
Lan Yi remained silent and did not interfere with Li Zi's opinion. ≒Zero﹤Seven﹤中文﹤文≒

Although the upper echelons of the Moon Knights cannot be called intrigues, they are definitely not peaceful. As the leader, especially the members of the vampire royal family whose status is sensitive, her every word and deed will be noticed, and she will have to withstand pressure from all aspects.

Ji Bai was not related to her, but a stranger who only met her once, so there was no need to help her.

Bringing outsiders into the barrier without permission is already a taboo of the Moon Knight.

Not expressing an opinion, not following the trend and adding insult to injury is already very worthy of him.

"Boom!!" Just when Lan Yi was still thinking about what to say, a loud roaring sound came, the long table overturned, and documents shattered into paper trash flew away.

"What, what's going on?! For a moment, the scene was chaotic.

"Wow!" The arrogant sharp-tongued man was shivering under the chair.

"What happened in the barrier? ?" The man with horns used the armrest of the chair to steady himself and stared at the location where the ripples were coming from.

"Discipline Department, what happened in the barrier? ?" Lan Yi immediately contacted the Discipline Department responsible for public security issues in different spaces.

"Headquarters? A few minutes ago, the sky inside the barrier was torn open, and a purple-black monster with only wings broke in!" The words on the phone were clearly heard by everyone present. take over.

"What? !"

"How is it possible? ? Who can break into the independent space cast by magic? ?" - Time, the scene stirred.

"Where is that monster now?

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"He's gone. He only appeared for a very short time. He slipped away before everyone could react. Dozens of residents were sucked into his stomach! Now his life and death are unknown.

"It's really inexplicable to shout. Let's go and read a book." Lan Yi's face was so gloomy that she could shed water.

"Did you see that!? I have long said that there is something wrong with the guy who used the back door! I can guarantee that this matter has nothing to do with that guy with unknown origins!" As soon as he heard that the enemy had left, the sharp-mouthed man hurriedly got out from under the chair. He got out and got up in anger.

"Does the command need to hunt down that monster? 039

Do you know where it escaped to?"

"Report, I don't know."

"Then tell me how to chase?" Lan Yi was in a very bad mood now, and her tone and attitude were naturally not much better.

"Are there any practitioners among the arrested residents? Can you give a list?'

"---It's too hasty, eo039

"Okay, I understand, you can just be responsible for the aftermath.

Lan Yi hung up the phone and took a deep breath.

Lizi, who was sitting next to him, had put away Aipai at some point and was quietly looking at the sky of magical creations.

"You can't break into this place casually.

The soft murmur was not heard by anyone.

"Not long after the phone call was hung up, the identity token in Lan Yi's arms started to get hot.

She took out the token in confusion.

It's [Magic Sound Transmission].

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The student's identity token itself is a magical creation. In addition to the most basic [different space key] function, it also comes with cross-space and cross-facade sound transmission once a day.

And the person who is sending the message to him now is undoubtedly the hot topic person who was still being discussed before.

"Hey, you guys still dare to send messages to me? Do you know that the mess you left has made me miserable? You apologized to me after doing things without thinking at all!

Feel sorry. "The dull voice on the other end of the phone seemed a bit deep.

"So, what do you want from me?" Lan Yi's anger weakened a little.

“The city is in chaos.

"We are in a mess here too!" Lan Yi said angrily.

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Lan Yi held her head against a headache.

"You magic idiot, do you really think that the token is just a [key]? Magic is like a scattered code floating in the air. Is there some stealing magic or jiān tīng magic embedded in it? I can't explain - another function of the token is to [ignore] stealing magic to prevent the spatial coordinates of the enchantment from being brought in too much - if a person without a key comes in, the nature is completely different!'


"Feel sorry


"Actual actions are far more useful than the words sorry. An unknown creature broke into the magic space and kidnapped several residents. I guess it has something to do with what happened this time."

"Do you know the exact location? 039

"I know why I'm telling you so much?"

"I think I know where it is." Ji Bai's voice on the other end of the phone became meaningful.

"What are you talking about? 2 2 Just tell me the direction. I'll do it right away.


To rescue hostages, the number of soldiers should not be large, but the best. "

Lan Yi wanted to say something else, but found that the magic sound transmission had been forcibly interrupted by the other party.


"Assistant Lan! This guy can't be kept! He must be fired.

"Xian Hou

"Sir, we will discuss this matter later, where is the group? Where is the group leader?" Lan Yi stared blankly at the empty main seat.

"Eh? Weren't you still here before?"

A few minutes ago, Moon Knight enchanted the city.

"Hey~ Welcome back! How's it going, Kerr-chan? You've purchased all the goods, right?" Lanlan's eyes lit up as he squatted at the door, and he pounced on Kerr as if he had seen a puppy with bones.

"Hey - ok, it's okay, Lan Jiang, don't be embarrassed, say it yǎngyǎng~" Ke'er, who was dragging the small package, narrowed his eyes and pushed Lan Lan away from him.

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Ah, thank you for your hard work, Xiaofen~" Xiao Qing, who was smiling, and Xiao Mo, who was expressionless, greeted Ke'er at the door of the store.

"We've only been together for two days, but Lanlan seems to be inseparable from Xiaofen~ The relationship is really good, don't you think so, Xiaomo?" Xiaoqing covered her mouth and smiled as she watched a cat and a dog playing around not far away. road.

Xiao Mo nodded his head with an expression on his face.

"Sure enough, these little animals are easy to get along with. Okay, okay, it's almost dinner time, and the shop is almost closing. You two are going to come back and make trouble~" Xiao Qing looked at the sun that was setting halfway up the mountain.

But at this moment, the sun hanging far in the sky suddenly cracked a ferocious hole.

"Boom!" There was lightning and thunder in an instant, which was completely different from the peaceful dusk and sunset of the previous moment.


Bursts of inaudible crackling sounds echoed.

"What, what's going on?!" The sudden change caught the residents who had adapted to a peaceful life off guard.

The giant black wings covered the entire sky, and a purple-black monster with black spiked horns was suspended in the air, with long black hair growing all over its body like thorns.

Two eyes as big as copper bells were constantly spinning downwards, as if looking for a target.

"Xiaofen, Lanlan, come back quickly!" Xiaoqing reacted from the shock first and shouted to the two people who were still in a daze not far away.

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