Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 92: against the enemy

Kyle reached out and took out the ancient sheepskin scroll from the space inside his body, and Gu Yi immediately threw out the magic chain to bind it.

"Looks like you don't plan to come out."

Gu Yi's chains shone slightly, and boundless black air emerged from the ancient sheepskin scroll, but they were all dispelled by the light.

White magic is like water and fire to black magic. When the two meet, one of them will be annihilated.

"Why are you forcing me..."

The green light exploded, knocking Gu Yi's magic chain away, slowly forming a humanoid form.

After appearing, a strong black gas spread out from the opponent's body, and Kayle and Gu Yi immediately stepped back a distance.

This black qi can corrupt people's bodies and minds, and even at their level, they need to be careful.

"Your Excellency can grow to the point where you are now, and you must have absorbed millions of human lives over the thousands of years."

Gu squeezed out the magic with both hands, the golden-red charm appeared on his body, and said after isolating the black air.

Human life is worthless, especially in the ancient society of the past.

It is precisely in this way that the ancient scroll evil spirit can grow to the point where it is today. If it is not dealt with, when the other party leaves the ancient scroll, the world will usher in a catastrophe.

"Really, I don't know how to put a shield on me."

Kyle just watched Gu Yi and Evil Spirit arguing. After discovering that Gu Yi had brought a shield to him and ignored him at all, the whole person was unbelievable.

Anyway, the two of us are also comrades-in-arms. How come you, a woman, only know how to shield yourself and not your teammates.

In fact, this can't be blamed on Gu Yi, even if she wanted to, she couldn't get it right. Magic's interference with Kyle was almost zero.

"I can see through your hiding. You obviously have the power of darkness. Why do you want to be my enemy? We should be friends."

The evil spirit stretched out his hand to Gu Yi, the dark power behind this guy is almost endless.

The dark power of the ancient one came from stealing the dark dimension, but it can really be said to be endless.

"Don't think about it, evil spirit, I must get rid of you today."

Facing the temptation, Gu Yi was not afraid.

After guarding the real world for hundreds of years, there is nothing that can deceive her heart, even the dark forces have not succeeded.

Seeing that Gu Yi's determination has been made, the evil spirit will no longer bewitching. The war between black magic and white magic is about to start.

On the side, Kyle stood with his hands behind his back, he only needed to make a cage to hold the evil spirit, not to obliterate its consciousness.

"I can't leave you alone!"

Gu Yi took the lead, condensing two semi-circular magic shields in his hands, which could help her fight in close combat at any time.

Afterwards, he summoned the portal with his hands, and wanted to use this move to strangle the evil spirits.

"Come on then!"

The evil spirit is not afraid, the black energy in his hand is extremely thick, and he does not pay attention to the sudden portal.

He supported the portal with both hands, and the black energy all over his body instantly disintegrated it!

In the palm of his hand, the four basic elements of earth, fire, water, and wind began to condense together.

Whether it is black magic or white magic, these four elements are used.

This is the magic composition of the Western world, not the gold, wood, water, fire and earth we know.

The elemental ball, which was originally small enough to be held in the palm of the hand, became a huge fifty meters in an instant.

"It's really gorgeous."

Kyle's face was full of envy. These people's strengths are really high, unlike him who can finish things with just a wave of his hand, it's just too monotonous!

But then, Kyle couldn't laugh anymore, and the fireball that was blocked by Gu Yi's move rushed straight at him.

He stretched out his palm to block in front of him, and the fireball instantly turned into countless light spots and dissipated this alien space.

"Can't it be broken down?"

Kyle withdrew his palm with a frown, he just used the power of decomposition.

However, it seems that this ability can only act on matter, and for things like magic, it just nullifies it.

This is also an experience, at least in the future, when facing the magician, you don't need to go up and touch it foolishly.

"Mage, go to hell!"

The evil spirit roared and drew Kyle's sight back to the battlefield.

I saw a roaring green flame burning on his body, and a flaming giant with a height of 100 meters condensed in front of him.

This is the elemental effect of earth and fire. The so-called magic is nothing more than the understanding and manipulation of these four attributes.

"Evil spirit, victory won't be yours."

Gu Yi also began to exert his strength, with the unique sealing charm of Kama Taj on his face, which sealed the dark power in his body.

This is what she set for herself, just because she was afraid that the dark power would suddenly burst out, and it would be over.

The golden red light burst into all directions, and the body of the Fire Rock Giant began to be disintegrated layer by layer, and the power of white magic was brought into full play.

"Curse: Shadowwing Strike."

The evil spirit saw that Gu Yi's line of sight had been blocked by the Fire Rock Giant, and he began to play tricks behind his back.

A combined monster similar to a bat and a ray appeared behind Gu Yi, and its incomparably sharp tail stabbed directly at her back.

But the evil spirit forgot that Gu Yi didn't come alone, and there was a Kyle who was immune to magical attacks.

After observing that the evil spirit began to play small tricks, the creative power in his hands exploded, and he gave Gu Yi a blessing to block the blow.

"Thank you!"

Feeling the fluctuations from behind, Gu thanked Kyle, otherwise the blow would definitely hurt her.

Afterwards, Kyle continued to stand up, and at the same time began to use the power of connection to create a cage.

The firmness of this cage is comparable to that of a small singularity universe, so as to ensure that the power of evil spirits will not be scattered.

And it's still a super big bomb, so Kyle can't ignore it. It's quite interesting to hang it directly at the door of Dormammu's house.

To be honest, Kyle is not sure whether he can successfully create this kind of cage, he can use too little connection force.

"Damn it, this is also a strong man, I have to find a way to get away."

When the evil spirit saw this scene, he already had the intention of running away. If he didn't leave and wait for that person to finish, he would definitely die.

The white magician in front of him is also a strong man. He has had this kind of power for thousands of years. How big is this talent?

"The Scarlet Lock."

Gu Yi threw a chain again, but it was not the same as the golden red of Kama Taj's ancestors, but a pure scarlet color.

In charge of Kama Taj for hundreds of years, the magic inside is not to mention the plenary meeting, there are seven or eight out of ten.

This kind of chain comes from the power of another great god, and if it is bound, it cannot be freed at all.

"Damn Mage, what have you done!"

The evil spirit's wrist was entangled, and he immediately wanted to break free, but his black qi had no effect at all.

And this chain is still suppressing his power, and it won't take long for the black magic of the evil spirit to be weakened by a layer.


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