Broad World

Chapter 448: Illegal Vendor Yao En

On the second floor of the Askatla council building, Nalia was talking with a public representative about the organization's future development direction. Under Henry's suggestion, she has started to form mutual aid associations in the city to help unemployed workers, women and children who are unable to work, and within a few days, hundreds of people have responded.

Although most of these guys are here to provide a free black bread every day, it is undeniable that this is not a small political force. At least many temples and knights of the good camp have expressed support to a certain extent, and even A lot of money was donated. It can be said that the current situation is very good. As long as the number of people continues to grow, it will not take long to force the council to compromise and pass some legal provisions that are beneficial to the common people.

Nalia handed over the rules and regulations that had just been written and said solemnly: "Clint, from now on all members must abide by the above rules, otherwise they will be kicked out. I will never allow this organization to appear. People with ulterior motives, such as those thieves, hooligans and robbers. Remember, our purpose is to fight for the power that every civilian deserves, so all sabotage activities are strictly prohibited."

"Don't worry, I will definitely notify everyone. Everyone is attracted by your selfless act, I believe there will be no objection." The human man about twenty-five years old bowed deeply while speaking. bowed. His eyes were full of admiration and gratitude, and also a little bit of admiration. "I happen to have some money here, use it to buy some meat and fish to cook some soup for the elderly and children. Their teeth are not very good, and they will have a stomachache if they always eat black bread." After finishing speaking, Nalia put her money The bag was taken out. These days she finally found her own career. Especially the adoring and longing eyes of those people instantly gave people an unparalleled sense of accomplishment.

Clint took the money bag with both hands and sighed: "You are really the most sympathetic noble lady I have ever seen. If everyone can give selflessly like this, the world will definitely become a lot better."

"Hehe, although it's a bit exaggerated, thank you for your compliment. Well, you go back first, I still have a lot of official business to deal with here. You must know that the job of an honorary member is not easy." After finishing speaking, Nalia said Sit down and start to look carefully at the contents of each piece of parchment. Some of them are some temporary decrees, some are some contradictions and conflicts, in short, they are all trivial and meticulous things. Nalia asked without raising her head: "Is there anything? If it's not too important, just wait for a while. I need to finish these official documents quickly."

The guard replied obviously hesitantly: "I'm disturb your work, but...a girl with pink hair outside the building said that she had something very important to do, but she didn't let her go because she smelled a bit bad. She also said that she had taken part in adventures with you before."

"Oh? Didn't she say exactly what it was?" Nalia raised her head in surprise. She knows very well that a naughty person like Imoon is not really on fire. I would never come to a place as solemn and solemn as the council building.

The guard shook his head slightly. "No, but from the smell on that girl, it can be inferred that she must have just come out of a sewer or something."

Almost all residents of Aslatra know it. Sewers are not a safe place. Due to the lack of management throughout the year, there are many monsters inside, and almost no one is willing to enter except adventurers and villains. It was precisely because of this that he came in to deliver a message for Imeng. After all, a young girl can't be a villain by any means, maybe something was found in the sewer.

"Okay, I see. You go and check on her first, and I'll go down after I approve this official document." After speaking, Nalia immediately lowered her head and accelerated her reading speed. It was a proposal to clear low-slung shacks, and she had until dark to reject it, or hundreds of poor people would be driven from their homes.

It turns out. When people are highly concentrated, it is very easy to forget the passage of time. When this official document was processed, it was already twenty minutes later. Nalia stretched herself. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly heard a noise coming from outside the window. One of them had a very familiar voice. She stood up quickly and opened the window, only to see Imoen confronting a dwarf with curly black hair.

"Hey! Thief, who gave you permission to rummage through my pockets. Do you know who I am? Yao En Yaosen, a great vegetable vendor, adventurer and inventor. If you don't want to eat a magic flash Play number ten, you'd better put back what you stole just now." The dwarf threatened loudly with his crossbow held high. There was a glass ball filled with white gas on his bowstring, and he didn't know what was inside.

Aimon was obviously not frightened, instead he waved the spoils in his hand triumphantly and said, "Tell me how to use this little thing, or I'll report you to the patrol team over there for illegal business, I bet, You must have never paid taxes."

The dwarf named Yao En was taken aback. While cursing in a low voice, he raised his hands up to signal his surrender. Just as Aimon said, he was not only operating illegally, but also came here to evade taxes.

"Damn it! The market is so sluggish right now, and there are still people who come out to take advantage of the fire. Okay, okay, I say. That little thing contains a deadly, deadly stench, from a person who ate twenty turnips in a row. The fart from Jing's guy's belly can definitely bring down five normal people. Now it's yours, just keep it a secret for me."

"Forget it, I'd better give it to you, I don't want such a disgusting thing." Said Aimeng and threw back the little thing in her hand, she didn't want any foul-smelling farts.

Yao En caught it, carefully put it into his backpack, then curled his lips and muttered: "I really don't know what to do..."

Before he could finish speaking, a guy dressed as an official rushed out from the corner with two guards. He yelled as he ran, "Don't run, midget! On behalf of Amn's Revenue and Expenditures, I order you to stop!"

"Ah! Damn it, it's this guy again. What's he doing when he's full all day? Nobody stops an honest businessman from selling high-quality goods at reasonable prices. Hey, you gotta help me cover, or else They will put me in jail." Yao En had no choice but to ask the human girl in front of him for help.

Aimeng touched his chin pretendingly and asked, "Why do you want to help you? Give me a reason."

"My gods, you are taking advantage of the fire." Yao En showed a surprised expression on his face. But seeing the officials getting closer, he obviously had no better choice, so he could only plead with a bitter face: "Please, as long as I can no longer be put in prison, I am willing to be your humble servant forever."…

"Hey, that's really not bad, I actually have a servant..." Before Aimon could finish his words, the official arrived with two guards. He stared at the dwarf, then cleared his throat and announced loudly: "Yao En Yaosen, a dwarf citizen of Amn. You are now charged with tax evasion and illegal trafficking of contraband."

"Trax, my old friend. You have greatly misunderstood me! I never broke the law. As my old man always said..."

Yao En tried to change the subject by starting to tell those outrageous stories. However, this officer named Trax has obviously suffered from this, so he shouted before he could go far: "Enough! Don't distract me with those damn ghost stories! This time I'm I won't be fooled again!"

"Pfft..." A guard couldn't help laughing. He obviously remembered the embarrassment of the boss.

"Shut up, you bastard! The job of cleaning the toilet is calling you..." Trax threatened with anger.

The guard hurriedly held back his smile, and made a salute to defend himself: "Sorry, sir, I couldn't hold back, there will be no next time."

Seeing that his men confessed to the crime with a good attitude, Trax nodded in satisfaction and continued to say to the dwarf: "This is much better. We have been chasing you for many days, Yao Sen. I am now arresting you as an active criminal who sells dangerous and illegal contraband you."

"Oh my God, do you actually want to arrest a good law-abiding citizen without any certification? When did Amn's laws become so harsh?" Yao En asked back pretending to be surprised. He was already a veteran at dealing with officials, so he knew exactly when the other party had the right to arrest someone.

"Damn dwarf! I'll get the evidence right away." After Trax uttered a harsh word, he immediately came to Imon and bowed slightly and asked, "Ma'am, we need your help now." .Did this gnome try to sell you illegal merchandise? Especially that "glitter" thing he said?"

Aimeng glanced at Yao En, who was full of nervousness, deliberately pretending to be remembering, and answered after more than ten seconds: " seems not. We were mainly talking about the weather, turnips, etc. topic of."

"Aha! See, you are wronging a good citizen who abides by the law."

Looking at the proud Yao En, Trax suddenly felt angry, waited for him with a vicious glance and said: "You are lucky this time, but it may not be the case next time. The days are still long, let's wait and see." After speaking, he led his men and walked towards the council building without looking back.


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