Born Tech Mad

Chapter [177] I can heal Hawking

Ross had just finished talking with President Brown when British Prime Minister William ran over again.

While shaking hands with Ross, William said with a smile: "Mr. Ross, the UK needs three arc reactors. It needs your alloy weapons, your 'light source converter', and your 'atomic carbonizer'. If you are willing to export, How much there is, how much Britain wants."

"Mr. Prime Minister, I will export the 'light source converter' and 'atomic carbonizer' after my products are launched. Mr. Prime Minister, I would like to ask: Mr. Hawking, how are you?"

Prime Minister William was taken aback for a moment: "Hawking...he is still okay now, but he is old and weak. Mr. Ross, why do you have this question?"

Ross smiled and said, "I have a technology that can make Hawking fully healthy, and he can walk like a normal person. I don't know if you will agree to let me treat Hawking."

Prime Minister William was shocked: "Mr. Ross, are you kidding me? Hawking has been in a wheelchair for many years, and he never thought he could stand up."

Ross said seriously: "I'm not joking, what I said is true. If you believe in my ability, I will use genetic technology to cure Mr. Hawking. I respect him as a great scientist, so I will help unconditionally Him, let him be healthy, without any conditions."

Prime Minister William was excited: "If you can really make Mr. Hawking healthy, all British people will thank you, and scientists all over the world will respect you. You are so great, and we absolutely believe in your strength. If you are willing to cure our great Hawking, you can go to England with us now."

Ross shook his head: "No hurry, don't worry, Mr. Prime Minister, I promise you that if Hawking agrees to let me treat him, I can make him healthy. Can you help me convey some words to Mr. Hawking, after all The body belongs to him, and he decides whether to treat it or not."

Prime Minister William asked cautiously: "Mr. Ross, although you are a great scientist, genetic technology generally has sequelae. I would like to ask a question. If you use genetic technology to treat Hawking, will it bring him sequelae?"

"I assure everyone that my technology is absolutely healthy, safe and effective. There are no side effects."

"I'm so touched, Mr. Ross, what a great fellow you are."

Prime Minister William couldn't help crying and embraced Ross. Hawking's status in the UK and even in the world is very high. To help this great scientist stand up. Britain made countless attempts, all of which failed. Now that Rose can do it, how can this not be exciting.

Ross has now not only won the respect of the people of the country, even the developed countries that have always discriminated against China have begun to respect Ross. This genius has a big heart, and technology is the most important thing in his heart. It can be seen from his willingness to treat Hawking for free.

All around, the leaders of the European Union applauded Ross enthusiastically. Ross's kind deeds made them recognize the kindness of Chinese people who are willing to help others.

But they didn't know that Ross wanted to heal Hawking, in addition to really helping him. Another purpose is to prove the harmlessness of genetic technology, so as to facilitate the development of genetic products in the future.

The British Prime Minister's gratitude and the recognition of other EU people made Ross very happy. It seems that there is no difficulty in the plan to go to the UK to treat Hawking. But now he has to be busy with technologies such as light source converters, and Ross has no time to go to the UK for the time being.

In order to solve the problem of talents, Ross said with a smile: "My friends in Europe. I don't know what you think of my 'atomic carbonizing agent' technology."

Chancellor Merkel gave her thumbs up: "This is a great technology. If it is completed, the life of all buildings in the world will be extended. For all countries, it is worthwhile to spend any price on this building material." .”

The French President also praised: "This technology will allow the aging buildings in Europe to be used for another hundred years. It can save countries tens of billions of euros every year. No matter how much it costs, France is willing to buy this tempered cement." , or 'atomic carburizer'."

British Prime Minister William also nodded: "Britain needs this kind of high-tech product. It can increase the lifespan of buildings and improve their quality. It can also be permanently earthquake-proof. With this kind of cement, Britain's aging roads can be used for another hundred years." , the value of this technology is infinite.”

Ross smiled and said: "Thank you for your boasting. In fact, I only have the problem of talents in this technology. I know that Europe has built the world's largest 'Hadron Collider'. I would like to invite scientists from all countries to help. I develop this technology. Once my technology is mature, in the future, I will export this product to other countries, and everyone will benefit.”

"Mr. Luo, we have quite a few scientists in Germany. If...if you are willing to pay their salaries according to European standards, I believe those scientists will be happy to come to Yuta Company to help."

"Yes, we have a high unemployment rate in France, which is even worse than that in Germany and the UK. As for Spain and Greece, it is very difficult for their scientists to find an ordinary job. If you are willing to offer a high salary, I believe Many unemployed scientists in Europe will come to complete this technology for you."

Ross was overjoyed: "You can rest assured about the salary issue. Our Yuta company has always treated employees with respect first and treatment second. Even the most ordinary scientists in our Yuta company have a salary of 100,000 yuan. Almost 13,000 euros. If I remember correctly, the monthly salary of most people in Europe is only about 3,000 euros. The salary of our ordinary employees is more than three or four times that of Europeans.

If scientists from various countries are willing to help me complete this technology, please rest assured about the salary issue. Ten thousand euros is the minimum standard. As for how much monthly salary scientists should get, it depends on their ability. The higher the ability, the stronger the salary I will give. I can afford 50,000 euros, 100,000 euros, 500,000 euros. And you don't have to worry about personal income tax, I will pay it all. "

Ross's words made the leaders of the EU countries overjoyed. Exporting scientists to Yuta Corporation will not only earn a large amount of foreign exchange, but also solve a large number of employment jobs. Tempered cement.

They were a little worried, Yuta Company paid too well, and the salary was too high. Those scientists would return to Europe after getting used to high salaries. If you don't go back, wouldn't it be sending a lot of talents to China.

In order to have the opportunity to import toughened cement in the future, the leaders of various countries immediately agreed to Ross's request, and planned to announce the high-paying recruitment of scientists by Yuta Company for Ross after returning to China.

In the past, only Chinese people had sharpened their heads and wanted to work in Europe and the United States. Now Ross has turned Feng Shui upside down and let the top foreign scientists come to work for him. This was almost unimaginable for China in the past.

Both parties are happy, Ross doesn't have to worry about talents anymore, and now he happily signed various cooperation agreements with everyone, while making money from Europe, and letting Europeans work for him. (~^~)

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