Broad World

Three hundred and fortieth chapters draw

The continent of Faerun is a very polarized continent. Ordinary people living in cities can only earn about one silver coin after working hard for a day. Excluding all kinds of taxes with various names, it is not bad to have a full stomach for the rest. However, senior spellcasters can easily copy a scroll and concoct a bottle of potion, and immediately sell it for hundreds or even thousands of gold coins.

Such a huge gap between the rich and the poor will inevitably lead to extremely unstable social conditions. As long as there are large-scale disasters, wars, and turmoil, the bottom of the fragile pyramid structure will collapse. The irrational people naturally did not dare to attack the spellcaster with supernatural power, but in the middle, the nobles who were usually high above became the best punching bag. In many countries with unstable regimes, every once in a while, it will be reported that a large-scale civil uprising broke out in a certain area, and a nobleman was killed before he could escape.

This is why Henry still refuses to relax and enjoy life after owning a lot of wealth and land. Because without the support of a strong force, all of this would be nothing more than a fattened pig, and one day it might be too rich to attract the prying eyes of evil forces.

Look at the noble representatives lying on the ground crying bitterly, this is the best example. They already know very well that they have no ability to prevent the disaster from happening. The account books of the Ronaldo family and the letters of private contacts will become irrefutable evidence and will be directly released to the public. Any family that participates will not only be notorious, but may also be ransacked by angry people.

Although Amn's law expressly stipulates that no one may seize other people's property, the council has always turned a blind eye to those who have committed the most heinous crimes. To put it bluntly, they are the best scapegoats to quell the dissatisfaction of the people. This kind of thing is no exception even in Neverwinter City, which claims to be ruled by believers of the God of Justice.

The masked mage even believed that as long as the head of Balagos "Flying Flame" was put on the Council, the bureaucrats would even agree to any conditions proposed by the legendary mage. You must know that thousands of people are killed by this ancient red dragon every year. Not to mention the loss of property. Most importantly, it has caused the rulers to lose face, and even the people's trust in the government has dropped again and again.

Now this legendary dragon has been killed! It can be foreseen that the six-member Council will inevitably spend a lot of money. As for these guys who are in collusion with the Ronaldo family. It will definitely become a victim used to please Henry. Not to mention the ironclad evidence, even if there is no evidence, the council can find enough evidence. After all, few nobles are clean under their buttocks. As long as they check carefully, they will have done illegal things more or less.

Of course Lisa knew how important this dragon head was, so she took a deep breath and asked, "Tell me! What kind of conditions do you need to hand over this important trophy to me? As long as it's not too much, I can directly agree on behalf of the council."

"First of all, you have to admit the legitimacy of my annexation of the Ronoel family's property and land. Secondly, my team will be taking risks in the Amn area recently, so I hope that I can obtain unlimited spellcasting permission. Finally, and most importantly, I officially declare that sheltering Nalia, anyone who has plans for her is tantamount to directly declaring war on me. As for these scumbags, I think the council should let them experience the majesty and justice of the law, right?"

It can be said that Henry’s request is very simple. The first article itself is within the scope of the law. The Ronaldo family has been defeated, and their property should belong to the victor. The second point needs to be negotiated with the Masked Mage Union, but it seems that the problem will not be too big. As for the third article, although it is a little troublesome. But as long as this noble girl is well protected, there shouldn't be any major problems.

After much consideration, Lisa finally nodded. "In my opinion, there should be no problem, but it still needs to be reported to the council, after all, some things are a bit involved."

At this time, the masked mage also leaned over and bowed and asked, "Master, I don't know if you are willing to join the Masked Mage Guild. Not only will I be able to give you an affirmative answer to the second item now, but it will also bring many other benefits." In his opinion, if he can attract a legendary mage to join, his status will definitely be greatly improved. After all, legendary spellcasters are so rare, and there are only one or two in the entire guild.

"I need to know the rights and obligations first, if it's not too harsh. It's okay to join."

Henry is not too repulsive about joining the Masked Mage Guild. Generally speaking, except for ambitious guys like the red-robed mage, most spellcasting organizations are very loose, especially for senior members. Not only can he recruit his subordinates to work for him in an open and honest manner, but he can also have one more channel to obtain resources.

"Of course, it's my honor to explain to you." The masked mage's eyes showed excitement. "Since you are a legendary mage, as long as you join, you must be the highest-ranking member. All the material channels of the union will be open for you, and you will also get an annuity of 100,000 gold coins. You can choose your favorite apprentices at will, recruit a mage group of no more than 100 people, and finally get a badge of the highest-level masked mage.

"As for the obligation, you only need to join forces with several other masters to repel the invading enemies when the guild is in danger. However, this kind of thing has never happened since the establishment of the guild, so it can basically be ignored. In addition, you must train three apprentices every year. Please rest assured that they have all studied systematically. What they lack is experience and hands-on ability."

Generally speaking, the treatment of the Masked Mage Guild is quite generous, but there is one thing that makes Henry a little hesitant, and that is the issue of apprentices. You must know that in this world, apprentices before they become official mages are very miserable. Not only do they have to face all kinds of humiliation and ridicule, but they also have to wash clothes, clean the room, and serve as test subjects. Even some beautiful male and female apprentices will become tools for the mentor to vent his desire. It can be said that their treatment is not much different from that of slaves.

Of course, there's a reason most good or neutral mages do this, excluding those who are evil. This series of physical labor and insults is to keep the apprentice humble at all times, and will not easily try magic experiments that are beyond his ability. At the same time, it can also exercise their self-restraint ability, so that they will not be easily provoked by the enemy in the future.

But not everyone can understand the mentor's good intentions. Under such conditions that are almost unbearable for ordinary people, apprentices will produce two incredible changes. Some will hate their mentor more and more, and even get stabbed on some important occasions. The other part will have some kind of deep dependence, and even contribute their young body when the mentor is aging and dying.

Henry has never personally led a mage apprentice apprentice, because it is a bit outweighed the gain. You must know that he didn't even dare to teach his own son, daughter, and younger sister himself, because he was afraid that he would not let go of his cruelty. In fact, Tyrantir's education method is still a bit too gentle. If it is replaced by the strict Kelben, he will definitely not teach a rebellious mage like Merikan.

But what should come will always come, and escaping is not a good way to solve the problem. After serious consideration for a few minutes, Henry finally nodded. "Okay, I agree to join the Masked Mage Guild. However, since I don't have a mage tower in Amn yet, the teaching of apprentices may have to be postponed."

"This is not a problem at all! The Ronoel family has a mage tower. Although it is a little crude and not suitable for your status, it is enough to teach apprentices. I will contact you and let the guild send people to attack there."

Speaking of which, the masked mage immediately used the "communication technique" to report the situation here. Soon, the guild headquarters in Astra responded. While asking to meet the new legendary mage in person, the high-level officials summoned more than 30 mages to prepare to lay siege to the mage tower.

Henry also took advantage of this time to contact Sandy and asked her to bring someone over to dispose of the corpse, and also to kill the remnants of the Ronoel family by the way. Originally, it would be best to leave this kind of matter to Robert, but it would also be good to let the sorceress do it. As a member of the chaotic evil camp, she would definitely not show mercy to those women and children.

After arranging everything, Henry invited Lisa to ride the dragon together and fly to Askatra together, while the huge head of Balagos "Flying Flame" was hanging on the dragon's claws. According to Lisa, the best publicity effect can only be achieved by appearing in such a shocking way. As for the masked mage, he had already used teleportation magic to go back and notify the relevant departments, so as not to cause any misunderstanding. All representatives of the nobles were still in place, and what awaited them and their families would be a furious crowd.

Flying on the back of a dragon would make a normal person very nervous. After all, this is a wild beast that only appears in adventure stories, and only the most powerful spellcasters can make them mounts. Lisa hugged Henry's waist tightly, and pressed her whole body against it. Since it was midsummer, the two of them didn't wear much, and it didn't take long for their bodies to react naturally.

Henry is a little better, after all, as a spellcaster, his self-control ability is quite strong. Except that a certain part has begun to congest, there is basically no major reaction. But Lisa, who is an ordinary person, is different. In this state of rapid flight, she actually felt an inexplicable pleasure. Not only did her body start to get hotter and hotter, but even her hands moved around unconsciously.

The black dragon Oroxis who had been following behind saw this scene, and couldn't help opening his mouth. As a young Chulong, this is simply an irresistible temptation. It even wanted to remind its master loudly to act quickly, didn't it see that the human female had already started to estrus. But it's a pity that Henry didn't even move from the beginning to the end. Although he also had a high sex drive, he immediately lost interest when he thought that there were two male giant dragons next to him as spectators.

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