Broad World

Chapter 460 Undead

Undead creatures are special life forms, and heated debates often break out among scholars because of the variety of forms, shapes, powers, and abilities that exist in them. Where does this huge difference come from? Its essence lies in the immortality itself, the dark life force flowing in the decayed body of the dead, born from the combination of distorted consciousness and strong negative energy.

Undead creatures take many forms. We need only glance at the fables of the necromancers to see the various forms that the undead take.

Including physical, corrupted zombies, physical, embalmed mummies, physical, vampires preserved by absorbing life matter, incorporeal, free state wraiths, incorporeal, possessed ghosts, humanoid wights, ghouls Ghosts, mindless skeletons, powerful undead spellcaster liches, and more, the variety is beyond imagination.

On the whole, the vast majority of undead creatures have a common feature, all of them used to have life, even though there are very few of those things left, even leaving only a little spirit and memory of the past. Although in some extreme or rare cases there have been hideous forms and minds composed purely of undead energy (negative energy), the vast majority of undead creatures were once breathing life.

It can be said that every undead creature has extreme hatred for the living, even Lich is no exception. It's just that most liches can restrain their behavior through spells and reason, unlike "long" wind "literature"

Ghouls, like zombies, immediately pounce on and bite the living person when they see the living person, and devour the other person's flesh and blood.

Negative energy is at the heart of all undead, a hunger that burns the soul. Every undead must be connected to the Negative Energy Plane. It is a dead, empty place. A boundless absolute vacuum. An empty, suffocating night hangs over. To make matters worse, it is a barren and voracious plane, constantly sucking life from any creature powerless to resist it. Heat, fire, and life, all sucked deep into its terrifying, demanding mouth.

Even the weakest undead can produce a constant draining effect on the Material Plane, which brings about the undead's signature icy body. As a "process" of activating and producing undead creatures, they draw an energy flow from the material world into the negative energy plane, and thus create an "energy vacuum" in the material world. This stolen energy is used to support their "life".

That's why most of the goodness. Even the gods of the neutral camp are adamant about the reason why the undead appear on the main plane. They have been seizing the precious resources of this world from the moment they were born. Once the number of undead creatures exceeds a certain amount, perhaps Faerun Continent will begin to transform into a negative energy plane, thus becoming a land full of death.

Whether it's paladins and priests who advocate kindness, or druids and rangers who uphold balance and neutrality, they all regard undead creatures as their sworn enemies, and will do their best to destroy them as long as they find them. Just when he entered this city of the undead, Henry found that the natural favor on his body suddenly became agitated, as if he was urging himself to act quickly.

He could feel that due to the flood of undead creatures, the ecological balance of this place was devastated. Nature's fury roars in the wind. If I don't wipe out all these undead creatures today, although I won't lose the druid profession. But there is no doubt that he will lose the blessings of nature's blessings on his body, and perhaps his level will drop a lot.

In short, whether it is to gain more experience points or to be a druid, this battle is inevitable. Kaidong and Saili Love stood on the spot with solemn faces, obviously ready to fight to the death. They also face the same problem, and as paladins, it is either win or die, there is absolutely no third way to go.

Suddenly, a piercing scream sounded from the high platform, followed by all the undead creatures stopped, raised their heads and looked up, as if they were waiting for something. Soon, a burly ghoul revealed half of its head. It stared at the people standing at the entrance of the cave with its cloudy eyes, and after a few seconds, it made a hoarse sound.

"Hiss! Living people! Why are you here?! Hiss! Food... the taste of food! I can't bear it anymore!"

Looking at a group of undead creatures with green eyes, Henry not only didn't panic, but joked: "Sorry, I'm not your food... and we just reached an agreement, we decided to kill all of you undead before leaving. "

"Really... that's so good! Hee hee hee!! Eat... eat! I like fresh meat! Come on... citizens... the carnival has begun!" Said the huge ghoul directly from Jumped from a high place. Disgusting yellow saliva dripped from the corners of its mouth, and a row of sharp teeth had a blue metallic luster.

Obviously, this is a king of ghouls, with terrifying teeth and sharp claws, as long as the skin is scratched, it will be infected with a deadly virus immediately, and it will also cause a series of negative states such as body paralysis and slow movement .

Countless undead creatures quickly surged towards the entrance, densely packed like a tide. Yao En couldn't help swallowing his saliva and cursed: "Damn it! There are so many of them. If you have any tricks, use them quickly, otherwise we will become appetizing snacks."

"Don't worry, these guys don't pose any threat at all." After speaking, Henry raised the Archmage's staff and used up all the energy points stored in one breath. In an instant, several portals leading to the plane of the fire element were opened, and the elders of the fire element, who were exuding intense heat, came out of them one by one.

Without any hesitation, he immediately issued an attack order: "Go! Kill all the enemies in front of you!"

The elders of the fire element rushed forward without any hesitation. Their attack method is very simple, except burning is burning. However, flames are the biggest nemesis of undead creatures other than positive energy, especially those mummies with bandages on their bodies. As long as they are hugged, they will immediately turn into a burning man, and after a few minutes, there will be an extra burning body on the ground. Burnt mummy.

Several fire elemental elders caused huge damage in just a few minutes. At least two hundred undead creatures were burned alive. There are more than three hundred people who have been injured to varying degrees. But that's just an appetizer. Henry used this time to prepare a powerful ninth-level magic "Heavenly Requiem".

I saw him chanting complex spells, raised his hands high, and opened an entrance to the upper plane. Countless celestial residents, angels, and god servants gathered positive energy and rushed out in the form of magic shock waves. The positive energy and flames instantly swept across a large area of ​​undead creatures. They couldn't resist the powerful force at all, and most of them were directly purified into a handful of dust along with the screams.

This ninth-level magic is very similar to the legendary spell "Sunrise" invented by Henry, except that the latter has gone through the collision and compression of photons and possessed terrifying kinetic energy. Once erupted, it can destroy everything within the explosion range. But the former is just a simple shock wave that doesn't even cause any damage to good-aligned creatures.

"Heavenly Requiem" not only caused great damage to the undead creatures, but also inspired the two paladins. The armor on their bodies has formed a layer of positive energy protection, and ordinary zombies will be burned even if they touch them.

"It's great! I feel like I'm twenty years younger, and my whole body is full of strength." Kaidong shouted at Henry while waving the holy avenger that was shining with golden light. There is a faint silver radiance between his gestures and gestures, and he looks full of a sacred feeling.

Seri Love's condition was similar, as if she had been injected with chicken blood, her bravery was in a mess. She fought back the large group of undead creatures with only one person's strength, and she didn't even break a sweat.

Henry really didn't expect it. A paladin with plenty of positive energy can actually work. He used to only know that undead creatures paired with negative energy spells can not only kill enemies, but also repair the damage these guys received in battle. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

As Uncle Kaidong and Seri Love became more and more courageous in their battles, the number of undead quickly dropped to less than one-third of the original. under siege. After all, these undead creatures do not have powerful enemies like liches or vampires, so it is not surprising that they were defeated by absolute strength.

When the last enemy was cut down, everyone sat down on the ground and began to pant heavily. Even with the help of summoned creatures, they still feel exhausted. Unless you are a legendary melee professional, no matter who swings a weapon thousands of times in a row, you will feel exhausted, not to mention some people are wearing heavy armor.

Aimeng wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, and said with a big smile, "Haha! I really can't believe that so many undead were killed by just a few of us."

"This is a great battle. Tyre has affirmed our achievements, and at the same time bestowed new powers. I am now a twelfth-level paladin." Sairi Love showed an ecstatic look on her face. expression. For her, there is nothing more gratifying than being affirmed by the God of Justice.

While wiping the blood on the holy sword, Kaidong echoed with a smile: "Yes, I also received Tom's blessing just now, and the paladin level has also been increased by two levels."

Hina shook her head slightly and sighed: "I really envy you priests and paladins. As long as you get the approval of the gods, you can increase your strength."

"You can't say that. Priests and paladins have to bear a lot of responsibilities. They can't violate the teachings of the gods, otherwise these powers will be withdrawn." Henry said comfortingly and patted Dragon Girl on the shoulder.

In fact, he still didn't say anything, that is, priests and paladins can continue to retain divine spells and special abilities even if they are separated from the gods, but this requires very high personal quality, otherwise they will not be able to perceive the existence of the root power , naturally no response can be obtained.

Bow down and thank the two book friends Bai Qiangwei Huahai and qwdfvb for their monthly votes.

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