Born Tech Mad

Chapter [161] The world is crazy for me [asking for a monthly ticket, asking for a recommendation ti

In the evening, in the Diaoyutai International Hotel, there were a lot of reporters.

Huaxia has once again become the focus of the world. The two major powers in Asia, Huaxia and India, will soon make televised speeches on territorial issues.

After the news came out, it immediately attracted the attention of the whole world.

India has a population of 1.2 billion. After 2030, they will surpass China to become the most populous country in the world.

With a population of more than 1.34 billion, China is now the most populous country in the world, and ranks second in the world in terms of economic aggregate.

The population of the two major powers accounts for 2.5 billion. How these two countries deal with the territorial issue will directly affect the whole of Asia and even the whole world.

Under the watchful eyes of the whole world, it was China's top leader who first delivered a televised speech.

"Compatriots all over the country, overseas Chinese, international friends, friends all over the world.

Today, on behalf of the Chinese government, I announce an important news to the world.

Our country has already conducted collusion negotiations with India on the disputed territorial issue. The two countries have reached a consensus that from today onwards, China and India will no longer have disputes over territorial issues. China and India will join hands to make due contributions to the prosperity of Asia.

From today, 90,000 square kilometers of territory will return to China, and from today, China's territory will reach 9.69 million square kilometers.

From today, all maps of our country will be redrawn.

This is a great moment, a collective victory for China and India. Please cheer for this victory! Next, I would like to invite the Prime Minister of India, Mr. Moradiq, to ​​deliver a televised speech. My compatriots, please welcome Prime Minister Moradiq with the warmest applause. "

In the auditorium of 10,000 people, there was intense applause.

Amid the applause, Modillac with a white cloth on his head stepped onto the podium.

"Compatriots in India, friends in China, and peace-loving friends all over the world.

Today, I am the Prime Minister of India. Announce to the world. From today, India will withdraw all troops stationed on the Chinese border. From today, that disputed territory will completely return to China.

As the leader of India, give up this territory. Put me under a lot of pressure. But for the prosperity and stability of Asia, India is willing to make sacrifices. For the sake of the friendly relationship between the two countries, India is willing to abandon disputes and join hands with China for common development.

Here, I explain to the citizens of India.

As the general manager. If I give up the disputed territory, I may be called a scholar and a traitor by many people. But here, I promise to the people of India that everything I do is for the benefit of Indians.

Our Huaxia friends are very generous, they have the most outstanding talents, and their Yuta company is developing an advanced biotechnology. Using this technology, bio-oil can be produced. Huaxia has promised to produce bio-oil in the future. Oil will be supplied to India at around 80% of the current price.

Oil will run out one day, but friendship will not.

When we choose to embrace Huaxia, what we embrace is a brand new future. With China's support, India will never have to worry about oil depletion. China's help will permanently solve India's energy shortage problem.

India consumes 4.1 million barrels of oil a day, and the current price of oil is $51 a barrel.

India needs to spend 204 million US dollars a day to buy and extract oil. Our oil price in India reaches 66.84 rupees per liter, which is equivalent to 8.7 yuan, making it one of the most expensive countries in the world.

Once Huaxia's bio-oil is produced, they will sell crude oil to us at 80% of the price. In this way, we only need a price of 40 US dollars a barrel to obtain long-term oil resources. India will save $40 million a day in oil costs.

Our Chinese friends. A year can save India 14.6 billion US dollars in oil expenses. This is a huge gift, a huge gift to help all of India's citizens to ease their burdens.

Chinese friends sincerely help India, which can bring huge benefits to India. Why should we reject China's kindness for that territory?

Huaxia will do what Europe and the United States cannot. Their help to India is unmatched by any country.

In addition, Huaxia also agreed to provide India with three of the world's most advanced "arc reactors". These three arc reactors will solve the problem of power supply for 4 million people in India. From now on, New Delhi will never have a power outage again.

In addition to economic cooperation, Huaxia agreed to export the world's most advanced weapons to India. These weapons will allow India to defend against any enemy invasion.

With these advanced weapons, India's army can be reduced by 100,000 people, and India will save nearly US$500 million in army expenses every year.

The help of Chinese friends to India will make India's economy develop faster and the country safer. It is for these interests that we have reached a territorial consensus with Huaxia to resolve the conflict between the two countries once and for all.

Cooperation with China will make India's tomorrow better and Asia will become the center of the world. For this reason, India is willing to sign a treaty of friendship with China, and our two non-aligned populous countries will move towards mutual friendship from today.

I will also sign a "Memorandum of Understanding" with the leaders of China. After signing this memorandum, China and India will forget the unhappiness in the past, and move towards peace and friendship together. Thanks! "

After Prime Minister Oladik's televised speech, there was loud applause at the scene.

The news of China-India cooperation and common development spread all over the world. After the two populous countries give up their dispute, Asia will become safer and its economy will develop faster.

Countries around the world have already exclaimed.

The British media screamed:

"This is a historic cooperation. After the two elephants of China and India come together, it will be difficult for any beast to attack the two giant elephants with strong skin and thick flesh. The center of the world will move to Asia. Especially the ancient East that is rising empire."

The German media commented on the cooperation between the two countries in this way:

The biggest problem in Asia has been solved. After China and India became friends, Asian countries no longer have the ability to challenge China, and the whole of Asia has surrendered to China. One of the most powerful Chinese empires in history has risen. Japan must be very hurt now, they have almost no right to speak in Asia.

The French media was a bit horrified:

The cooperation between China and India is almost a non-aligned alliance. A coalition of 2.5 billion people has been formed, all armed with nuclear weapons and with unlimited economic potential. God! If the cooperation between China and Africa is added, the development of half of the earth's population is already inseparable from China. Half of the earth is already owned by China, which is terrible.

Compared with the amazing news of Sino-Indian cooperation, another shocking news has been made known to the public.

Huaxia has mastered the biotechnology that replaces oil. This news has a greater impact than the nuclear bomb explosion.

Oil is the blood of human economy, no matter which country, without oil, it will stop developing.

Politicians in the United States have long said: Whoever controls oil is tantamount to controlling the world.

Now the parable has become true. That kid in Huaxia is going to come up with a real alternative to petroleum energy.

what does that mean?

This means that China will control the world's energy, which means that all wars with oil will become meaningless, which means that the wars launched by the United States in the Middle East will cost hundreds of billions of dollars. .

Because humans will have cheaper and safer bioenergy, which is less damaging to the environment, and which is safer and more economical to produce. It will reduce huge energy bills for countries.

One stone stirred up thousands of waves, and the speech by the Prime Minister of India once again pushed Ross to the cusp of the storm.

Rose inadvertently, once again became the focus of the world.

Bio-oil, Ross, Yuta Corporation, these few keywords occupied the Internet for a while. Countries have launched heated discussions on this.

The future of mankind, the future of human energy, is already in the hands of that young man.

The world is crazy about Rose again. (~^~)

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