Broad World

Chapter 302: The End of Escape (I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival)

Khalid's death cast a shadow over everyone's psychology. In addition to being sad, they are all very afraid that this kind of thing will happen to them. Although the current god of death, Kelenvor, is a lawful and good god, the fear of death is the inherent instinct of every life.

Everyone searched the box in the room and found several oddly shaped staff keys. Including the ones obtained on the previous floor, there are now five. Just when they were about to leave here, suddenly there was a "clang" sound behind a door, as if something like glass had been broken.

Without saying a word, Apodel opened the door and took the lead in rushing in. His heart was full of guilt and anger, and he urgently needed to find an enemy to vent out. Passing through a short passage, everyone saw an incredible scene. In the center of the room at the end is a huge life-giving device connected to hundreds of glass jars filled with liquid. These jars were not empty, each one had the same elf woman floating inside.

Henry recognized at a glance that they were all replicas of Elf Queen Alison. Especially that perfect face, which has a nine-point resemblance to the sculpture in the Naxikai mining area. In the corner of the room, a naked clone was fighting a shadow thief assassin. Behind her was a broken glass jar. It seemed that the assassin was interested and wanted to release one to enjoy.

Relying on the elf's natural agility, the replica quickly gained the upper hand. Holding a sharp piece of glass tightly, she rolled over to avoid the oncoming dagger, and then slammed into the artery in the enemy's neck. The assassin let out a scream. Immediately after, blood spurted out violently. A beautiful red mist formed. Under the illumination of the light, it shows the cruel beauty to the fullest.

With the Assassin down dead, the clone turned its attention to the others. There was a puzzled expression on her face, followed by a pleasant sound. "Ah! You are torturing me again, Master!"

"Sorry, ma'am, you mistook the person. We are just a group of adventurers who want to escape from here." Apodel explained with a slight bow.

The replica laughed maniacally. "Hahahaha! Wrong person? How could you admit it! You used the image of "her" to create me, but I am not "her"! Absolutely not! I will not allow you to play with my body and soul! Absolutely not!" After she finished speaking, she picked up the thief's dagger and rushed over.

Apodel was a little helpless, and could only dodge the opponent's attack left and right. There was a stalemate like this for a while. Suddenly the replica stopped attacking, and suddenly raised the dagger and plunged it into his heart. She had a ferocious expression and let out a burst of crazy laughter. "Hahaha...cough...cough, don't think about torturing me again, never...don't think about..." After finishing speaking, he swallowed his last breath.

Imoen walked over and looked at the corpse's face and sighed. "Hey! It's so pitiful, she must have suffered a lot. Joan Irenicas's psychology must be very twisted, he always kills people in front of me, time and time again..."

"You're right. But what I'm more concerned about is whose replicas these are. She must be someone who Joan Irenicus cares about very much." Apodel pointed to the large jar.

Henry picked up a staff key from the ground, and said seriously to several old teammates: "Look at their faces. Have you forgotten the statue at the Sika Mine?"

"Ai... Lixing? It seems that the sculptor kept calling this name before he died." Aimon said with some uncertainty.

Henry nodded slightly. "That's right, Alison. The ruler of the elven city of Suodanisla. Of course, he was once the lover of Joan Irenicus. That's why he has been torturing these replicas, because of hatred and pain."

"He is a pervert with a twisted personality! Let's go, I've had enough of this place, let's leave quickly." Jasira cursed fiercely and turned around to save him.

No one is stupid enough to argue with a widow whose husband has just died, and everyone follows in silence. Walking along the narrow passage, they saw the corpses of many thieves, mephits, and gray dwarves along the way. It seems that the Shadow Thieves Union has put in a lot of effort, otherwise it would be impossible to break through such a tight defense at the door.

After crossing a suspension bridge, everyone came to a corridor full of staffs. As soon as he walked into the door, Henry saw a thief jumping out of the shadows. He was holding a poisonous dagger glowing green, and rushed towards a gray dwarf crossbowman. I saw that the gray dwarf didn't care about the enemy who was about to rush in front of him. Instead, he took off his pants and patted his buttocks and shouted: "Hai! Stupid thief! Welcome to the corridor of death. Hahahahaha."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a "click", and suddenly the staff on the left pillar flashed a light, and five magic missiles flew out. The thief stared at the roaring missile with fear on his face, and his head was smashed before he had time to react.

"Bah! Dare to break in at this level, it's really beyond our control." The gray dwarf spat at the corpse, and then shot a crossbow at Apodel who was standing at the door.

For a Son of God who has experienced many battles, this attack is obviously not enough. He didn't even dodge anything, and caught the arrow as soon as he raised his hand. Minsk didn't give the enemy time to pull the string, and directly raised the heavy crossbow in his hand and pulled the trigger. The thick crossbow pierced through the gray dwarf's shoulder at a speed invisible to the naked eye, causing him to take several steps back fiercely. Suddenly, there was another "click", and a high-temperature tongue of flame was shot directly from the magic staff on the right, instantly roasting the two gray dwarf crossbowmen into charcoal.

Seeing such skillful cooperation, You Xumo couldn't help but whistle. "Wow! It's really beautiful. Especially catching arrows with bare hands, it's impossible to do it without quick reflexes and strong arms."

"Thank you for the compliment, but it's just to create an opportunity for Minsk, otherwise we wouldn't have done such a dangerous thing." Apodell responded very coldly. After all, his experience was not enough to deal with a spy, so alienation became the best choice.

You Xumo didn't care too much about everyone's cold reaction. In his opinion, it is human nature to take precautions, and he believes that after a period of adventure, he will definitely be able to gain the trust of the Son of Baal.

Along the pillar on the left, Henry inserted the keys into the designated spaces one by one, and then pulled out the staff inside. After a while, he got the "Frost Staff", "Lightning Staff", "Missile Staff", "Fire Staff", "Death Cloud Staff", and "Summoning Monster Staff". Although they are all garbage with only one round left, fortunately they can be recharged. Below the end of the corridor, a "Prince's Ring" was also found.

After Aimon put the ring on his hand, the group found a group of gray dwarves who were making weapons and armor in the passage on the right side of the statue. Obviously, it was impossible for the two sides to get along peacefully, so they started fighting directly with a tacit understanding. After Henry took care of the opponent's mage, Apodel swept all the gray dwarf fighters with a violent gesture. Yu Xumo, who saw him angry once, was frightened and shuddered, and hurriedly withdrew from the battlefield.

In less than five minutes, the entire room was filled with blood. The Son of Baal hacked his enemies to pieces, not a single whole body could be found. After the killing, the depressed atmosphere was released a lot, and the whole team returned to normal. I don't know if Jaheira has forgotten the sadness, but at least on the surface it looks like normal.

A group of people searched room by room along the corridor, killing a vampire under Bodi's men along the way, and at the same time killed a shapeshifter disguised as an old man. After cleaning up all the places, they walked into the sewer leading to the outside world. The corpses of shadow thieves are everywhere here, and at least 30 people died within a distance of less than 50 meters.

"It's really tragic. I think Boss Renault will feel sorry for today's loss." Yu Xumo said gloatingly.

Suddenly, a man wrapped in a gray cloak came out from around the corner. He glanced at everyone coldly, and finally fixed on Yu Xumo's face. "You'd better explain who these people are, otherwise I won't let any living creature pass through here. Besides, I'll take what you just said to Bloodhead intact."

"Hey, don't be so unreasonable. You must know that I am loyal to the union, otherwise I would not participate in such a dangerous mission. And they are all the targets of this operation, so you'd better not ask for trouble." You Xumo hurriedly explained. He didn't want to fight these elite assassins, especially since there were many people hiding in the dark.

The man nodded slightly. "Okay, you can go there. But be careful, that damn mage is fighting us at the door. His mana is very powerful, and three waves of reinforcements have already died outside."

"Hehe, don't worry, I believe this guy will soon attract the attention of the patrolling mage, even if he wants to run, it will be too late." Henry said with a sneer. He is very much looking forward to seeing the magic battle between senior mages, this is a very good opportunity to observe.

The man looked at what Henry was wearing, and then nodded kindly. The guy obviously took him for a member of the Masked Mages Guild, because the attire was so deceiving.

A group of people walked through the stinking sewer, and it didn't take long before they saw a bright light in the distance. Imoon shouted happily: "Look! The exit from the surface! We are finally getting out of this damned place."

"If I were you, I wouldn't be so optimistic. Listen to the voice, the fight must be in full swing." Jasila immediately cooled everyone's feverish minds.

Apodel drew out his weapon, his eyes showing firm gaze. "Any enemy that stands in my way will be wiped out, and this time will be no exception. Come on, let's see what Joan Irenicas is capable of." As he spoke, he strode ahead.


Bow down and thank the two book friends Yin Yang Tong and Tiandi Shuangjue for their monthly tickets and rewards. In addition, I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a beautiful union. (to be continued..)

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