Broad World

Chapter 372: Trap

Crowds of spiders are slowly approaching and rubbing against the giant claws that can kill people, making chilling "hissing" sounds. It can be seen that there seems to be some kind of hierarchical concept among them, all of them are waiting for the biggest one to give an attack order.

"Oh! My God! These guys actually know how to use tactics! Is it because my eyes are blurred or this world is too crazy!" Edwin shouted in surprise.

You must know that spiders, such arthropods, are not very intelligent. Normally, they can only distinguish some simple targets such as enemies, partners, and prey. Because of this, it can be said that apart from dark elves, very few people raise them in captivity. Because these guys will completely lose control when they are hungry, the trainer will be killed and eaten 10 times out of 10.

But these are quite different. Henry could tell that they were quite hungry, but they were still under control, and not even the smallest one acted on their own. This kind of situation is too rare, even the spider academy in the dark elf city (the place where Queen Rose trains priests) is impossible to do. He knew he couldn't back up any further, or it would be suicidal to be pushed into the narrow, potholed hole behind him, and no one could outrun these eight-legged creatures in that situation.

"Go to hell! Ugly monster!"

With Korgan's roar, the prelude to the battle began. He pulled out the throwing ax hanging on his belt and threw it vigorously. Under the huge inertia, almost every one of them could kill a spider, but there was a little accident when he threw it at the largest one. This guy seems to be extremely smart, waving two huge pincers to block the front of the head. The ax made a lot of sparks when it hit it, but in the end it failed to do any damage.

The dwarf's actions obviously angered the big guy. It let out a piercing screech, and all the spiders and etters came up like a tidal wave. Henry knew that he couldn't wait any longer, otherwise he would be easily overwhelmed with just these few people. Without saying a word, he raised the "Dead Cloud Staff" and shot three balls of brown gas in a row, forming a barrier in front of him within a few seconds.

A large group of spiders who had no time to retreat were poisoned to death. There are also some larger and more tenacious ones that are still struggling. The giant black-haired spider raised its forelimbs high, and kept making scary noises, looking both threatening and showing strength.

Edwin widened his eyes and cursed in a low voice when he saw the scene in front of him: "Oh! Damn it! This guy seems very smart, there must be someone or a magical item that made him break through the limit of his race. As far as I know, this kind of spider is called a bird catcher. Normally, its size will never exceed one foot."

"If you have time to think so much, why don't you prepare a few more flash spells. I guess these spiders who have been living in the dark must not like strong light. This zero-level spell can buy us a lot of time." After speaking, Henry ignored the others and began to concentrate on preparing advanced magic. Because he noticed that the biggest spider had a dark metallic luster. Ordinary weapons and spells certainly have a hard time being effective.

The death cloud technique only lasted for a minute, and the moment the poisonous mist dissipated, the giant black spider let out a scream, followed by Zhen Zhen and rushed up with countless others of its kind. It slammed into Korgan with its deadly claws. Want to be the first to deal with the enemies in front of you.

The dwarf warrior fearlessly raised the "Frost Predator" and slashed at it fiercely, only to see a burst of sparks intertwined, and was immediately knocked out. Obviously, the hardness of this monster's shell is beyond imagination, and even such a powerful magic battle ax can only leave a white mark.

"How is this possible! This level of hardness may already exceed that of pure gold!" Fei De shouted out loudly. She couldn't believe her eyes. You must know that the ax was so sharp that it could even cut through Mithril armor, but now it couldn't even destroy a layer of biological shell.

Seeing that Korgan was about to be overwhelmed by spiders, Viconia cursed in dark elf language. Blessed himself with a "sanctuary technique" and hurried over, dragged the dwarf and ran back. While running, she yelled at the dazed red-robed mage, "Damn! Unleash your flash! Do you want me to teach you this? Idiot!"

"Don't call me an idiot! Spell preparation also takes time!" Edwin replied, and quickly completed a zero-level magic chant. A strong light was released from his hand suddenly, instantly illuminating the whole underground as if it were daytime.

Viconia screamed and covered her eyes. Obviously she was also flashed by the spell. To a dark elf it felt like getting a needle in the eye. Fortunately, the condition of the spiders was equally bad. Among them, the largest giant black spider had withdrawn from the passage, while the others curled up into a ball, covering all eight of their eyes with their forelimbs. It seems that they are quite sensitive to light, at least tens of times stronger than the spiders on the surface.

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, a figure suddenly flashed near the entrance of the passage. Although the light was too dark and it looked a little blurry, it could be vaguely distinguished from the lines that it was a woman. The moment she appeared, a huge black spider crawled down, looking as docile and harmless as a domestic pet dog.

"I knew it... I knew there must be someone behind this! That woman is probably behind the scenes, maybe we should arrest her and torture her." After speaking, Edwin's eyes flickered with viciousness. Like all red-robed mages, he has always considered issues from the dark side of human nature.

But that's easier said than done, especially when the opponent has the upper hand. As the figure got closer, everyone gradually saw her true face clearly. This is a mixed-race drow, and his dark skin is the best proof. As for the other half of the lineage, it is reflected in a head of pink-purple long hair with a special luster, and half of the face has been corroded by an unknown force, and the skin has a glass-like quality, and even the muscles and blood vessels under the skin can be seen clearly. Her eyes also look quite abnormal, with only the whites of the eyes but no pupils, but judging from her movements, she shouldn't be blind.

Viconia moved forward a few steps and asked cautiously: "Who are you? Did you raise these spiders?"

"Hahahaha! What Bodhi said is indeed right, what should come will come. Tell me, who is Henry among you, and I can die a quicker death if you tell me. Oh, right. My name is Paina. When you beg for mercy, don't make mistakes, otherwise I will be very unhappy."

As soon as the mixed-race drow finished speaking, a strange smile suddenly appeared on Henry's face, and then he raised his right hand high to grab the air. Suddenly, the giant black spider let out a heart-piercing scream, and immediately turned over, its eight legs twitched non-stop, and a large amount of dark green blood flowed out from the corner of its mouth.

This is the power of the eighth-level magic "Organ Harvesting". His luck was quite good, and he directly removed the spider's heart, although in a sense it could only be regarded as an enlarged blood vessel. However, these arthropods rely on this to provide oxygen to the whole body. Now that they have lost such an important organ, they naturally cannot survive. Against those monsters with solid shells, magic that acts on the inside of the body is particularly effective.

In fact, Henry has already completed the magic, and has been secretly observing this woman named Paina. Judging from the other party's attire and the abnormal natural energy in his body, he should be a druid with severely distorted teachings. From the conversation just now, it can be heard that she has colluded with the vampire queen, and seems to know some secrets about herself.

Adhering to the principle of striking first, Henry did not hesitate to kill the most threatening enemy first. As for the rest, although there were many of them, they were nothing to legendary spellcasters. In essence, his way of thinking is no different from Edwin's. When encountering anything, the first consideration is always his own life and interests, and only then can it be the turn of relatives, teammates, and friends.

As for those irrelevant outsiders, if it's not too troublesome, it's okay to help. But if the enemy is very difficult and does not have enough benefits, he will absolutely ignore the life and death of these people. This kind of personality is absolutely abnormal, because a person will more or less form his own morality in the process of growing up. Even the most ferocious criminal will have the softest place in his heart. This is the last conscience of an intelligent life. Most of the time we call this the bottom line.

Henry could clearly feel that he didn't have such a bottom line. Before absorbing the two emotions of desire and loneliness, he didn't even know the meaning of living, but he was just seeking more resources according to his instinct, such as power, wealth, power, fame and a series of things that are beneficial to survival.

Thinking about gains and losses like an intelligent computer is the previous state of life. But after automatically obtaining the **, his feelings finally erupted like a volcano that had been submerged for a long time, and greedy thoughts filled his brain all the time. A month ago, such a risky move as today would have never been possible.

You must know that Badi has not been defeated yet, and there are at least a hundred vampires under her command, plus her own strength, she is definitely a terrifying enemy. Exploring the catacombs is definitely a dangerous thing now, and maybe everyone will be killed. But greed made Henry choose to give it a try, and even wanted to take the Book of Casa with him.

The half-breed dark elf in front of him reminded him that the so-called plot would change. For example, why did Bodi know that his party was coming? Another example is what the looming rune on her forehead means, all of which are uncertain variables. If you want to survive in this extremely dangerous world, you must be careful, even if you become a legendary mage and druid, you must not relax.

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