Born Tech Mad

Chapter [200] You all have to die

Under the anxious urging of Ross, the Russian major could only push the speed of the fighter plane to the limit. The Su-27 fighter jet flew across the sky with a whistling sound, and flew towards Syria.

"It's getting closer, it's getting closer, Lao Liu, hold on to me."

Ross prayed silently in his heart.

In Ross's communication helmet, the timely information observed by the Russian side came.

In the satellite communicator, a Russian general sighed: "Mr. Ross... I'm sorry, another super tank was destroyed. The satellite photographed only the last tank left, and it fled into a stone mountain. We Russia was going to help your friends with missiles.

But strangely, our missiles are disturbed by a strange magnetic force and cannot lock on to the target. We test-fired three missiles from the warship to attack those terrorists, but after the missiles were fired, they all missed the target by 1000 meters, what the hell. "

Ross really wanted to scold a few words, what kind of broken missile, the error is so big, your Russian weapons are too old.

But after thinking about it, Russia has always been very strong in terms of missiles. The accuracy error of this 1,000 meters is not as high as that of North Korea's missiles. This is strange.

Ross was very anxious, but he could only be anxious. Even if he transformed into the Hulk, with his current ability, he couldn't outrun the plane. He could only endure it.

The fighter plane skimmed through the sea of ​​clouds, and Major Grerov, who was driving the Su-27, stared at the electronic screen. The navigation provided by the Russian satellite showed that he had entered Syrian airspace, but he was still 270 kilometers away from the fighting area.

The plane has sounded the alarm. The fuel consumption has reached the warning line, and only 5% of the fuel is left. If it keeps flying, the fuel will be exhausted, and the fighter plane will not be able to find a suitable refueling base, and the plane may be destroyed.

Major Grelov was in a hurry: "Mr. Ross, I can't fly east any more. I can't fly any further. The fighter plane is exhausted. It will be destroyed. We have flown 3,500 kilometers and have almost reached the Soviet Union. 27 limit. I'm flying south, to a Russian military base, to refuel there."

Rose's eyes were already red: "Go on flying for me. If you run out of fuel, you can parachute. The plane is destroyed, and I will compensate you two for the loss."

Grerov became distressed: "Mr. Ross, I have to apply to the Ministry of Defense. After all, you are not a Russian general. This fighter jet is worth tens of millions of dollars, and it is Russian property."

Ross was annoyed: "There is no need to apply. After flying another 200 kilometers, the fuel is exhausted. Let the plane land automatically."

"Okay... okay."

The Russian major was helpless, and continued to fly eastward in the fighter plane, with the fuel alarm screaming non-stop.

In about eight minutes, the Su-27 flew nearly 200 kilometers, and the fuel had dropped to 1%.

"Mr. Ross, it's only about 100 kilometers away from where your friend was trapped. I... really can't fly anymore."

Grerov turned off the plane's engines. The fighter plane flew forward slowly with inertia, and the altitude slowly dropped.

A few minutes later, the Su-27, which had completely consumed its fuel, landed on the desert on the Syrian border.

"Thank you, Major, take care."

After the plane ran out of fuel, it had turned into a big iron block, and Ross could no longer rely on any tools.

After jumping off the fighter plane, Ross took his weapon and backpack, spread his legs, and ran wildly in the desert.

Ross ran about a kilometer in one breath, entered the desert, and found a sand dune to hide. Ross was panting heavily. His heart was too weak, and he couldn't bear it after running for a while.

"If you run like this, Lao Liu can't be saved. I'm exhausted first, and there are still more than a hundred kilometers left. I can't do it if I break my leg! I have no choice but to transform into a Hulk."

Rose looked at the sky, it was almost night, and the surroundings had become dark.

Gritting his teeth, he took off his clothes and put the clothes into his backpack. With a roar, Rose turned into a Hulk instantly.

With a backpack and a weapon on his back, Ross began to use the mighty power of the Hulk. He stamped his feet on the ground vigorously, and with a whoosh sound, his legs were like super springs, bouncing Ross's huge body into the air. The Hulk's jumping ability is very powerful.

With his brute strength alone, Rose jumped more than two hundred meters away in this jump. After landing, he smashed into the sand and formed a big hole. Rose took advantage of his strength to jump again, whoosh, the huge body bounced up again like a cannonball, falling together and falling for hundreds of meters.

Relying on his abnormal jumping ability, Ross can jump more than ten kilometers in one minute. Judging by this speed, it only takes about ten minutes for Ross to rush to the place where Lao Liu is trapped.

Ross didn't want to use the Hulk's ability too early, but there was no way. In order to get to the place where Liu was trapped earlier, Ross could only rely on the Hulk's savage jumping ability.

In the middle of the desert at night, Ross transformed into a giant green-skinned frog, jumping wildly, landing one after another, and huge pits appeared in the desert. Fortunately, the night is covering up everything, and it is also difficult for American satellites to capture the Hulk bouncing at extreme speed.

Ross was quickly approaching the war zone, and he could already hear the sound of rockets exploding, as well as the rattling sound of AK firing bullets.

One minute, two minutes, five minutes, eight minutes...

Finally, Ross has arrived at the battlefield filled with flames and smoke.

This is a small town in Syria, backed by a bare stone mountain, groups of bearded Sunnis holding AKs, carrying bazookas, and wearing veils are cheering.

In Syria, 90% of IS members are Sunnis. They are very powerful. Half of the territory of Syria is occupied by these IS terrorists. They are the largest warlords in Syria.

In the chaotic Middle East, 1 billion Muslims are divided into two by Shiites and Sunnis, and the two factions are almost incompatible.

The West has always supported the Sunnis because they would embrace reforms, while the Shias are more traditional.

IS is an extreme terrorist among Sunnis, they can trample on everything for profit.

Rose, who turned into a Hulk, has arrived in this small town called 'Grivovar'.

The whole town was filled with blood. Groups of ordinary villagers were shot dead by these terrorists, and human corpses were everywhere on the ground.

In some dilapidated houses, the screams of women can be heard. Those terrorists are holding women to vent their animal desires.

These beasts don't care about any country or nation at all, they just want to get everything they want.

To them, killing people is no different from killing chickens.

Ross suppressed his anger and jumped lightly. In front of the bare stone hill in the town, a super tank blocked the entrance of the cave, serving as a defensive gate to protect another super tank in the cave.

Countless terrorists were holding guns and carrying rockets around the outside of the cave, cheering triumphantly and shooting to show off.

On the ground, the corpses of some Chinese soldiers were lined up by them. These inhuman terrorists jumped up and down on the corpses, urinating and humiliating the dead, while taking pictures.

"You all have to die."

Ross's anger was already burning, but his rationality reminded him that the transformation of the Hulk was time-sensitive, and if he launched an attack now, if he couldn't wipe out the enemy in one fell swoop, Ross himself would be in danger when he weakened.

"I have to recover my human form and take a rest. When I become the Hulk again, it's their death."

After all, Ross is only the weakest Hulk. After transforming, he ran for hundreds of miles and consumed a lot of energy. If he fought for a few more hours, he would be very weak when he regained his human form. At that time, he will be surrounded by the enemy, and the Hulk is his ultimate force.

Annoyed, Ross found two boulders weighing thousands of kilograms at a corner of the mountain.

In a rage, Ross used his brutal strength to lift up two huge boulders, threw his arms at the group of enemies in the distance, and threw them fiercely.

Two boulders whizzed and smashed towards the group of carnival terrorists at a terrifying speed. Before they could understand what was going on, the boulder fell from the sky and fell down. More than a dozen terrorists were smashed into flesh. The tumbling boulder, So wherever they passed, there were screams everywhere. (To be continued. (.))


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