Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 122 Fried Chicken

Chen Xiayue always observes the state of the fried chicken, deep-fries slowly until the surface is golden, removes it, turns to high heat and heats up the oil, then puts the fried chicken in and fry it again, this time it will be fried for a short time, and it will soon Take it out and drain the oil, and turn off the fire.

Chen Xiayue couldn't help swallowing when she looked at the golden and crispy fried chicken and the aroma that wafted out of it when it was fried. It is so fragrant, it is indeed the fried chicken that is popular all over the world.

Chen Xiayue tore off a chicken wing and gnawed on it. The skin was fried until golden and crispy, and there was a very clear "click" when she bit into it. The crispy skin, tender and juicy meat, and the marinated chicken are so delicious that Chen Xiayue's eyes can't help but turn red.

It's been a long time since I've eaten fried chicken, and the fried chicken I made by myself is really delicious—although the ones bought outside are also delicious, they're not as good as the ones she made herself.

Chen Xiayue finished a chicken wing in a few mouthfuls, couldn't help but tore off a chicken leg and started to eat it, the more delicious it was, but the fried chicken became a bit greasy after eating too much, so Chen Xiayue took the pickled radish It's only half eaten when it's eaten together. This fried chicken, which weighs three or four catties after frying, is still very large.

After eating the fried chicken, Chen Xiayue rinsed her mouth, and watched the almost stewed duck neck and duck paws cover and simmer after turning off the heat. Anyway, she just finished eating the fried chicken and didn't intend to eat the duck neck.

She also patted the stewed duck neck, and even took one out and tore open the meat of the duck neck. It looked very delicious, and the sauced red duck neck was really mouth-watering.

After filming the video, Chen Xiayue went out to prepare lunch. After spending so long stewing the duck neck, duck feet, and duck skeleton, it was noon. She had to prepare lunch and send it to her parents-in-law.

Chen Xiayue took a few spare ribs to make soup, and Chen Xiayue took a dozen tender corns and cut them into several sections, washed them and put them in the spare ribs to stew together.

After blanching the pork ribs, put them in a pot and cook them. Add ginger cooking wine and salt and boil them, then add corn. After boiling them again, Chen Xiayue chops a few carrots and throws them in to stew together.

The corn and carrot ribs soup is also very nutritious, especially the ribs she took out have a lot of meat on them, not the kind that is often mentioned in novels where all the meat is removed.

Chen Xiayue stewed corn and carrot ribs soup in that big pot. There are many people in the family. Even if everyone can’t eat the ribs, the corn and carrots can be stewed a little more so that everyone can eat a few pieces. The soup is also delicious. Enough to drink.

Chen Xiayue didn't plan to cook either. If she wanted to cook for everyone, how much would she have to cook? So she made meat patties, a meat patty made with a little minced pork, minced eggs, and minced vermicelli, a very crispy thousand-layer meat patty.

After making the meatloaf, Chen Xiayue fried minced meat capers, minced meat eggplant, and then stir-fried sauerkraut with chili. Although the sauerkraut fried with chili does not have meat, it is also fried with a lot of oil, which is very oily.

Chen Xiayue made these dishes with a lot of servings. She considered that everyone should have a lot of appetite when they were tired from work, so the servings were a lot.

Although she has to take care of how much meat she can't take out, but capers, sauerkraut, and eggplant can still be served in larger portions, and she may not be afraid of not being enough.

After the meal was ready, Chen Xiayue notified Zhang Chengchuan through the farm system to ask him to bring a few people back and take the food to the field, because they were fined to dig ditches, so although they could rest at noon, they only rested on the ground, and the meal was also delivered. to the field.

Zhang Chengchuan came back soon, and he brought a few brothers back together, and then helped to pack the corn and carrot ribs soup made by Chen Xiayue into a big bucket, and then put all the vegetables into the sea bowl and picked them out in the bamboo basket.

The meat pies are placed in a big basket. Chen Xiayue made a bit too many meat pies. Although the meat is not much, there are plenty of other fillings, so she made about fifty meat pies, enough for the group who went to the ground. people ate.

Chen Xiayue cleaned up, put the egg and lean meat porridge she cooked in a casserole into the basket, and then took the minced meat and eggplant she specially saved to go to the uncle's house to eat with grandparents and the others.

In fact, the elderly can also eat other dishes. Chen Xiayue's porridge is what she wants to eat, and it is also for her nephews and nieces under the age of five.

Chen Xiayue brought a few meatloaf and a large bowl of corn and carrot ribs soup to the uncle's house. At this time, her grandparents had already cooked and waited for her.

That's right, Grandpa Zhang and Grandma Zhang also cooked, but they didn't cook. They just cooked the rice and waited for Chen Xiayue to bring the food.

Chen Xiayue put the casserole on the table, took out the meatloaf and a few dishes and put them on the table, and gave the grandparents a small bowl of porridge with eggs and lean meat for the two old people to eat first.

"Grandpa and grandma, try this porridge with eggs and lean meat. It tastes good. Then try this meat pie. Although it has less meat, it is also delicious." Chen Xiayue said with a smile, and she served some more for her nephews and nieces. meal.

The children who can’t eat by themselves all go to the ground with their parents, and they sleep either on their backs or they build a small shed with leaves and a piece of clothing for them to sleep on, so now there are only a few in the family who can already learn to eat by themselves. children eating.

The porridge has been out of the pot for a while, and it is still a little hot, but there is no need to worry about the degree of burns. Chen Xiayue is very relieved to let her nephews and nieces eat by themselves.

"It's been hard for you these few days. They have to cook so many meals every day. They have taken advantage of it these few days." Grandpa Zhang said while drinking porridge with a spoon.

Grandpa Zhang took a bite of lean meat porridge and a bite of meat pie, eating with relish. The fillings of the meatloaf are delicious and delicious, and the skin is crispy and delicious. The old man is very happy to eat, and it doesn't take too much time.

Older, but he still loves to eat these things. Of course, the porridge is also delicious. It can only be said that my daughter-in-law's craftsmanship is good, and simple porridge can be made so delicious.

"As long as grandpa likes to eat." Chen Xiayue smiled and said, "If I do it again in the future, I will ask Ah Chuan to bring it to you and grandma."

To be honest, Grandpa Zhang and Grandma Zhang are really reasonable to the old people. She doesn't mind at all that the food she cooks is sent over to the two old people from time to time.

Moreover, the delicacies made from the ingredients produced on the farm are very healthy and healthy. She thinks that a wise old man like Grandpa Zhang and Grandma Zhang should live longer.

If Chen Xiayue would not give food to the elderly so frequently like the superb grandparents in other novels, she would be fine if she didn't go back.

Grandpa Zhang and Grandma Zhang are here, and Chen Xiayue can be said to have saved a lot of trouble. For example, some relatives rely on themselves as elders, and during the Chinese New Year, they still comment on Chen Xiayue. Even if they know that she is from the city, they still say different things Zhong said all kinds of unpleasant things in the name of doing her best.

What they talked about the most was that Chen Xiayue was in poor health, how could they have children in the future, what they said was that Chen Xiayue was from the city, and everyone in her natal family was so capable, how could she not help her in-laws?

Of course, the in-laws they are talking about are not Grandpa Zhang, Grandma Zhang and their descendants, but their relatives who are not very close.

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