Broad World

Chapter 474 Sleepless Night (Part 1)

In the middle of the night, the barracks outside Soba City had ended the hustle and bustle of the day, and most of the soldiers had returned to their tents to sleep. However, in the central tent of the Iron Throne, several people were arguing fiercely. These guys are all at the top of the organization, fighting for the biggest piece of cake for the interest groups they represent behind them. They didn't know that they were already the fat in Corey's eyes, and they would be swallowed immediately at dawn.

Hearing the screams and roars inside, the fat cat lying on the side of the tent opened its mouth and cursed silently. Since receiving the mission, he and his assassin team have been in ambush here for several hours, but they still couldn't find any chance to do it. I don't know where these bastards got so much energy from sunset to now.

You must know that almost all of them, including Delt (17th-level fallen paladin), Sarah Brightman (10th-level illusionist), Baldwin (12th-level fighter), and Dick (14th-level wandering swordsman) They are all difficult characters, launching a sneak attack at this time is definitely asking for death, so there is no other way except to wait patiently.

As the saying goes, when people are unlucky, drinking cold water will clog their teeth, and this is the case for fat cats. Another hour passed, and the quarrels in the big tent not only did not stop, but intensified. Especially that Ms. Sarah Brightman, when she was excited, she would even bless herself with the "phantom sound technique", and the extremely penetrating voice pierced people's eardrums.

In the end, because he really couldn't bear the torture of this kind of magic sound, he led the assassin team to retreat towards the orc camp, planning to hide there for a while. Wait until midnight to see if there is any chance to do it. After all, squatting in one place for too long can easily cause limb paralysis. Pretty deadly for an Assassin.

With the help of the cover of night. A group of eight people avoided the Gnoll's camp. Because these guys with particularly sensitive noses are like dogs, they can smell the smell of strangers within tens of meters, and they are the most hated opponents of most thieves. Perhaps the Iron Throne considered this issue when setting up the camp, so they placed the gnolls on the westernmost side to guard against the monsters that came out from the Troll's Claw Shoal from time to time.

As soon as he entered the orc's camp, Fat Cat immediately felt the atmosphere of a war coming. Every orc warrior who was resting was wearing armor, and his weapons were kept within easy reach. It is believed that as long as the chief gives an order, they will wake up quickly within a few minutes. And it exploded with amazing fighting power, completely destroying the defense system of the entire camp.

The fire in Fugner's camp was still on, and a huge figure was walking around. Apparently, he couldn't sleep when the final battle was about to start. After all, this is related to the survival and continuation of the entire orc tribe. If it fails, thousands of women and children will become the hunting targets of monsters and wild beasts because of the loss of protection, or they will be captured by other orc tribes and become the lowest slaves .

With excellent stealth skills, the assassin team easily escaped the watchtowers built by the orcs. One by one they got into the tent. The fat cat, who had never known politeness, directly showed its figure, and sat down beside the fire carelessly. Grab the roasted rabbit meat and eat it with big mouthfuls.

While eating, he complained shamelessly: "Damn it! There is too little salt in it, and it has no taste at all. Quick, pour me a glass of wine."

The chief stared at the fat man in front of him dumbfounded, and it took him a while to recover. He asked with surprise on his face, "You...why did you show up here with someone? Has there been any change in the plan?"

"No, it's business as usual. I'm just here to carry out the assassination of a few high-level officials of the Iron Throne, but now they're all getting together and arguing non-stop, and they haven't been able to find a chance to do it, so I'll come to your place to eat first, Take a break. Okay, guys, come out, come and taste the roasted rabbit meat, we will find another chance in the second half of the night." Saying that, the fat cat waved casually, and the other seven assassins also walked out of the shadows. When he came out, he immediately divided up the roasted rabbit meat on the campfire.

Hearing that there was nothing wrong, Fugner was immediately relieved. He didn't care that his supper was eaten by others. Instead, he smiled and took out a wine bag and handed it over: "Here, be careful when drinking it, it's full of strong alcohol. The operation at night will end in failure, because those guys may not be able to fight for a result by dawn."

Fat Cat took a big gulp, handed the wine bag to the subordinate beside him, frowned and asked, "You are also a chief after all, can't you think of something?"

"Chief? Hahahahaha!" Fugner laughed at himself. He smiled and explained: "To tell you the truth, those high-level officials of the Iron Throne don't pay attention to us aliens at all. Not only me, but even the leaders of the gnolls and hobgoblins next to me are not qualified to participate .”

"So that's how it is. I said how could you agree so happily when you first cooperated." Fat Cat showed contempt in his eyes as he spoke.

He now finally understood the top-down structure of the camp. The first is the Iron Throne executives standing at the top. They are the core, responsible for organizing, planning, and distributing spoils. Then there are the tribal chiefs and mercenary heads who have military power at hand, and the last ones are those adventurers and big soldiers with no background, who have no right to speak at all.

Fugner smiled slyly, leaned forward and asked in a low voice: "How about it, do you need me to contact the gnolls and hobgoblins? As long as you can promise to let them go after the battle, these guys can join us Come here."

Fat Cat shook his head slightly and replied: "No, it's not necessary at all. Duke Henry will never allow these looters to leave alive. They will all be wiped out here."

"Kill them all? Are you sure?" The orc chief had a shocked expression on his face. You must know that defeat and annihilation are two different things, and the latter may be difficult to achieve without several times the combat power.

"Hey! Don't try to test me, all the answers will be revealed in the early morning." After speaking, Fat Cat stuffed the last piece of rabbit meat into his mouth, then took out a handkerchief to wipe his mouth, and threw it directly into the fire. As an excellent thief, he will never let any smell remain on himself.

Seeing that there was nothing to ask, Fugner stopped entangled too much in this regard, and asked other things on the sidelines. For example, where will the orcs be housed after the war? Is there any hope that it will be incorporated into the administrative system of the Principality? What kind of person is the Duke and so on.

In the end, it made Fat Mao very annoyed, so he had to tell the truth: "I'm sorry, I'm just responsible for collecting information and conducting assassinations. I can only know about this kind of problem when the news from the south comes back."

"Damn it, don't we guys have to wait here for several days?" Fugner asked slightly disappointed. In addition to these thousands of people under his command, there are more than twice as many old and weak women and children hiding on the border of the high wasteland. If he can't get a piece of land as soon as possible, he will face the plight of hunger and cold when winter comes.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears: "I can give you a piece of land immediately, but there are still a few questions that need to be answered before that."

As soon as the words fell, there was a wave of magic in the big tent, followed by a portal that appeared out of thin air, and a handsome young man with silver hair and silver eyes walked out of it. He exudes an invisible energy all over his body, and when he appears, everyone feels great pressure.

Sha Mao and several assassins recognized who it was in an instant, and hurriedly knelt down on one knee and greeted in unison: "Your Excellency, Duke!"

"You are Duke Henry?" Fugner asked a little uncertainly.

The orc chief couldn't believe that such a young human could unleash power comparable to a giant swamp hydra. Forgive this bumpkin, because it was the most powerful and terrifying creature he had ever seen. Of course, as long as the hydra lives for a certain number of years, it can evolve to be comparable to top creatures like giant dragons.

Henry nodded with a smile on his face. "That's right, it's me. Presumably you should be Chief Fugner who wants to join civilized society."

He was using spells to observe the situation just now, and happened to hear the conversation between the two, so he stopped by to have a look. After all, this is related to the future layout, especially the development of the wild land in the north, so I didn't sleep in the middle of the night and ran over with the seventh-level magic "precision teleportation".

Fugner hurriedly learned the etiquette of human society, and bowed deeply with one hand on his chest. "That's right, Your Excellency the Duke, I am. I am very sorry, but since this is an enemy camp, there is no way to arrange a decent and lively welcome ceremony for you."

"It doesn't matter, your etiquette is enough to make up for all the shortcomings. I have to say, as a bold orc, this is a bit incredible. I can see that your tribe is completely different from other orcs. The people who came here this time The main purpose is to talk about specific conditions."

Speaking of Henry, he threw a seed on the ground, and saw that it quickly took root and sprouted after landing, and turned into a chair-shaped vine in just a few seconds. He sat down unhurriedly, and continued to say to the orc chief: "I can give you a piece of land to prosper, and even help build a real city. But there is a price to pay, and you are sure you can Do you accept it?"

"Of course, I have worked hard for this day for half my life, no matter what kind of conditions are negotiable." Fugner replied excitedly.

He knew that this was an opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If accepted by this powerful human aristocrat in front of him, the entire tribe could be recognized by civilized society bit by bit like some barbarians in the Northland. It may be decades, or it may be hundreds of years. In short, as long as they go on unswervingly, the orcs will finally have a place in this increasingly civilized world. As for the orc gods, go to hell, those guys who advocate chaos and infighting are simply constantly weakening the orc race itself.


Bow down and thank xvgdxvxsvdeg, kstg2024532, Shanyu Panpan and other book friends for their monthly votes. (to be continued..)

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