Broad World

Chapter 328 Black Dragon and Brown Dragon Part 1

When Henry saw this information for the first time, he was immediately overwhelmed by the superb alchemy skills of the great arcanists. This is a powerful magic item that can tie up a dragon like a dog and use it like an animal. Not to mention the dense runes on it and the magical energy that cannot be interpreted at all, this courage alone is admirable. He could even imagine the power of the Netheril civilization, even the giant dragon would put down his pride in front of the Arcanist.

Kelben handed a dark blue dimension bag to Henry and said to him: "All the treasures in the lair of Balagos are contained in it. There are about three million gold coins of various periods, more than four thousand gems, more than twenty magic items, and a large amount of precious metals and alchemy materials. You have just become a legendary mage, and this is when you spend the most money. You must know that the research and development costs of a legendary magic range from hundreds of thousands of gold coins to millions. These properties should be enough for you to use for a while. "

"Thank you very much. I am worrying about the research and development costs of legendary spells. If I have so much money, I will be able to master the first legendary spell in less than a month."

After speaking, Henry bowed deeply. He knew that now was not the time to be polite. The necromancy magic R\u0026D cost of "Collapse Singularity" was frighteningly high, and the preliminary estimate would cost at least one million gold coins. If all the legendary magics are priced at this price, I'm afraid it won't be long before they start selling their iron.

"Actually, you don't have to worry too much. Legendary spell slots won't be available until after twenty-one, and now even if they are researched, they can't be released. Oh, by the way, I caught two little things in the dragon's lair, and I'll give them to you as gifts. Remember, if you think you can't control them, kill them quickly. Their minds have been twisted by Balagos, and their minds are full of hatred and tyranny."

As he spoke, Kelben tugged at the chain in his hand, and pulled two young men who looked only in their twenties over. He first pointed to one of the black-haired ones and said: "This guy is called Oroxis, a young black dragon. But it has lost its wings. Judging from the bite on the wound, it should be torn off by Balagos."

Then he pointed to another young man with khaki hair. "This one is called Ortagus. It is a young brown dragon with a rather tyrannical personality. Compared with the black dragon, its behavior is more cunning. According to the information I got through divination, Balagos not only encouraged the two guys to hate each other, but also often cut a small piece of flesh from them. Then he burned them with fire and ate them face to face."

Speaking of this, Kelben glanced at the two giant dragons that had turned into human forms, and then continued to say to Henry: "In this environment, their characters have completely turned to the dark side. I can now be sure that if these two dragons are freed, they will definitely cause huge damage. So if you feel that they are getting out of control one day, don't hesitate to kill them immediately."

Henry noticed. After hearing these words, Oroxis and Ortagus didn't even react at all, and their four eyes were fixed on the huge dragon head on the table. From their eyes, you can see shock, fear, hatred, and finally, there is a trace of expectation for the future. Perhaps servility has been deeply engraved in the souls of these two guys, and it doesn't matter at all to change to another master.

"Please rest assured, I will control them well, and there will be absolutely no accidents." Henry took over the "Mithril Chain of Sorrow" from Kelben while speaking. With his current strength, he has no pressure to deal with the two giant dragons who are still in their youth. What's more, there is a system in hand. As long as you force them to swear the soul oath, no matter how much you jump around, you won't be able to escape from your palm.

After all, the young dragon is also a dragon, and its potential is beyond the reach of human beings. Although the brown dragon is a little bit wet, as long as it is well cultivated, it will not be too bad. Because their scales are made of cortex, they are not as tough as others of their kind. It is said that this species was created by the artificers of the ancient Imascar Empire, and the appearance of the Fallen Desert was also the result of one of their magical experiments.

For this kind of statement, Henry has always sneered. He felt that these rumors must have been fabricated by the country established by the two slaves, Muharred and Enser, in order to discredit the Imaskar Empire and fear that the artificers would revive. Knock them back to the ground.

However, most of the brown dragons do inhabit east of Muharred, and only a very small number migrate westward. As for the west coast, they have never appeared near the west coast. Because this is a kind of giant dragon that is especially suitable for living in the desert. There is a membrane between their sharp claws, which is very suitable for digging sand. The brown scales are also very good camouflage.

According to the records in the books, the brown dragon and the blue dragon who also like to live in the desert are sworn enemies. If they don't meet, they will die, and if they meet, they will never die. What's surprising is that with their smart minds, brown dragons don't suffer too much when facing powerful blue dragons, but often take advantage of them.

When Henry was secretly thinking about the plan to raise the young dragon, Laila came over and interrupted his train of thought.

"Kelben and I are going back to Waterdeep City. After all, the sahuagin attack is still going on, we must rush back as soon as possible to prevent any accidents. You must know that Jachouas is not easy to deal with. It often uses some deceitful tactics to break through the line of defense. Oh, yes. If possible, try to get your people to bring more food. Otherwise, there are 200,000 refugees, and there may be riots due to hunger."

"I'll do my best. Now the entire west coast is in a state of food shortage, and I'm afraid I can barely survive until the autumn harvest." Henry frowned and replied. He knew very well that the little reserve he had left was not enough to feed two hundred thousand people, and the gap was too big.

Kelben sighed slightly and said to his wife: "Forget it, don't make it too difficult for him, as long as the current supply is maintained. In a few days, I will go to the Central Continent to see if I can buy some to survive this crisis."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult. As far as I know, the grain harvest in the entire continent was not very good last year, so many countries have banned grain exports. How about this? I will send half of the grain stored in Silvermoon City to Shuishui City. This way, it should be able to survive for a while."

As soon as Alustri heard that someone was suffering, his sympathy immediately began to flood, and he sold Silvermoon City without even thinking about it. We must know that agriculture in the northern region itself is relatively backward. Coupled with the cold climate and all kinds of monsters emerging one after another, the surplus food that can be saved every year is not too much, and it is estimated that half of it at a time is already the limit.

Overjoyed, Leila held her sister's hand and said with a smile: "Then what are you waiting for, let's go to Silvermoon City quickly. You must know that countless refugees are still waiting for food to save their lives." After she finished speaking, she opened a portal. Pulling Alaszhuo disappeared in place.

After Kelben nodded slightly, he also used teleportation magic to return to his mage tower. The room that seemed a bit crowded at first became empty in an instant. Henry swept back and forth between the black dragon and the brown dragon with malicious eyes, frightening them so much that they dared not even take a breath.

The huge head of the ancient red dragon was placed on the table, always reminding Ortagus and Oroxis how powerful the new master was. They can't even believe it to this day. Someone could actually kill Balagos "Flying Flame". But the facts speak louder than words. Bloody evidence shows that the tyrant who once ruled the eastern mountains of Amn has died at the hands of this very young human being.

Seeing the fearful eyes of these two guys, the corners of Henry's mouth turned up slightly, revealing an imperceptible smile. He pulled the chain in his hand and said to them: "I will give you two a choice now. A choice that can give you limited freedom. Swear your soul to be loyal to me forever, so that you can get rid of the shackles of this chain. Remember, you only have one chance, and those who make the wrong choice will be imprisoned forever as a test object."

When the young black dragon Oroxis heard the word freedom, his eyes shot out a frightening light. Perhaps because he had been a slave for too long, he knelt down and swore loudly without hesitation: "I! The black dragon Oroxis swears with his own soul to be loyal to the master in front of him. He will never betray him."

When the last word was finished, Henry noticed that the phantom of the system icon was burned into the depths of the other party's soul. While neither of them dared to look up, he checked the system quietly.

As a result of absorbing the soul and blood of Balagos "Flying Flame", you have obtained a druid's legendary magic "transform the ancient red dragon". After transformation, all clothing and equipment will be integrated into the new form and continue to function secretly. Clothing and equipment will return to their original state when returning to their original form. (Transformation time is not limited, and each use will consume a legendary magic slot, a ruby ​​worth 50,000 gold coins or dragon blood of the same value, and 10,000 experience points)

Congratulations! You have managed to gain the allegiance of a young black dragon, which cannot disobey any of your commands. No man, god, or spell can cause it to reveal its secrets about you. It is always loyal to you and never has two hearts! Soul Control used 4/6


Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Race: five-color evil dragon - black dragon (male)

Age: Ninety-three (it's almost an adult)

Occupation: Berserker Level 7, Experience 0/125000 (In a difficult environment, it learned to bite the enemy like a mad dog)

Strength: 21 (as a berserker. It's a bit more powerful than a black dragon of the same age)

Dexterity: 14 (Because it always crawls around in caves, it is much more flexible than black dragons of the same age)

Constitution: 15 (long-term lack of food makes its health not good)

Intelligence: 12 (normal level)

Wisdom: 13 (normal level)

Charisma: 6 (everyone thinks a dragon without wings is ugly as hell)

special power:

"Darkness" three times a day

Can breathe in water

acid spit

After reading all the information, Henry almost wanted to look up to the sky and laugh. The legendary divine art of "Transforming into an ancient red dragon" greatly made up for his shortcomings in melee combat. Although it cost a lot of money to use each time, it was still within the acceptable range as a trump card. In particular, this legendary spell didn't waste a penny of research and development costs. It was simply a pie in the sky, making a lot of money.

As for the black dragon Oroxes, his occupational level is too low, it seems that he needs to be cultivated before he can use it. Fortunately, dragons can acquire many spell-like abilities as they grow older. Generally speaking, it is much stronger than most mortals.

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