Broad World

Chapter 7 Harvest

The two simply counted the number of dead bugs, and there were only one. It's a pity that the biggest ones in the innermost were not attracted. The next thing is physical activity. Henry is responsible for binding the bugs tightly below, and then Cagan drags them up with a rope. A worm weighs around 800 pounds, or more than 350 kilograms. Fortunately, the entrance of the cave is not high and is a slope, and the dwarves are quite strong. The two struggled to drag all the bugs up. Seeing so many bugs Cagan smiled.

"We got rich little Henry!" The dwarf laughed at Henry while sitting on the ground tired.

Henry nodded. "Yes, we made a fortune. But so many bug shells haven't been removed yet."

Cagan smiled. "We can ask people in the village to help. It is not complicated to do a simple cut. And we only need the head and the hardest back. The shells of the limbs can also be used as armor and can be given to the villagers as labor compensation." Veteran adventurer, Henry thought to himself. Looking at Cagan's usual simple-minded appearance, I really can't see that he can use waste resources so skillfully to hire local people as free labor.

"Okay, you rest here for a while. Guard the booty. I'll go to Brown's house and ask him to help us hire a few people. After all, you did the most work just now." After speaking, he stood up and looked at the dwarf sitting Panting on the ground, he shook his numb arms and put on a crossbow and walked towards General Fang of Brown Farm.

After walking along the main road for about twenty-five minutes, Henry returned to the farm. "Mr. Brown, are you there?" he called out as soon as he entered the house.

When Brown heard someone calling him, he asked loudly, "I'm packing farm tools in the backyard. What's the matter?"

Henry took a breath. "Kagan and I killed a lot of diggers in the cave in the west, and I want you to help us hire a few villagers to deal with the spoils. We only need the shells of the head and back, and the shells on the legs are used as hired What do you think of the cost."

Brown opened the back door and entered the house, looking at Henry in surprise. "My God, how many bugs did you kill?"

"Twenty of them, we're dying of exhaustion. You know those guys weigh 800 pounds each, and it's really not an easy task to drag them out of a cave more than ten meters away." Henry picked up the kettle on the table with a burst of force irrigation. This day, but shed a lot of sweat.

"Twenty! How did you do it? I'm talking about a problem, each bug has six legs. The shells on the legs of so many bugs can make several pieces of good armor." Brown said it was impossible. The expression agreed.

Henry nodded. "Then go and hire the villagers first. I'll drink some water and rest before setting off. I'm exhausted today. Do you know the cave in the west?"

"Of course, I grew up here since I was a child. There is no place near the village that I don't know. Then I will catch up with the carriage and find someone first, and I will come back to pick you up later." Brown picked up the reins and went out to lead the horse out of the stable. Then he got into the car and set off towards the village.

Watching Brown drive the carriage far away, Henry found a chair and sat down. The interface is launched.

Human, male, 14 years old, absolutely neutral, occupation: mage level 1 108132500, druid level 1 10812 00, you have upgraded. You have accepted a quest to clear the burg caves, kill them all 25.

After the "upgrade" was silently said in the heart, the panel changed.

Mage Level 4 1 (13 000, Druid Level 4 1081212500

1st-level spell slots: 3

2nd-level spell slots: 2

Level 1 Spell Slots: 5

Level 2 Spell Slots: 4

Master the new 2nd-level divine spells Resist Fire and Cold, Fire Knife, Fire Trap, Slow Poison, Know Opponent, Plum, Bark, Find Trap, Cure Moderate Injury, Charm Man or Animal.

After the upgrade, Henry felt that he was suddenly much stronger. Sure enough, no one can get rich without a windfall, and a horse can't be fat without leaves. It's a pity that there is no second-level spell slot, and I don't have a second-level spell. Level 2 spell scrolls need 1 (about one gold coin, so even if I get about 10,000 gold coins after completing this task, I can’t buy a few scrolls. Magic is a waste of money, it seems that I still need to make more money.

With nothing to do, Henry recovered his strength while drinking water and looking at the scenery outside the window when he was free. It wasn't long before Brown returned with four villagers and four wagons.

"Henry, come out. Let's set off now and try to get back before the sun sets." The old man shouted from the carriage.

"Come here!" Henry put down his water glass and rushed out, closed the door and jumped directly into the carriage.

"Driving" and "Driving" the villagers drove each other's carriages and lined up in a straight line towards the entrance of the cave. Brown's carriage was going fast, and it was time to chat and laugh with the villagers.

Seeing that Henry brought someone here, Cagan immediately stood up from the ground, "Hey, here, here."

The villagers asked in amazement: "Wow! How did you kill so many bugs?" Seeing the corpses of huge diggers lying on the ground in disorder, they sighed and took out their daggers to start cutting and cleaning them.

"You don't know, when I was being chased, I ran very fast. When I ran to the entrance of the cave, I made a leap. I dare to bet with my beard. At that time, the height of the jump was at least five meters." Cagan watched others work Let me tell you about my adventure just now. However, the degree of exaggeration needs to be investigated.

"You must be bragging. I have never seen a dwarf who can jump five meters high when I grow up. I believe you are strong, but forget about high jumps. Besides, your beard is only half left." The old man Brown couldn't take it anymore and began to refute.

"Damn it, my beard was ignited by Henry, too early. And I must have jumped five meters high." The dwarf's stubborn problem began to attack, he turned his head and asked: "Henry, you were there at the time, Do you think I picked five meters?"

"I don't remember too well. I was so nervous at the time. And the hole was so dark. My eyes were fixed on your back." Seeing that the two people were arguing with him, Henry decisively started to fight Made slime.

Sure enough, there were many people and things were done quickly. In the evening, everyone finished disposing of the corpses. The heads belonged to Cagan and Henry, and the back shells were attached to the two front cars. The leg shells used as commissions were placed on several cars behind. Everyone decided to transport them to Brown's house together and then redistribute them.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone lazily on his body, and the carriage returned to the farm with a huge amount of spoils. After brushing with well water, the massive leg shells were divided into five parts. One copy belonged to Brown. The others reloaded the wagon with another quarter and took it home. Cagan and Henry's share was temporarily stored in the barn. Thankfully it's spring and it's still empty.

After the distribution, the villagers drove their carriages and went home. Brown started preparing dinner. Since there are a lot of bug shells, you can earn at least 300 gold coins if you sell them. The old man's dinner was extraordinarily sumptuous. Big chunks of white bread, stewed chicken. He also killed a piglet and made a roast suckling pig.

"It's really delicious. It's the best dinner I've ever had in the past few days. It would be nice to have a little more wine." The dwarf's mouth could not be filled with food.

"You came at the wrong time. All the wine brewed before was sold in the city. Last year's newly brewed wine can't be drunk until at least September." Brown answered while chewing on a chicken leg.

"Kagan, we need to go to the tree house tomorrow. The cave has not been cleaned up, and the five big ones in the innermost are only two of us who can't deal with it." Henry felt that it was not time to get carried away. He tore off a small piece of bread crumbs and handed it to Louise, and gave her a small piece of chicken. The food of pixies is not complicated. In the wild, they mainly eat some fruits and nectar, and occasionally catch some small insects to eat.

"We can make another trap tomorrow to drive them out and burn them to death." Cagan pouted nonchalantly.

"My God!" Henry felt defeated by the dwarf's innocence. "The last five are in the deepest part of the cave, and you'll be chased and dismembered if you don't even reach the entrance. I don't think they'd mind eating a fresh dwarf."

"Then what do you say?" Cagan also felt that his thoughts were a little unreliable, and kicked the ball back.

"We have to go deep into the cave to fight a decisive battle inside. For this, we need the help of Ms. Zeti Druid. We will go to her tomorrow morning with the heads of all the bugs. Mr. Brown, don't mind if we borrow your carriage tomorrow." "Of course, you can use it as you like." Brown readily agreed.

After dinner, everyone went back to their houses and prepared to go to bed. The old man Brown and the dwarf, who were tired all day, fell asleep not long after. Henry lay on his bed and opened the system interface again to prepare spells and divine spells for tomorrow's battle. The little pixie had made himself a little home with a rag on the bed, and was asleep.

The 1st-level spells are Grease, Burning Hand, and Shadow

Level 1 divine spells are entanglement, power of stone, cure light wounds, demon fire, armor of faith

Level 2 magic preparations are bark surgery x2, flame knife, and treatment of medium damage.

Today was a really challenging day, maybe tomorrow the battle will be even more intense. Henry thought, yawning after praying. Ever since he came to this world, he found that his nerves have become much tougher. If he had a calm personality before, he would not be able to do something as exciting and adventurous as burning the wormhole today. Maybe I should find a god to hug my thigh? Otherwise, if one accidentally dies, an unbelievers like myself will be used by the god of death, Kelanvor, to paste the wall. Forget it, let's not talk about so many secrets. It is also difficult for people who have received so many years of atheist education to have faith in a god. The moonlight at night shines on the bed through the window. Louise turned over, Henry looked at the little guy and smiled, stopped thinking about it, closed his eyes and began to rest. —————————————————————————————————

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