Behind the boy was the Captain's Room of the Lebert, and countless floating virtual screens reflected the entire picture in a luminous blue.

His body is small and thin, almost like a child curled up in the chair against the backdrop of the wide captain's chair, but no one dares to really regard him as a harmless child.

Obviously, the other party should be one of the participants in this incident, maybe even the leader, and he actually chose this place to shoot this video. This kind of bright demonstration and ridicule is like a slap in the face. The Union slapped.

—The faces of all the officers present are not very pretty.

The young man smiled and waved at the camera:

"Meeting for the first time, please take care of me, I am the captain of the Lebert..."

He paused, as if thinking of something, he patted his forehead annoyedly: "Oh, sorry, I forgot to change her name this morning!"

The picture suddenly changed, cutting to the outer perspective of the Leibert.

Under the light of stars not far away, the metal hull of the Lebert once known as the Star of the Alliance was plated with a layer of golden light, and the majestic ship's name painted with silver star ore extract on the hull was crooked. The red paint of is crossed out, and the following is written in unrestrained, scribbled handwriting:


A few unruly large characters are written in bright red paint. They are funny as if they were made by a child. They appear abrupt and ridiculous on the steel starship with perfectly coordinated proportions and smooth lines.

The picture cuts to the captain's room.

The thin boy who seemed to be able to see the bones still had a heartless smile:

"Starting from today, the Leviathan will not bother you. Of course, if you think about the old feelings and really think of military and maintenance expenses, of course I will not refuse, so please bring it with you when you meet next time. Enough coins!"

Then, the video ends.

The video is short, but the officers in front of the screen have their noses crooked.

This is simply a shame!

The opponent not only steals the ship, changes the name of the ship without authorization, scribbles on the ship with the permanent coating carried by the drone, and even arrogantly provokes them. This is not only an insult to the alliance’s laws, but also a contempt for the authority of the alliance. !

A young general stood up angrily and paid a standard Union military salute to the general who was sitting in the first place, his eyes flashing with anger:

"Please allow your subordinates to lead the warship to track the whereabouts of the Leibert! The subordinates must make this arrogant fugitive pay the price for his actions and fight for the glory of the alliance!"

The general looked at the picture that was frozen not far away, and then slowly shook his head:

"Don't be impulsive, it's not easy."

Everyone's eyes focused on the general at the center of the round table, quietly waiting for his next words.

"Before the Leibert was hijacked, its protective shield did not have any traces of being touched, nor did any crew send a distress message. If it was not broken from the inside, it would be that the other party was strong enough to develop it. The weapon that crossed the light energy shield outside the Lebert and hit the hull was sufficient to intercept the signal wave within a range of at least four light-years, otherwise this would not be the case."

An officer was stunned, and said: "Is it possible that it is..."

The general shook his head, his eyes deep: "It's hard to say, but this possibility cannot be ruled out."

After finishing speaking, he smiled coldly: "However, I am not without a back hand."

The general tapped a few times on the virtual screen in front of him, and a soft mechanical female voice sounded:

"The emergency mode is activated, and the Lebert backup positioning system is forced to start—starting...starting completed."

As the female voice fell, a bright spot suddenly lit up on the light blue star chart floating above the round table, moving at a constant speed in the direction away from the alliance control area.

Everyone was surprised:

"This is…"

The general slowly squinted his eyes: "Due to the increasingly severe situation in recent months, I ordered all retired warships to be equipped with emergency-activated backup positioning systems to prevent the alliance’s enemies from attempting to **** them, but I did not expect it to be so fast. Just come in handy."

The other officers at the round table showed admiration.

The light spots on the star map slowly drove towards a meteorite area on the edge of the alliance's control zone. There were only two or three desolate and abandoned planets around, seeming to want to break away from the alliance's control.

"Send three main ships and 20 light warships to pursue the Leibert!"

Regardless of whether there is a pusher behind this incident, let them know what the price of angering the alliance is!

at the same time.

Outside the surveillance range of the Alliance, this video information data leaked from the Alliance army and flew into a dark warship that was quietly anchored outside the occupied area.

There are no stars in this area, and it is shrouded in icy darkness.

This warship is so huge, almost twice the size of the Leibert. The black steel encased on the outside is indestructible. The outline of the ship is succinct and concise. The top-of-the-line interstellar gun has a black hole muzzle from under the outer protective layer. It looks like a sleeping beast, showing extremely deterrent fangs in the dark.

On the top of the ship wrapped in heavy protective covers, inside the outer anti-aircraft glass layer of the starship, is the cold and wide captain's room.

A huge virtual screen is like a complete wall.

In the light blue data network, the teenager's sly smiling face freezes and pauses on the screen, and is then dragged back to the beginning of the video again to play it again.

In the captain's room engulfed by darkness, the blue light from the electronic screen outlined the figure of a man not far away.

He stood in front of the screen with his hands behind his back, broad shoulders, straight legs, and his extremely tall stature gave a heavy sense of oppression.

There was an almost terrifying aura on his body. The killing coldness that seemed to seep out of his bones was suppressed and restrained by extremely powerful restraint, but there was still a kind of power that made people feel trembling from the depths of the soul.

In the darkness, a low, hoarse chuckle sounded:



In the former Leibert, now Leviathan's captain's room, Ge Xian sat on the captain's chair and swayed his two slender legs leisurely.

A huge virtual star map is floating on the table, with countless complex orbits and icons intertwined, like a patchwork of blue galaxies.

He stared at the star map in front of him intently, as if looking at something unknown and far away through the image in front of him.

The galaxy was shrunk and reflected in his eyes, like blue waves on the surface of a dark lake.

Xiaoyi spied several times at the door, but hesitated to move forward.

Ge Xiu raised his eyes suddenly, his gaze broke through the air like some kind of tangible arrow, and shot straight at the little one who was standing at the door.

He raised his eyebrows and made a confused tone: "Huh?"

Xiaoyi seemed to be a sleeper suddenly awakened from his dream, and fell into the captain's room in a panic.

The experience during this time is indeed a dream for him. A thrilling dream is like a combination of some unrealistic delusion and bizarre fantasy.

Xiao Yi's feet are still empty now.

I was afraid that I would wake up in the next second, and when I opened my eyes, I would find myself lying at the bottom of the tattered trash shed, watching the dirty sky of the planet through the tip of the trash mountain surrounded by stench.

He took a deep breath nervously and began to report on the ship’s current condition:

"As of now, eight cargo ships on the Leibert have returned, and the rest are still performing the task of collecting cargo and have not returned. Adding to the number of people in the cargo ship we boarded, there are a total of 32. Hundreds of people…"

Ge Xiu cast his eyes down casually, his gaze staying on the star map model floating in front of him, his fingertips lightly tapping regularly on the cold metal table.

Xiaoyi glanced at Ge Xiu tremblingly, his voice subconsciously diminished:

"...Only forty-two people stayed."

After taking over the Leibert completely, he explained the current situation to the kidnapped people according to Ghosho's orders, and informed the two options that are now available. If you want, you can stay in the changed owner. On the renamed Leviathan, fight with the two of them against the pursuit of the entire alliance. It doesn’t matter if they don’t want to. They can take the cargo ship they came to return to their original planet, and the cargo ship and the cargo ship It is not necessary to return the materials above.

The pros and cons of these two options are obvious, and normal people will make reasonable judgments.

Therefore, most people choose to return to their former planet. Although the environment is harsh and barren, they are only safe for their lives, and there is a whole cargo ship's supplies as compensation.

Only forty-two people are willing to stay.

Xiao Yi lowered his eyes in frustration, waiting for Ge Xiu's response.

However, the expected anger had not come for a long time, so he secretly raised his eyes, only to see that Ge Xiu's dark eyes were met.

Xiao Yi was stunned.

Ge Xiu's face was unpleasant, on the contrary, his eyes were slightly narrowed, the corners of his lips were slightly hooked, and his expression couldn't hide his joy.

It is as if a successful architect is looking at his own drawings, and a man with a chessboard is watching his masterpiece.

Xiao Yi frowned incomprehensibly and couldn't help asking:

"Little Qi, why do you want to tell them the real situation now? If you don't tell them, maybe we can have more helpers and more chances of winning..."

Ge Xiu looked at the star map in front of him again, and said casually:

"What I want is that the fewer people, the better."

Xiaoyi blinked blankly, not understanding Ge Xiu's meaning.

"The Leviathan is a retired warship. Even if it is transformed into a cargo transfer station, it cannot afford the material needs of three thousand people."

"But, then... what about those cargo ships?" As a poor and accustomed garbage star residents, the young couple still couldn't control the free supplies.

"Under the current situation, the cargo ship can only slow down our speed of action," Ge Xiu yawned, his thin waist stretched out in the wide captain's chair, like a cat stretching by the fire, his voice hoarse. , Seems to have profound meaning: "And...they have other uses of their own."

Xiaoyi nodded as if he didn't understand.

I saw Ge Xiu leaping off the chair and walking towards the huge porthole. The bright galaxy outside the window coated his side face with a light blue brilliance, making his paper-thin paper body more and more lining. Small.

He stared out the window and asked unhurriedly:

"Before this time, each cargo ship had a target of 200 people, but this time the target of each ship has doubled. In order to transport more labor, the Leibert even reduced the equipment of the interstellar artillery. Do you know why ?"

Xiao Yi shook his head blankly.

Ge Xiu turned his head to look at him, and the shrinking Star Sea and Milky Way was reflected on the pitch-black iris.

He said meaningfully: "Of course because their frontline needs more cannon fodder for service."

As soon as his voice fell, a huge bright red warning suddenly appeared on the star chart floating on the desktop, and the harsh alarm sounded through the captain's room:

"Alarms, alarms, there are multiple high-level energy reactions approaching!"

Xiao Yi took a breath, and looked up at the huge star map that was dyed red in a panic. He saw dozens of bright red spots suddenly lit up in the area where the Leviathan had been lonely. Surround them in their direction, and at this speed, they will be caught up in at most five hours!

Xiaoyi's eyes widened in horror, his back was instantly soaked with sweat, and his hands and feet were cold and trembling—

What, what's going on?

He looked for Ge Xiu without a master, as if a drowning man was looking helplessly for the driftwood in the waves.

Ge Xiu turned his head and looked out the porthole again.

He stared at the dark universe indifferently, as if looking at some invisible existence through the sky and celestial bodies. The corners of the lips curl up slightly, like...

This is exactly what he expected right now.

He shuddered with a little consciousness, and felt a chill rise from under his feet and quickly spread across his body.

At this moment, Ge Xiu turned his head back. His eyes flashed with suppressed excitement and enthusiasm, as if the devil lurking in the abyss cast a fleeting glance in the flash of lightning, there was a kind of almost inhuman cold and treacherous.

He licked his lips and whispered softly:

-"War is coming."

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