Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 237: Social change is in the structure (Section 2

     Li Yi packed up the equipment, saying: "To create a cluster industry in the fields of tourism, industrial production, and agricultural production centered on Lijiazhuangzi, Zhangjiacun and migrant workers' settlement areas."

   Li Longji thought hard before catching up with the rhythm a little.

   is the same as before, find someone to come over to play, then there is a workshop, by the way farming.

   "When the weather is warm, the people of the northern state capitals will have a better life." Li Longji thought of the new and useful tools.

   "It's still a matter of converting production technology into productivity. With so much land and not a lot of population, why can I not have enough food?"

   Li Yi seemed to be talking to Li Longji, and it was like talking to himself.

   "What's the technology?" Li Longji helped Queen Wang tidy up a bit, and asked when they went out to eat together.

   "Breeding technology, cultivating better high-yield seeds." Li Yi said one.

   "The work of Sinong Temple." Li Longji said he knew.

   "Agricultural technology, now there are no good things, only cattle and horses, a lot of breeding, but also to prevent diseases."

   Li Yi did not dare to think about mechanization, but more livestock is still possible.

   "The work of Sinong Temple." Li Longji still knew.

   "Look for more natural stones as fertilizers. Phosphate is good. You need to know which land is good." Li Yi said one more point.

   "Sinong Temple's work." Queen Wang helped Li Longji to speak out.

   "You should grow rice well in the south, two crops a year or three crops in two years, and then plant something else in the middle." Li Yi said about rice.

   He doesn't like to eat rice from the south, but there is too much rice, no matter how it tastes, he can really fill his stomach.

   Li Longji followed: "Try to let people be able to diversify, minus the ‘tune’."

   "The third brother is right. It is a matter of the social division of labor structure. Those who plant the fields farm, those who work work, and those who fight fight wars. Each is responsible for one aspect."

   Li Yi mentioned the current shortcomings. People who farm the fields have to do everything, and the fields don’t have enough time to take care of them.

   Often the harvest is worse, and you can’t rent out Heyong, and then you’re asked to work, you’re in deficit, you borrow money to pay, you can’t afford to pay, you sell your land, and you run away.

   Thinking about it, Li Yi said again: "Many people are short of one season's food. If one pays less food, the tone will be relieved. If you force one step, the more than 3,000 refugees in Zhuangbian will be the result."

   Li Longji did not respond this time. He has made up his mind to levy business taxes and the court has income. He is rotating to reduce or exempt the rents of the state capitals, leaving the people with half a year's harvest.

   Go to the single room in the cafeteria, and go to serve food separately, and the queen has court ladies to help.

  " Years ago, my eldest brother took a batch of drunk crabs. Now it is the first month of the year, and other drunk crabs are also released for sale.

   This year, I will raise another year. I will choose some villages near the water to cooperate. If nothing major happens and make more money, those with paddy fields will naturally learn how to raise them.

   There is more production in the fields, and if you sell the money, you can naturally buy more things and use them to promote business development. "

   Li Yi mentioned business again.

   Li Longji nodded slightly, agreeing.

   He collected a lot of management fees for the night market, and he didn't realize that Chang'an had so much money every day.

   Compared with management fees, heaven and earth are nothing at all.

   The person who was charged is still willing to give it. As long as you sell things at night and hand over some of the money, the rest will be enough to make money.

   I heard that some shops were afraid that they would have a curfew after the Chinese New Year, so they offered to pay more management fees.

   Obviously, collecting money did not hurt the people, otherwise why do the people still ask for it like that?

   Li Longji strengthened his confidence from Li Yi, had dinner, took a short rest, and took Queen Wang back. The child was fine.

   Then Li Chengqi came and took away one altar after altar of drunken crabs to sell them at a good price during the Chinese New Year.

   The streets of Chang'an City are crowded with people, and many shops are not closed at all.

   There is a bamboo basket next to every place where grilled oysters are sold. The oyster shells after eating are thrown in, and someone comes and takes them away.

   A few days ago, someone who set up a stall put it away by himself, and then took it to the drugstore to sell it, but the drugstore didn't accept it at all.

   You don’t need a lot of money, you can give it for nothing, just throw it.

   The person who sells grilled oysters found that they couldn't keep it. The shell smells so big that they won't keep it by themselves since then.

   After inquiring about it, I learned that the Imperial Medical Office issued an order that all places in Chang'an that practice medicine and sell medicine shall not spend money to collect it.

   Otherwise, the license will be revoked and no new medical books will be given.

   As for the doctors who take the party, they will accept it when they are willing to collect it. How much can they collect if they try hard to collect it? Who eats oyster shells every day?


   Several days later, the people visited relatives and friends, and those who lived in Chang'an and the surrounding areas were all beaming with joy.

   I have money, I can bring things home, my family life is good, and the married girl goes back, saying that the situation at home is relatively different.

   Xingning Fang, Yao Mansion.

   "He won't go outside?" Yao Chong, who was eating drunk crabs, asked the people who went to Li Yi to inquire.

  He is in a bad mood, even if the crab gets it for free.

   "I finally got in, the students didn't mention the rhyme at all." The person replied.

   "Bring a crab down, remember to eat clean and use eight crabs." Yao Chong had no intention of embarrassing him.

  The person waiting for the report was happy to leave. He looked at the eight crabs in front of him and sighed: "Since then, crabs are expensive!"

   Yao Chong's heart is just like a With eight more crab-eating gadgets, eating crabs will feel different in the future.

   And the price of crabs will rise, so they are not cheap.

   "He can raise crabs, and he can keep crabs for so many days, and the taste is even better."

   Yao Chong grumbled, using a needle to dig the claws of the crab.

   Other wealthy people in Chang'an City also learned to use tools to eat crabs, feeling that it would be a shame if they didn’t understand eight things.

   They didn't know that when the person who took out this set of tools ate crabs, they put their paws in their mouths and they finished it.

   is that two crab tongs will stay as snacks, bite them open, and use the small tips of the tongs.

   Someone eats and starts to wonder, there is a paddy field outside the city at home, do you learn to raise crabs?

   Pei Yaoqing, who was on vacation, was also eating crabs at home. The people in the family were eating. He looked at the crab with its shell opened and did not move.

   There are seven days off during the Chinese New Year, and there is one day to go to work.

   At this time, the affairs in the yamen were taken care of by other people who were not qualified to take a holiday, so he was not so relieved.

   What worries him even more is that the ice can't be taken.

   The surface of the river has been thawed and it is dangerous to go up. The ice melts underneath and cannot be taken out.

   After the New Year, the ice-cutters can't all transport coal and shake the briquettes, right?

  When it's not time to plant the land, what kind of work can I find?

   Pei Yaoqing has discovered that finding jobs for the people is the greatest political achievement.

   People who have things to do have a different standard of living than in previous years.

   "Let's go to Zhuangzi tomorrow." Pei Yaoqing couldn't think of it herself, muttered, and began to study how to use eight crabs to disassemble crabs.

   A mouthful of crab meat in his mouth makes the whole person feel refreshed.


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