Bulgarian Empire

Chapter 106: Changes in British diplomatic stance

After receiving the news from the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the French government was also furious. Seeing that the Italians were about to die, John Bull jumped out to make trouble again.

In the eyes of the French, Bulgaria's previous proposal to carve up Italy was a very good choice. It can not only kill a competitor, but also strengthen the national strength, which is really killing two birds with one stone.

But from the standpoint of the British, this is the worst situation. Even if the three countries carve up Italy, what is the use of their land in Italy?

Except for Sicily and Sardinia, John Bull has expressed no interest in other regions. It’s okay for them not to be interested, but can’t they let their competitors get it?

If France and Bulgaria carve up the Italian peninsula, the French will dominate the continent of Europe, at least Central and Western Europe are trembling under their wings; while Bulgaria is equivalent to controlling half of the Mediterranean, but the British will not gain much. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

They are the bosses of the Mediterranean, even if they can get the two islands of Sardinia and Sicily, nothing will change.

As for the ability to carve out a piece of land from the Italian peninsula, they even disdain it. To be neighbors with two military powers, John Bull is not crazy yet!

President Raymond Poincaré asked coldly: "Has the accuracy of the news been confirmed?"

The French foreign minister shook his head and said: "Not yet, but it is certain that the Bulgarians will not joke about such things. From a motivation point of view, the British can do it!"

After a long silence, Raymond Poincaré said: "Make sure as soon as possible. If the news is accurate, we will cooperate with the Bulgarians. It is also time to let the British know that their decision is not equal to that of the Allied Powers." !"

The French Foreign Minister sighed and said: "Mr. President, the British have made small moves one after another, so disregarding the overall situation, we must take action!\u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

Otherwise, in the end, it will really be that we fight the Germans to the death, and let the British take advantage of it! "

Raymond Poincaré said with some hesitation: "Well, let's invite representatives from all countries together in the name of convening a joint Allied war against Germany conference to jointly protest against the British!

As long as we agree with the Russians and Bulgarians, the British will have to make concessions. "

When he said this, Raymond Poincaré obviously lacked confidence and had to bring Bulgaria and Russia together. The French are still inseparable from John Bull. Even if the British behaved out of line, they can only remember it first and liquidate it later.

It was too late when the French took action. On September 8, the Italian government issued a diplomatic announcement announcing its withdrawal from the world war.

The next day, on behalf of the Allied Powers, John Bull agreed with the Italians to withdraw from the war and invited the Italians to join the Allied Powers. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

On the same day, the Bulgarian and French allied forces began to attack Rome, while the Italians were celebrating the end of the war. The city of Rome was caught off guard, and the Italian government fled in a hurry.

The public opinion in the world was in an uproar, condemning the shameless actions of the Allied Powers one after another, but the newspapers of Bulgaria and France highly praised the efforts made by the British for the great cause of the Allied Powers, and the pressure of public opinion on John Bull suddenly increased.

In the eyes of those who are not aware of the outside world, this is all a British conspiracy. They used diplomatic means to deceive the Italians, let the Italian defenders relax their vigilance, and allowed the Allied forces to break through Rome in one fell swoop!

The international reputation of the British Empire has been severely damaged. This invisible loss is more serious than the actual loss. John Bull is furious, but there is nothing he can do!

Because this operation was carried out secretly by them, and they did not notify other members of the Allied Powers. By the time they announced the news, the Allied Forces of France and France had already paraded on the top of the city of Rome.


The Italian government, which fled in a hurry, is now catching the British and criticizing them fiercely, asking them to give an explanation, and constantly building momentum through public opinion means, hoping to make the Allies retreat.

George V, who received the news, was directly vomited blood, and for the first time expressed doubts about his renunciation of power and handing over to the cabinet.

At the prime minister's residence at No. 10 Downing Street, a group of British dignitaries were gathering together, the atmosphere was very serious, Prime Minister Arquis's face was already clouded with gloom.

Foreign Secretary Gray said angrily: "This time we were cheated by the French and Bulgarian alliance, otherwise the timing could not be such a coincidence, why did Italy just announce its withdrawal from the war, and why did they attack just that night?

As soon as we announced the invitation to Italy to join the Entente, they paraded on the walls of Rome, and now the whole world is watching our joke! If we can't handle Italy well, our diplomatic credibility will be ruined! "\u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

The Minister of State sneered and said: "Having said so much, it's not all the result of your private actions by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If you had informed the two countries in advance, the current embarrassing situation would not have happened!

Don't tell me that you don't have time, even if you informed the Italians on the day they announced their withdrawal from the war, they would not be able to storm Rome.

But now Rome has fallen into the hands of the two countries, and they will not hand it over easily if there are not enough benefits! "

Foreign Secretary Gray retorted: "We did this for the benefit of the British Empire. This is related to the post-war dispute over the right to speak. If Bulgaria and France were involved, they would not agree to let Italy join the Allied Powers!"

The Minister of State still sneered and said: "So now you are as you wish? Even if Bulgaria and France tricked us this time, so what? We can't even protest to them, and now we are in the wrong!\u00261t;i \u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

Don't forget that we are still allies now, can't your Ministry of Foreign Affairs be more concerned?

Now our enemy is the Germans and the Allies, please put away the old tricks, it is no longer feasible!

Even if you want to limit their growth, can't you wait until after the war to take action? Now it's good, put yourself in the hole!

You should read the newspaper too, damn it! Now the outside world is saying that the British Foreign Office is a spy of the Germans, who is responsible for provoking internal conflicts in the Allies! "

Gray wanted to refute, but he didn't know how to say it. Now everyone in the Allied Powers is not interested in the British, and diplomatic relations are in a mess. Although the strategic goals have basically been achieved, hidden dangers have also been planted.

If there is no way to ease the relationship with other countries, there is a high possibility that the three countries of France, Russia and Bulgaria will jointly crowd out the British Empire after the war, and it will be miserable at that time. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

Arquis interrupted their continuation of the quarrel, sighed and said: "Now that something has happened, let's find a way to stop the loss!

At the same time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs must also change its previous diplomatic concepts. We cannot make the world an enemy.

Now our strategy is still to find a way to repair the relationship with the Allied Powers, find a way to make the Allied Powers work together to defeat the Germans in one fell swoop, and strive to end the war as soon as possible!

Don't imagine making peace with the Germans, the consequences would be disastrous for the British Empire! "

Foreign Minister Gray didn't speak for a while, and it was obvious that he was very dissatisfied with the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

For most British politicians, it is more important to defeat the allies first and end the war as soon as possible. As for the issue of balancing the allies, it can be postponed.

Facing the invisible pressure exerted by everyone, Gray had no choice but to compromise: "Well, our Ministry of Foreign Affairs will find a way to get rid of the current embarrassing situation as soon as possible!" \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

Arquis added: "Not only that, we also need to find a way to immediately attack the Allies and divert attention!

Originally, the political influence caused by Italy's withdrawal from the war could already deal a heavy blow to the Allies, but now everyone's attention has been attracted by us, and it has not been able to produce its due effect.

Now we are almost ready to deal a fatal blow to the Germans on the Western Front at any time, but now the Ministry of Foreign Affairs must coordinate the relationship between Russia and Russia, let them attack at the same time, and strive to end the war in the first half of 1917! "

Of course, there is another problem that everyone knows. He did not say that 1917 happened to be his last term in office. If he wins the war during his term of office, it will bring him huge political benefits.

What we are doing will be the beneficiaries. Whether it is for national interests or personal interests, an early end to the war is what everyone needs. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

The Secretary of the Navy suddenly said: "Yes, we must speed up the process of the war now. The Germans are conducting secret negotiations with the Russians. Once they reach an agreement and the Russians withdraw from the world war, we will be in big trouble.

As for the issue of Italy, I suggest a compromise with France and France. We can make deals in other areas, but we cannot let Italy perish. It is best to allow them to retain a certain amount of strength.

Our navy hopes to obtain Sicily as our naval station in the Mediterranean, so that our position in the Mediterranean will be further consolidated! "

Churchill's proposal greatly increased the pressure on Gray. He wanted to preserve Italy and occupy Sicily. So what can France and France gain?

Without enough interest, it is obviously impossible to keep them satisfied! The British Empire does not have the ability to order the heroes to obey. In short, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is busy.

Gray thought for a while and said: "We will try our best to fulfill the navy's request, but if this happens, I'm afraid we will have to make concessions to them in other areas."

Prime Minister Alquis said calmly: "Concessions are inevitable, but everything must be based on the premise of protecting the interests of the British Empire. As long as our core interests are not damaged, concessions can be made elsewhere!

Although I don't want to admit it, the British Empire doesn't have the strength to overwhelm the whole world now. Just one German will exhaust us, so we need allies!

Even after the world war is over, we still need allies to keep our supremacy! "

History has once again turned a turning point. It was originally in 1918 that the foreign policy of the British Empire had a comprehensive change, but now it has been brought forward by two full years!

Gray nodded, expressing his acquiescence. With the rise of emerging countries, he has discovered that the strength of the British Empire is not unlimited! At least when facing the Germans, they are a little powerless.

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