Broad World

Chapter 370: Cemetery Area

Humans have lived in Amn for thousands of years, but with the rise of the Shane Empire, this place became a unified country, and it reached its current territory in DR768. During Shorn's rise, most of the elves living in Amn were either killed or enslaved. This fact has not been forgotten by the elves who live here today. With the independence of Amn, the place gradually became a center of trade, the people became rich and the society prospered. A series of plagues and monstrous events unleashed by certain schools of mages have left the citizens of Amn with a poor opinion of arcane spellcasters.

Such a long history has made the cemetery area of ​​Askatla a paradise for tomb robbers. After countless years of reconstruction and addition, the entire underground has formed a huge group of tombs. Tomb thieves can dig up a large number of valuable funerary objects here every year, including precious magical artifacts and some ancient works of art.

Standing at the entrance of the cemetery area, Henry suddenly felt in a daze, as if something was calling him. This feeling is quite strange, as if there is a voice whispering in the ear, and it seems to be calling directly to the soul. He noticed that the system logo on his hand became hot, as if indicating that there was something extremely important nearby.

"Hey! What's the matter with you? You suddenly stayed where you were without making a sound. It looked like you were controlled by a spell." Viconia came over and asked with concern. Since the two had a close relationship, there was a little more trust in each other. Although there was a little dispute at the end, it did not have any bad effects.

Henry forced a smile and replied: "It's nothing, maybe I didn't sleep very well in the morning, so I suddenly felt a little dizzy just now."

"You'd better cheer up, because according to the markings on this map, the entrance to the underground is not far ahead. If you keep on like this, I'm afraid you will accidentally trigger the trap after walking a few steps."

"Don't worry, I will adjust my state." Henry knew that Viconia was for his own good. But this kind of thing that involves the secret of the soul can't be said at all. Just be patient, be patient, be patient. until the cause is found.

Korgan stroked his beard thoughtfully, and then shouted loudly: "I see. You must be a little depressed because you didn't cut anyone last night. Don't worry, I have encountered this kind of situation before, and I will find a rotten zombie below and chop it down later. It will be fine."

The dwarf's words made Henry a little dumbfounded, but he still nodded with a smile on his face. "Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try it when I get underground."

Edwin's eyeballs rolled around, and he didn't know what bad idea he was thinking. Fei De, who had been following him, leaned over and warned in a low voice: "Be careful, mage in red. My eyes will always be on you. If I find any suspicious movements, this sharp dagger will pierce your heart."

"Don't be nervous, I will fulfill the obligations of a mage." Edwin replied with a dry laugh. After mentally cursing everyone secretly, he pretended not to care and followed the team all the way.

Faide had already received Henry's advice. Always stay behind everyone. She is quite satisfied with her current situation. She doesn't do much work, but the salary is quite good. It took only one night to get a sharp backstab dagger and a pair of stealth boots. You must know that if these things are sold on the market. I'm afraid there must be thousands or even tens of thousands of gold coins. She intends to continue working under the new boss, and she has no other place to go anyway.

The entrance to the ground is a white round tower-shaped tomb, which seems to have been abandoned for a long time, and is covered with dust and cobwebs. No one would have guessed that this place has actually been hollowed out by the Shadow Thief, and everything in front of them is just an elaborate disguise. Henry carefully pressed the mechanism next to him, and only heard a light "click", and the heavy stone door opened automatically.

Looking at the deep passage, he directly blessed the dwarf with the "Light Art". Korgan pulled out the two axes at his waist and walked down carelessly first, followed by Viconia who had night vision ability, Henry blesses himself with the "Iron Skin Art" and became the third one, and the next one was Edwin, the red-robed mage, and Fade was the rear as always.

"Damn it! Everyone be careful, the ground here is full of potholes, it's not even at all." Korgan, who was almost tripped, cursed in a low voice. He felt that the Shadow Thief's ability to dig holes was simply too poor. He might even be better than the dwarves with beards (referring to those underage guys who haven't reached fifty years old).

The Queen of Poison Tongue, who was following behind, quickly pushed her shield and reminded: "Hush your voice! Do you want all the monsters below to know that we are coming?"

"I'd rather fight monsters to the death than go this way..." Korgan's voice became smaller and smaller, until the last word was lost to anyone but himself.

With a little bit of depth, Henry felt that the power of this summoning was gradually getting stronger, especially when the end was about to be seen, the muffled whispers in his ears could already be heard clearly. It kept shouting: "Change... a change that belongs to yourself... come on... come to me... I can give you the power... from illusion to reality..."

At the same time, his soul was being burned by an unknown force, and the severe pain was unbearable. Sweat drenched all the clothes on his body in just one minute, and even his breathing became short and heavy. Several other teammates noticed something was wrong with the situation, and they all stopped to watch.

"Damn it! What's wrong with you, you're so hot." Viconia was burned just by touching her finger. This is simply not the temperature that a human body can emit. I am afraid that ordinary fire elements are no more than this.

Korgan pulled out his water jug ​​and poured all the cool water in it over Henry's head, hoping to cool him down a bit, but the water evaporated before it even touched his skin. He opened his mouth in surprise: "Oh, my God! I bet, as long as he rushes down to give those undead creatures a warm hug, he will definitely burn them to ashes."

"It seems that our adventure will end early. His current state is very dangerous. If he is not sent to the temple quickly, his life may be in danger."

After checking with divine magic, Viconia directly gave the answer. Henry's body temperature now has surpassed that of ordinary flames. Moreover, a large amount of water is also being lost. Although the reason is not yet known, it is definitely not possible to continue exploring, because his own consciousness is not very clear.

"No! You can't give up so easily! Aren't you a priest? Treat him quickly. We have to move on. The Netheril scroll is lying here somewhere." Edwin burst out immediately when he heard that he was leaving. He put so much thought into it. After paying countless prices, how could he return without success at this time.

Sudden. A dagger was placed directly on the neck of the red-robed mage. Fei De wagged his tail and roared in a low voice: "Shut up! If you dare to say one more word, this dagger will pierce your throat."

If someone from the Shadow Thieves Guild saw her like this, they would immediately shut up obediently. Almost everyone knew that there were two obvious signs before this demon-born elf got angry, one was a wagging tail, and the other was a low growl. If both signs appear. Then kneel on the ground and beg for mercy while you can still breathe.

Edwin obviously didn't know this, and even if he knew, he probably wouldn't care too much. After all, he is a thirteenth-level conjuration mage, and he also possesses some abilities unique to red-robed mages. For example, the glowing magic tattoo on the neck now strengthens a physical barrier around the body almost instantly.

This is a kind of magic craft unique to Searle's red robe, which can engrave a specific magic on the body through tattoos, and release it directly when needed. It requires neither memorization alone nor preparation in advance. Aside from being quite expensive to make, it's almost perfect.

The places where a mage can have tattoos are very limited, so many red-robed mages even shave all their hair in order to add one more. Even so. The number of tattoos should not exceed three at most, otherwise it will have unpredictable consequences. Some self-righteous guy once expected to break through the limit, and even cut off an important part of his lower body, and then got a fourth tattoo, but when he used it, he found that due to the confusion of magical energy, there was no way to activate it.

Edwin obviously didn't shave his hair, so there are only two tattoos on his whole body, one of which is the fourth-level magic "Soul Armor" that was used just now, and the other is the "Teleportation" as a means of escape. He glared fiercely at Fei De, and he had prepared spell-casting materials in one hand, ready to release deadly magic at any time.

Korgan immediately pulled out his axe, and as soon as the mage dared to say a word, he would rush over with the weapon in hand. Although his brain is not very good, he can still clearly distinguish between close and distant. Moreover, warriors and mages are born with certain contradictions, coupled with the sense of superiority that Edwin often displays, it is reasonable to make dwarves unhappy.

Seeing that the inner bar was about to explode, Viconia, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, also joined in with the magic flail "Years". The three of them surrounded the red-robed mage in a zigzag shape. As long as he dared to make a slight movement, he would be attacked like a storm. You must know that the "soul armor technique" is made with a part of the soul of the caster. Once it is broken, the consequences will be quite serious. If it is light, the internal organs will be damaged, and if it is serious, it may become a fool or a vegetative state.

Edwin felt everyone's hostility and tensed up all his nerves. He couldn't deal with three good players at such a close distance at the same time, especially if the other party had a high-level priest.


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