, not only was it rejected, but their Congress also issued a decree to permanently ban the stock market and securities trading. "

Lloyd George thought for a while and said, "I've also heard about that decree. These days, newspapers in London appear everywhere. It is estimated that the capitalists in Bulgaria will be blown up!"

Mr. Gray shook his head and said: "No, in fact the Bulgarian capitalists are not angry, it is our domestic capitalists who are really blown up!

Judging from the information collected by the embassy, ​​Bulgarian capitalists are very supportive of this decree. They believe that restricting these messy stock markets will allow their descendants to do business well and pass on their industries from generation to generation!

If nothing else, this decree is likely to appear in the Bulgarian constitution. The old gentlemen in their Congress believe that the stock market is a kind of free reaping, which is a traditional virtue of Bulgaria and must be extinguished in the cradle! "

Lloyd-George rubbed his forehead and said: "This is really a conservative country, it seems that they have an exclusive attitude towards any virtual economy, which seems to be a good thing for us!

Otherwise, once the stock market is opened, the Bulgarian government's fiscal revenue can increase by at least 50%, and their economic aggregate will surpass France in a short time! "

Gray replied: "Of course! It is this kind of conservatism that has restricted Bulgaria's external expansion. In fact, they have always been only interested in things at their doorstep. Even when they finally entered the Americas, they gave up on their own. .

Even if they have Ferdinand, the greatest king of this century, they can't change the conservative nature of their nation. Compared with the ocean, they are more interested in the mainland! "

Lloyd George thought for a while and said, "Forget it, leave them alone, let the Bulgarians continue to work hard, as long as we integrate the three North American countries, they will find that these efforts are in vain!

What are the French and Japanese doing? I can't believe that they will be so peaceful! "

Gray thought for a while and said, "The days of the French have not been very easy recently. The Moroccan Rifes have established the Rif Republic, and the French and Spain are busy putting out the fire.

In addition, the economic situation in France is not developing very well. Some people in the country have proposed to expel the more than 7 million Italians and Germans. If the operation is not good, the possibility of civil strife cannot be ruled out!

The Japanese have been very restless recently. They were blocked by us from the Pacific region just now. It seems that they are very unwilling. The Japanese government is starting to expand its military again.

At the same time, they have also accelerated their penetration into the Far East, and we are not sure whether he wants to take advantage of the Russians, attack the Kingdom of Arisgar, or attack..."

The Minister of Finance suddenly said: "Perhaps we can hold a meeting to limit the naval strength of various countries. Our financial expenditure is too high. If no action is taken, once an arms race is formed, it will be very unfavorable to us!"

Due to Ferdinand's butterfly effect, the strength of the Royal Navy of the British Empire has increased by at least one-third compared with the same period in history. The increase in strength also comes at a price.

Lloyd-George was still hesitating, but Gray thought for a while and said, "This is not a big problem. Only France, Bulgaria, and Japan can pose a threat to us if we have the strength to expand our military.

The life of the French is difficult now, and their financial pressure is also great. It is also in his interest to limit the size of the navies of various countries; the current strategic focus of the Bulgarians is not on the sea, and they should be indifferent.

The last Japan, to be honest, I don't understand them. It is not easy to support the current navy with their finances. It is really unacceptable to dare to continue to expand the army! "

After hesitating for a moment, Lloyd George suddenly said: "I will talk about this issue later, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can make preparations first and test the attitudes of various countries.

Now let's discuss first, the endless rebellion incidents in the colonies, if not dealt with as soon as possible, this situation will be contagious! "

The Colonial Secretary said with a wry smile: "I think this question should be asked of the army first, if the army is willing to contribute, these are not problems!

We all know that these are small troubles in the colonies, and as long as no one is behind them, they are easy to put out.

But judging from the situation from various places, our army is not active in suppressing the uprising. This situation must be changed, otherwise the hegemony of the British Empire is likely to collapse! "

The reason for this question, everyone knows, is nothing more than that during the World War, some actions of the government in order to raise funds were not honorable. In addition, the World War did not last as long as in history, and the strength of the British aristocracy has not been weakened. So miserable!

Although their coup d'état failed, it doesn't mean they won't fight back anymore. Now they have told the London government with practical actions that without their cooperation, the British Empire's position as the world's hegemony will be lost!

Lloyd-George said with a wry smile: "This is indeed a headache. I didn't expect these military nobles to have such a great influence in the army!"

The Minister of War suddenly said: "No! This is not just done by these noble officers, they are not so strong, in fact, ordinary soldiers are also very dissatisfied with the government's behavior!

We must know that their military pay during the World War was not as much as that of ordinary domestic workers, and their pensions after the war were also unimaginably low. The pensions of army soldiers were less than half of that of navy soldiers. Under such circumstances, it is strange that they have no opinion ! "

Everyone turned their attention to the Minister of Finance. Now that they want them to fight, let's raise the military pay first, otherwise no one will work hard if they don't have money!

Being stared at with numbness, the Chancellor of the Exchequer thought for a while and said, "Can we learn from Bulgaria and distribute land to soldiers as military pay? The British Empire has plenty of land!"

Lloyd George shook his head directly, and said, "I'm afraid not. I think any British person lacks interest in our land now!"

Needless to say, the reason is that the land tax and inheritance tax levied during the World Wars have dispelled everyone's enthusiasm for land.

But Bulgaria has never increased land tax from the beginning to the end. The agricultural tax of 5% is all, and the military nobles have halved it. Compared with the land inheritance tax of the British Empire, which was as high as 80%, you are an idiot. Are you interested in land?

Now even telling the soldiers that all their land is exempt from taxes will have no effect. After all, the government's actions have deeply hurt them, and it will be difficult to rebuild their credibility.

The Minister of Exchequer said helplessly: "Then the only option is to increase the military pay. Our financial situation is not very good. How about a 20% increase?"

The Minister of War shook his head and said: "I'm afraid it won't work. According to what we know, military pay should be increased by at least 50% in normal times, tripled in wartime, and tripled in pensions to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm. !"

The chancellor exclaimed, "Why don't you go grab it? With such a high military salary, your standard is about to catch up with the Navy's?"

The Minister of War asked back: "Is there any problem with this? Do you still want soldiers to work their lives with wages lower than ordinary domestic workers?

Do you think they are all fools? Don't forget that they are basically veterans from the World Wars. If you don't give money, who will work for you? "

The chancellor thought for a while and said, "Why don't we recruit mercenaries, maybe it's cheaper?"

The Minister of War just smiled coldly, and everyone shook their heads. Mercenaries are no longer useful these days. The kind of cheap and capable soldiers has long since ceased to exist.

Lloyd George interrupted the quarrel between the two, saying: "Try to increase the salaries of the soldiers on the front line first, and then contact the Egyptians again at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If it doesn't work, let's try the Egyptians first! If the effect is good, it is worthwhile to increase this part of the expenditure!"

The chancellor thought for a while and said, "All right!"


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