Broad World

Chapter 338 Research Completed

Even commoners cannot accept such "chi luo" naked insults, let alone nobles. Farthington trembled with rage, and nearly fainted out of breath. If they don't agree to this, then the Ronaldo family can be removed from the aristocratic circle in the future. You must know that most nobles regard reputation as more important than life, so there is absolutely no intention of shrinking back at this time.

"Good! Very good! Very good! On behalf of the Ronald family, I agree to the private fight. Adrianne, you have also seen that this has surpassed the bottom line of any noble's patience, and it can already be called a humiliation."

"Hmph! So what if it's a humiliation! Two greedy scum, don't think I don't know what the Ronoel family is doing behind the scenes." To be on the safe side, Nalia hit the opponent's bottom line again. She doesn't care about being noble, otherwise she wouldn't be running around all year round.

Adrianne sighed slightly, knowing that today's matter could not be resolved. He raised his hands, palms facing each other and said to the two parties: "Since you insist on fighting privately, please perform this sacred ceremony here."

Nalia took out a small knife without hesitation, cut her wrist, and dripped blood on her palm. Farthington also cut his wrist and dripped blood on the other palm. Adrianne rubbed the blood on his hands together, and then drew bloodstains on the faces of the two of them. In the end, he shouted loudly to all the spectators in the audience: "Everyone! You will all be witnesses to this private struggle! On behalf of the parliament, I now declare that the D'Anis family and the Ronore family have officially entered a state of war."

"My God! This barbaric thing happened again."

"May the Goddess of Luck bless Miss Nalia in safety."

"Isaiah is so pitiful that he got divorced."

All the people below began to whisper, and all kinds of strange arguments emerged one after another. Seeing that the situation was becoming more and more out of hand, Adrian didn't want to stay here any longer. After taking his farewell to the two parties concerned, he hurried towards the administrative district. You must know that the private fight between two families is not a trivial matter, so you must quickly notify the council to make corresponding preparations.

Half an hour later, almost all the people who came to the funeral had left. Before leaving, Farthington said a word, telling Nalia to go back and get ready. Within seven days, he will lead the elite of the Ronoll family to Fort D'Anis to fight to the death.

Seeing that she was done, a sarcastic smile appeared on Nalia's face. She can't wait to see the destruction of the Ronoel family, especially when Farthington and Isiah, father and son, find out that their opponent is a legendary spellcaster, and there are two giant dragons, their expressions will be very exciting.


Henry, who was far away in D'Anisberg, didn't know the recent changes in Aslatra, and even if he knew, he didn't have time to pay attention to it. He has now devoted himself to the search for the Negative Plane. He didn't even notice that his injured foot had fully grown. Although he had already promised Nalia not to conduct experiments in the castle, this did not mean giving up. On the contrary, he moved into a hunting lodge not too far away, and started crazy research without sleep.

In a few days, Henry discovered hundreds of planes, some of which were already known. There are also those that have never been documented. He recorded the coordinates one by one in case of emergency. After all, these things are obtained by spending a lot of gold coins, and they must not be wasted.

The hard work paid off, and when Nalia and Hina were about to return, Henry finally found a plane full of the purest negative energy. He tried to explore, and found that there was no sign of life here at all. There is silence on the vast land, only a large number of distorted plants are slowly growing. You don't have to think about it. He must be the first to discover this place, otherwise this place would have been filled with all kinds of undead creatures.

Henry carefully stamped this plane with his own personal stamp, and then hid it. For any mage, this is a rare wealth. The pure negative energy plane can be used to cultivate a large number of undead creatures, especially the vampire girls under him. As long as they stay in it for a period of time, they can quickly obtain a large-scale improvement.

Now that the most important step has been completed, the legendary magic of "Collapse Singularity" is considered to be successfully developed. Since there is already a ready-made spherical magic black hole. He doesn't need to go to the demiplane to make it for the time being, so he saves a lot of time. Now the system knows that the legendary magic item is marked with "collapsing singularity", and he can release this legendary magic at any time as long as he is willing. Of course, there is a price to pay, each time you use it, you need to consume more than 40,000 experience points.

Before Henry had time to be happy for a few minutes, he was quickly taken aback by the consumption of these days. The scrolls, gems, and magic materials worth more than 900,000 gold coins have been consumed, and if it drags on for two days, it may not be possible to proceed. It seems that researching legendary magic is not only a time-consuming and labor-intensive project, but also a test of financial resources.

He originally wanted to continue to develop his own unique legendary magic. But the half-empty dimensional bag forced him to give up this idea. According to other people's records, it costs so much to complete a legendary spell. If you plunge into it unprepared, you may not be able to research anything if you spend all of it.

After much consideration, Henry decided to temporarily suspend the research and development of legendary spells. Return to the castle and wait for news of the war. Walking on the country road, he could see many busy farmers walking towards the river with their tools. These people were temporarily recruited by the housekeeper Ernest to repair the river embankment, and at the same time dug a few irrigation canals. It seemed that it would take another two to three days to complete all the work. Everyone knows that these projects are related to the future grain harvest, so they work very hard.

In fact, according to Henry's idea, the dirt road here should also be rebuilt. However, considering that this is in Amn, it is best not to be too ostentatious, otherwise it will easily cause the rejection of the stubborn surrounding forces. You must know that he came to loot... No, it should be called armed transfer, so there is no need to have too many conflicts with local forces.

Suddenly, several cavalry came galloping in the distance, led by the official guard captain Cernic. He recognized the lord he was loyal to at a glance, and hurriedly slowed down while shouting: "My lord! Miss Nalia is back. But she brought back a bad news. We are about to go to war with the Ronoel family."

"Hahahahahaha! Cernic, this is great news. I've been waiting for several days, and it's finally about to start." After Henry laughed, his eyes lit up.

The Ronoel family's reliance is nothing more than five hundred soldiers with the professional level of fighters, and there may be two to three mages and priests in addition. Perhaps this is an invincible enemy for most people, but it is not enough to look at in front of legendary spellcasters. If it wasn't for showing his strength, he wouldn't have shot himself, as long as he sent two giant dragons up to spray the dragon's breath, it wouldn't take long to kill them all.

"Could it be that Miss Nalia did this at your behest?" Senik asked with a horrified look after he fell off his horse. As a person who has been living in Esmir Taran, he is very aware of the power of the Ronoel family. If it weren't for the land of the Deanis family's patrons, I am afraid that everything north of the Esmer River would be their sphere of influence.

Seeing his captain of the guard look nervous, Henry smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "There is nothing to worry about. Don't you think they will be more difficult to deal with than a large group of trolls, snake people and other monsters? I want to anger the Ronoel family this time and completely eradicate these scumbags from this world."

"But... But now we have less than 160 soldiers, and most of them are newly recruited, and they don't have too much combat power at all. My lord, I don't think the chances of winning are too low..." Cernic tried his best to tactfully express his difficulties. After all, he has only been in office for a short time, and it is impossible to train a strong army.

"Don't worry, I don't intend to let the newly established guard force join the battle, because that would be murder."

As long as Henry is not crazy, these mobs will not be allowed to rush to their deaths. With the current quality of mercenaries in the castle, it might be okay to kill bandits, kobolds, goblins, etc., but against an elite army that is fully armed and has the cooperation of spellcasters, it may take a few minutes for the entire line to flee.

Hearing that the guards would not be recruited to join the battle, Cernic breathed a sigh of relief. But he immediately asked curiously: "Could it be that you secretly hired a group of mercenaries elsewhere?"

The corners of Henry's mouth were slightly upturned, showing a half-smile expression, and then he stretched out a finger and shook it. "No, no need. I alone is enough to deal with the Ronoel family, and no army is needed at all. Moreover, this is not a private fight between nobles, but a "chi luo" naked massacre that was designed in advance. Their deaths have been doomed from the moment they entered the state of war, and no one can escape."

After hearing these words, Cernic immediately felt a chilling feeling. He suddenly remembered one thing, the monsters entrenched in Fort D'Anis seemed to have been killed by this man in front of him. Judging from the number of corpses cleaned up, there are at least a hundred mountain trolls and soul trolls, as well as a large number of snakemen and some giant earth monsters.

If the combat power of these monsters were converted into human soldiers, there would probably be at least two thousand soldiers, and they would also need to be equipped with a certain number of magic weapons. It seems that the Ronaldo family is in big trouble this time, and maybe they are really going to face a catastrophe.


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