Broad World

Chapter 234 The Scary Drow Priest

This time the rest time was extraordinarily long, and Dinahei and Aimeng, who were slightly weaker in physical strength, did not slowly recover until more than an hour later. Henry was a little worried about the current situation of his teammates. These people are obviously very tired, and the casters' spells and divine spells are almost used up.

Seeing his worried gaze, Jahira sighed and explained: "There is no way to stop and rest now. There are so many dark elves dead in front of us, and their leader will notice it soon. We must find Zuo Nan as quickly as possible, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted if the enemy escapes."

"How long do you think we can last in this state? An hour, or two hours? Our enemies are very difficult. Even in a dark elf city, the person who can mobilize so many warriors and golems at once must be a high-ranking priestess like the mistress." Henry began to organize the scrolls as he spoke. The next battle is likely to be very fierce, and he must be fully prepared.

Aimon stretched his sore wrists and ankles, burrowed into the shadows and came to the front to find the way and detect the traps. Henry no longer had any extra second-level magic to release the "detection trap", and could only rely on the girl's keen intuition and the effect of the perception potion.

Going straight along the passage, it didn't take long for them to come to a stone bridge full of lava below. On the other side of the bridge, Aimon not only found a large number of dark elf fighters and thieves, but also several magic traps on the ground. She quickly ran back to report the situation ahead to the others. After discussion, everyone decided to use the invisibility potion to quietly go around and carry out a sneak attack.

Apodel distributed a large amount of invisibility potion that had been captured by killing the thief just now. Those poor guys haven't had time to use it yet. His throat was torn out by the Son of Baal. All the people who had entered the invisible state quickly crossed the stone bridge. After avoiding several traps. Quietly killed the dark elf warrior guarding the bridge.

After finishing the enemy, Aimon immediately dismantled several traps on the ground. Henry also let the activated armor and the scroll golem rush over from behind. After tasting the sweetness once, they drank the invisibility potion again and walked along the dark passage. Along the way, they not only cleaned up the dark elf thieves hiding in the corners, but also destroyed several stone golems.

After several battles, everyone finally found the Dark Elf's camp at the end of the passage. Aimeng just wanted to go over to investigate, but was spotted by vigilant scouts in an instant. Apodelle hurriedly ran over to protect her behind her, holding the weapon tightly in both hands, ready to fight at any time.

Just when the war was about to start. A high-ranking drow priestess wielding a snake's head whip came over, staring at Apodel with scarlet eyes and asked, "Does the Murder King want to interfere with the Spider Goddess's affairs? I advise you to think carefully before doing it, otherwise you may end up like this surface human." After speaking, she threw a blood-stained dress on the ground.

"I don't know what you're talking about, despicable dark elf. You'd better call out that book, otherwise you and your subordinates will be beheaded soon." Apodel threatened loudly. He obviously recognized Zuo Nan's clothes, it seems that this liar has been tortured to death.

After hearing this answer, the priestess yelled furiously: "You liar! You can't deceive the high priestess of Rose! I clearly see the darkness in your soul that belongs to the King of Slaughter! Now you have to offend the spider goddess! Khales usth nara!"

Following a drow-specific language, the dark elves, golems, and spiders in the camp rushed out, and there was even a giant petrified lizard at the end. Henry had already anticipated this situation, and immediately ordered Caster No. 1 to activate the self-casting state.

In just a few seconds, the scroll golem successively released "Abbidaqi Wither", "Rainbow Jet", and "Serial Lightning". As soon as the dark elves gathered, they were covered by these large-scale destructive spells, and half of them lost their fighting power in an instant. Seeing this, Apodell and others also drew out their weapons and rushed forward to fight with the remaining enemies.

The high priestess prayed loudly, and soon a hood of sharp blades formed around her body. These sharp blades spin. Minsk was scraped off a large piece of flesh and blood without paying attention. Henry recognized this powerful magic at a glance, which is not something ordinary priests can learn.

He shouted at Apodel and Minsk who were still fighting ahead: "Quickly dodge those spinning blades! That is the most advanced magical sword enchantment bestowed by the gods!"

"It seems that there are still smart people among you. But I'm in a very bad mood right now, so you go to hell!" The senior female pastor sneered, and rushed towards Henry, waving her whip.

While retreating, Henry ordered the activated armor to go up, only to see that the armor made of the shell of the dragon turtle was quickly cut with scars, and it was completely cut into pieces in just a dozen seconds. Everyone was stunned by the spell for a moment. You must know that the armor couldn't even be damaged by the explosion or the magic arrow, but it was destroyed by these small blades.

Using the time gained by the activated armor, Henry completed the seventh-level magic "Beauty of Nature" as quickly as possible. I saw his body began to deform violently, and soon turned into a huge demon with a height of nearly four meters. The priestess stopped attacking, with an obsessed look on her face.

Henry had no idea that this female priest had such strong tastes that she actually liked the Abyss Demon. You must know that what this magical technique changes is the image that the other party desires most deep in his heart. If it were a normal female, he should now be an elf, a male succubus, or some other handsome male creature.

Seeing that the high priestess had lost her fighting spirit, the others immediately launched a fierce attack on the remaining enemies. Under Henry's control, the scroll golem quickly eliminated the petrified lizard and the dark elf mage. Without these two biggest threats, the Flesh Golem and Stone Golem were also released by the violent Apodel after a while.

Henry stood still and didn't dare to move. He knew that the priestess had been deluded only temporarily. As soon as he made any threatening actions, the dark elf would regain consciousness immediately. What we can do now is to buy as much time as possible, and everything will have to wait for the teammates to deal with the remaining enemies.

As an experienced druid and warrior, Jasila was well aware of Henry's current situation. She didn't hesitate to bless the last few magic spells for everyone, and Dinahei released the two remaining first-level magic spells, and also started to use the lightning staff. Apodel was already completely immersed in the thrill of killing, completely ignoring those attacks that were not fatal enough.

This style of fighting with injuries for lives caused the dark elf fighters who are proficient in martial arts to suffer a lot. The parrying and dodging skills they are so proud of are useless at all. As the son of Bal gave full play to his advantage of being rough and thick, any weapon that pierced his body would be clamped by the tense muscles, and then waited for the attacker to either be pierced by a sword, or be directly smashed to the head by the flail.

The battle quickly came to an end under Apodel's excellent performance. With the last star spider killed, there is no second enemy in the entire cave except the High Priestess. The injured people took out the healing potion and drank it, and the wound was quickly relieved.

Everyone carefully surrounded the senior female priest. Due to time, the "sword barrier" on her body has completely disappeared. Henry felt that the time had come to do something, and immediately let the scroll golem rush up to use the paralyzing touch. Although there was nothing wrong tactically, he obviously underestimated the magic resistance of the dark elves.

The dark skin of the priestess resisted the sudden attack. She immediately got rid of the influence of "Natural Beauty" and quickly released the "Sanctuary Technique". Everyone seemed to lose their target at once. Even if the enemy was standing beside them, they failed to attract attention. Taking advantage of the minute when the "Sanctuary Spell" was in effect, the priestess once again cast the highest-level divine spell "Spirit of Flame".

An aura of raging fire enveloped the caster. This divine spell not only endowed the priestess with very strong fire resistance and the ability to protect against non-magic weapons, but also burned Apodel and Khalid who were closest to her. The two screamed and quickly backed away. The flesh on their arms and chest was red and black, as if they had been roasted.

Going easy and attacking, the "sanctuary technique" of the high-ranking priestess failed. Seeing the blazing flame shield on her body, Henry felt a headache. The only lethal spells left by him now are "fire seed spell", "damage spell" and "Sol's scorching ball". But these spells are either fire damage, or you have to touch them with your hands.

Just when everyone was at a loss, the priestess stretched out her finger and ticked this way. Henry instantly felt a huge negative energy coming towards him. He felt that his soul began to want to leave the body uncontrollably, as if there was a powerful force that was constantly dragging it out.

Henry desperately resisted this force. He knew very well that he had been hit by the "finger of death", and if his soul was dragged out, he would die completely. In just two seconds, Henry went through a life-and-death test, but finally stopped. He suddenly fell to his knees, spitting out blood.

Despite resisting the call of death, the negative energies still wreak havoc inside the body. Henry can even feel that his internal organs have been damaged to a certain extent, and if he doesn't treat it quickly, the root cause of the disease will definitely remain.

The high-ranking priestess glanced at the pale Henry and let out a wild laugh: "Haha! How does it feel to brush past death with rubbish on the surface? This is the price you paid for using spells to try to seduce me! Don't worry, I will arrest you one by one, and kill you slowly after the torture is enough." (To be continued..)

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