In 2004, the team began to build around Howard, the current No. 1 pick. The 0607 season reached the playoffs for the first time, and the 0809 season reached the finals. After reaching its peak, the Magic began to decline step by step. In the 0910 season, the team was sniped by the rejuvenated Celtics in the Eastern Conference Finals. In the 2010-11 season, the team encountered the counterattack of the Eagles and was eliminated in the first round. Lewis, Nelson, and Turkoglu were all important helpers who helped Howard reach the finals, but their unreasonable big contracts and declining state year by year have become a burden for the Magic. The waste swap between Lewis and Arenas did not have the desired effect. The team chose to amnesty Arenas before the start of the season, freeing up some salary space. Dick has played well this season after being put on the starting lineup, which is the only consolation for the Magic. But thinking about the combination of Nelson, Redick, and Turkoglu defending Bledsoe, George, and Leonard with three defensive colanders, the picture seems a little cruel. Speaking of going back to the inside, although Lopez and West are powerless to stop Howard who is still at the peak, the situation will definitely improve compared to the tragic situation of being hanged and beaten by Warcraft last season.

Because of work arrangements, Taylor Swift didn't come over in the end, and Jiang Mingliang came late only halfway through the timeout in the first quarter. Looking at the real-time score, he almost thought he was reading it the wrong way.

At 6:18, the Nets trailed by 12 points in the opening game, and from the point of view of the score, it was completely sacked. Nelson, a point guard who is short in stature, not fast enough, and not good enough in passing awareness, has been reduced to the level of injuring the enemy by 800 and 1,000 in recent years, but he ushered in a big explosion in today's game. At the beginning of the game, he shot from inside and outside, sent 8 points and 2 assists, and led the team to beat the Nets in one fell swoop. Since his rookie season, Bledsoe, who has been recognized for his defensive ability, was confused by Nelson's offensive rhythm, which did not appear when facing stronger point guards.

Back-to-back effects? Jiang Mingliang didn't think so. It's not that the players aren't tired, it's just that the Nets' back-to-back home games this time are two consecutive home games, and at the beginning of the season, the players' physical reserves should still be good. It's really not true that the accumulation of fatigue is serious.

After a timeout, Anderson stepped forward again. Instead of West, he first used George's breakthrough to score the ball, and used a fake shot to open the defense that Bass pounced on. Then he hit a three-pointer steadily, and then In the fast break, he received a point from Bledsoe, hit a three-pointer, scored 6 points in 40 seconds, and narrowed the point difference.

Only three games into the new season, Anderson let Nets fans dispel doubts about him because of his performance in the second half of last season. Even head coach Stevens was a little surprised by Anderson's progress this season.

For Anderson himself, it is a very unfortunate thing to become a substitute this season. This season is his first contract year in the NBA. He needs outstanding performance to get a big contract. The arrival of West It was a huge shock to him, but at the beginning of the season, the game that West should have been injured was banned due to the lockout, which made Anderson lose some opportunities, which also forced him to come up with A strong enough performance.

Magic is also a familiar team for Anderson. Besides the Nets, the only team he has played for is the Magic. A stable three-point shot was also practiced in the Magic. In theory, Anderson is also a very suitable partner for Howard. Unfortunately, when he was in the Magic, there was 120 million Mr. Lewis in the team, and the team introduced him later. Bass, greatly suppressed Anderson's playing time.

The perimeter defensive ability is too weak, and the team's defense is entirely tied to Howard alone. This has become an unavoidable deadlock for the Magic. Regardless of how much Nelson and Redick can occasionally make on the offensive end, time will As big as a whole game, it must be sent back on the defensive end. No wonder Howard made a fuss about leaving in the summer.

At the end of the first quarter, the Nets narrowed the point difference to 3 points. Looking at Howard's unlovable expression in the Magic's rest area, Jiang Mingliang really felt a pity for Warcraft. Theoretically speaking, this is also the pinnacle of Warcraft in the last season. The waist injury caused by the long-term battle and the back injury caused by Heywood's malicious foul will cause the strength of Warcraft to decline, and he is not willing to use the pick-and-roll tactics. Howard will become a famous player in the future. "Cancer", which also makes the future of Warcraft displaced.

During the break, the big screen at the scene once again showed Carly Rae Jipson, who came to watch the game today. This is a squatting girl who came to the Blue Nets to watch the game for two consecutive days. Unlike Taylor Swift, Jiang Mingliang went to Madison Square in person. The garden was "digged", and the squatting girl ran over to watch the Nets game entirely by herself. Facing the camera, the squatting girl also gave a sweet smile.

The song "Call Me Maybe" is popular all over the streets and alleys. It is impossible for Jiang Mingliang not to have heard of it. With such a fan, he is also welcome. When it comes time to compete with New York for the market, apart from the strength of the team, there must be enough gimmicks too!

With the end of the first quarter and the second quarter, Howard, who was fouled twice, was unable to play in the first half of the quarter, and the situation on the court further fell to the Nets. Isner Smith, who is quick but has no shooting and no confrontation, Larry Hughes, who has been scrapped for several years, and Quentin Richardson, whose abilities have degenerated except for fixed-point three-pointers, has a shooting skill but mediocre physical talent It's really too difficult for Clark and the second-round pick Alton.

Seeing that Jeremy Lin can complete singles in front of Smith, and seeing Korver and Anderson, who can completely start in the Magic, Stan Van Gundy is envious or envious. Why, these players fell into the hands of Stevens?

Considering that the team fought against the Mavericks for 47 minutes yesterday before finally deciding the winner, Stevens extended the time of the rotation lineup in this game, especially the matchup and substitution between Anderson and West. While the good Anderson has enough playing time, West, who has just recovered from a serious injury, can also get more rest. In this regard, West did not have much opinion. After all, the desired contract has already been obtained, and West is not a person who pays so much attention to regular season statistics at his age.

Seeing the bad situation, Stan Van Gundy replaced Howard in advance, and told the opponent to pay attention to controlling the number of fouls. However, Howard, who was full of anger, opened the way with an elbow in his first attack. After pushing away Anderson, he dunked successfully. The referee gave a star whistle, ignoring Anderson's painful expression to indicate that the score was valid.

The ball was blown, but the fans at the scene booed everywhere, and Stevens reacted dissatisfied to the referee, and the response was a T.

"Damn it!" Jiang Mingliang's reaction was also very surprised, this shit, he pushed his nose on his face.

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