Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 37: date of birth

"Oh, my dear boss, please don't work so hard!"

Kyle, who has been injected with serum, has reached an extremely terrifying level of strength. He just failed to control it, causing a little pressure to the doctor.

Immediately released the doctor in front of him, Kyle felt that he should inject this guy with a dose of serum too, for fear that he would die suddenly one day.

"Don't talk nonsense, take us to the test site."

Kyle patted him on the shoulder and said, you must know that it cost him 120 million to build this place, and the main expenditure is equipment.

Only ten implanted capsules were built, but they were not as good as the one from the Water Company. It was a simplified version, and the work was exactly the same.

"It's good to talk about it, just now I was preparing the materials needed for the experiment."

Dr. Laura picked up the documents that he had just sorted out. These were his researches on crystal No. 7.

At present, one of the only three crystals left has been stored in Arkham.

In addition to the piece at the headquarters of the Water Company, there is another piece that was cut by Kyle and sent to various factories to make products.

This is the location and purpose of the three No. 7 crystals currently owned, mainly because the cost of this thing is particularly high.

"After the red, immediately take over the operation authority of the implantation cabin, and you will do all the implantation work."

As one of the subordinate organizations of the Water Company, there are naturally also subsystems of the Red Queen that maintain operation.

Moreover, the main red queen system at the headquarters can be exchanged with the subsystem at any time, and Kyle has the main red queen serving wherever he goes.

"Boss, these are the ten members who are going to participate in the implantation today. They are all carefully selected."

When the three of them arrived at the experiment site, there were already ten people in white lab coats standing there, surrounded by reinforced soldiers patrolling.

Dr. Laura introduced them to Kyle. The youngest is 18 years old and the oldest is 25 years old.

"Why are there still addicts?"

Kyle is currently staying outside the glass to observe, he swept the people inside, and finally stopped on an addict.

Her body was weak and her complexion was extremely pale and bloodless, including her lips, her face was numb, and her expression was lax but full of firmness.

"Boss, don't underestimate a person's potential."

"This subject's name is Herb Bell, and he got a perfect score in this test."

Dr. Laura's eyes were filled with satisfaction. This 22-year-old was one of the people he saw.

When a person truly has his own concerns and beliefs, he will be invincible, and no pain can defeat him.

"Really? Then I'll take a good look at it then."

Hearing Laura's words, Kyle was also interested in this man, I hope he can bring some surprises.

Natasha didn't think there was anything special, but pulled up a chair and sat down, watching quietly.

In order to prevent possible battles, she specially wore a battle suit this time, which was actually a specially designed tights.

"Ahem, I'm Dr. Laura, the person in charge of this experiment. Now you can enter the implantation capsule, and the experiment will begin immediately."

After saying hello through the microphone, Laura began to prepare for the work that needs to be done.

After making sure that all ten experimenters were inside, he pressed the start button on the operation panel, followed by a long wait.

"I'll go first, it'll be over soon."

After two boring hours, Natasha stood up, stretched, and walked towards the room.

If there are people who have the ability to lose control, then she will go and maim these people and lock them up. As for why not kill them.

That's because these people are worth more alive than dead. Laura might be able to increase the success rate to 100% by studying these people.

"Open the first one."

The last five minutes passed quietly, Kyle looked at the time on his watch and instructed Laura.

These ten implanted capsules are intended to be opened one by one, so as to minimize the risk.

If you open them all at once, Natasha will not be able to cope if there are more than three people whose abilities are out of control.

The sound of air pressure sounded, and the hatch of the first implanted capsule opened.

Here is a 21-year-old woman who participated because her mother was seriously ill and needed a lot of money for treatment.

As a child who grew up in a single-parent family, she has a very strong desire not to lose this only family affection.

"I am... I succeeded!"

Walking out of it with slow and powerful steps, the pupils in the girl's eyes turned blue like ice.

For a while, the temperature in the entire room dropped a lot from the constant temperature, and a cold swish swept through the body.

"Is it related to ice?"

Seeing the thermometer in the room, Kyle frowned slightly, which seemed to be a little too strong.

The main thing is to control the super power of ice. It is very powerful after it has been developed. Kyle naturally needs to pay more attention.

"Hello, Lina Daisy, I'm your new captain, since the awakening is successful, stand behind me and wait for the next Seeing Daisy who is still in a daze, Nata Sha was a little unhappy, it was completely interfering with her work schedule.

You must know that when she returns to New York, she will go shopping with Alice, so she can't waste too much time.

"Okay... okay!"

When Daisy heard Natasha's voice, she walked not far behind her step by step, and began to be dazed again and continued to get acquainted with her current body.

As experimenters, all of them knew that this was a human experiment before they started implanting, and if they were successful, they would usher in a brilliant life.

If it fails, it means sinking into **** forever. It is precisely because of this reason that there are only 10 of the 50 experimenters left.

The rest of the people were sent back to their original places and returned to their normal lives after physical amnesia was performed by the Water Company.

"Okay, open the second one."

After seeing that Natasha and Daisy communicated well, Kyle asked Laura to directly open the second implantation capsule.

With the release of the anesthesia effect, a low roar came from the implantation cabin, and then the hatch cover was directly smashed by a punch.


An extremely strong man jumped out of it, his eyes were full of red light, and three circular red spots grew on his chest and palms.

The crimson light continued to gather, and Natasha rushed forward quickly, knocking the opponent unconscious with a knife.

"Really, is that the only level of ability after losing one's mind?"

Seeing her one move to defeat the enemy, Natasha was also a little confused at the moment, she thought it would be a very difficult battle.

But who would have thought that this guy wouldn't dodge even if he practiced dodging, and directly resisted Natasha's hand knife, knowing that her strength could easily shred iron plates.

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