Building Warships in the Game

Chapter 34 - 34 Photos Of J20 Appeared!

The speed of the Internet was astonishing.

Soon, the Internet was full of the two wrapped planes.

Everyone was guessing what the models of these two planes were.

However, it was just speculation.

Before the exercise started, it was impossible for outsiders to know the real size of these two planes.

In Bama State's military academy, a professor had just finished a class.

Suddenly, his phone rang.

He picked up the phone and pressed the answer button.

A man's voice came from the other end of the line. "Louis, have you watched the news?"

"Jonathan, what news? I'm busy with my classes all day long. I don't have time to watch any news."

Louis complained.

Jonathan continued, "Wait a minute. I'll send you some pictures. Have a look!"

"Okay, send it to me!"

After saying that, Louis turned on the speaker and opened the chatting software.

Jonathan sent him several pictures.

The photos were taken by netizens about the two planes.

"Jonathan, I've never seen this airplane before. Where did you get it?"

Jonathan replied, "It seems to be an invisible plane. Look at its appearance. It looks like the F22 of White Eagle State!"

Louis nodded. As a professor of a military school, he was very familiar with these weapons and equipment.

From these pictures, he could tell that this was not an ordinary plane.

Now hearing what Jonathan said, it seemed to be true.

These two planes were not ordinary planes.

It looked like an invisible plane.

"Where did you get this?"

Jonathan replied, "This was taken on a road this morning!"

"Many netizens have photographed it! Not just one person!"

Louis was a little surprised. "Oh? Is that true?"

"But our air force doesn't have such an airplane. Most of our airplanes are eliminated by Ross State!"

"You are right. I don't know what's going on now."

"That's why I come to ask you!"

Louis was stunned and looked at these photos.

It was true that this was not an existing plane of Bama State, but it appeared on the territory of Bama State.

He couldn't help but doubt it.

"Do you think it's an invisible plane bought by our air force?" Jonathan suddenly asked.

Louis nodded and said, "I can't rule out this possibility. But why haven't we heard of it before?"

"Yeah! Is it because we have too little information?" Jonathan was depressed.

"I don't think so. The information we don't know must be confidential!"

As two professors of Bama State's military academy, they knew nothing about it.

It was really unbelievable.

Both Louis and Jonathan were very interested in military matters.

They knew much about national military affairs.

Unlike this time, the netizens outside all knew it, but they still didn't know!

"I heard that there will be a drill in the army recently, right?" All of a sudden, Louis remembered the military exercise.

"That's right! I almost forget it if you don't tell me!"

Louis continued, "Are these two planes going to participate in the exercise?"

Jonathan was suddenly enlightened!

"Yes, they are heading for the exercise area!"

"That's right. Since they are going to participate in the exercise, we will know what these two planes are sooner or later!"

Louis breathed a sigh of relief. The mysterious veils of the two planes were about to be uncovered.

"You are right. Let's wait and see!" Jonathan agreed with Louis.

The two of them greeted each other for a while and then hung up the phone.

Louis opened the picture again and observed the two planes carefully.

"What are they?"

He dialed another number. "It's me. What are you busy with now?"

A voice came from the other end of the phone, "Yes, teacher. What can I do for you?"

"I want to beg you for one thing!"

"Teacher, don't say that!"

"I want to have a look at this exercise."


At the Bama State's military exercise base.

At this time, an armored car escorted two lorries slowly into the base.

"What's this?" The sentry at the drill base was stunned to see these two guys.

"These seem to be two planes!" Another comrade in arms replied.

"Nonsense! I know it's an airplane, but I've never seen this type of airplane before!"

"Yes, I haven't seen this before."

In the base, a major officer looked at the car driving into the base.

"What's going on? Didn't they say there were 20 planes? Why are there two?" Jim was confused.

He was the captain of the flying team on the base.

"Sir!" A soldier knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

The soldier opened the door and saluted.

Then he said, "Captain! The captain of the special action team of the three armies is here!"

Jim suddenly remembered that not long ago, the army of Bama State set up a special action team.

The army of Bama State must obey this team.

It seemed that this team had great power.

Jim didn't dare to neglect him and said in a hurry, "Come in, please!"

After a while, Shane walked into Jim's office.

Shane was the captain of the special action team.

The main purpose of the special action team was to cooperate with the mysterious captain.

It was Allen.

If Allen knew that Bama State's military department had specially set up a department for him, he might be too excited to fall asleep.

"Sir!" Jim saluted at once.

He was only a major, while Shane was a lieutenant general.

Shane nodded, "Captain, the director has sent two planes to participate in this military exercise."

Jim nodded, "Didn't you say there were ten planes? Why only two?"

Shane knew what Jim meant. He thought that it was impossible to win with only two planes.

After all, the opposite side had 15 planes.

As the captain of a flying squad, there were only two planes in his hands.

In the face of more than a dozen planes, it was impossible to say that they were not afraid.

No wonder Jim was worried.

Shane smiled and said, "Although there are only two planes, their strength is even greater than that of 20!"

"What?" Jim couldn't believe what he had heard.

He thought Shane was joking.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm telling the truth."

"If you don't believe me, come out with me!"

So they came to the airport together. At this time, the truck had already unloaded the two planes into the warehouse of the airport.

In order to keep it a secret, the two planes were sent directly into the warehouse, and they sent people to guard it closely, not allowing anyone to come in.

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