"Brother Heng, do you always live with grandpa?" Xie Feng said in a relaxed tone, hooking his shoulder.

Shao Heng also understood that he did this on purpose because he was afraid that he would be disappointed because his parents did not come.


Xie Feng sighed: "It's really good, you don't have to be scolded after the parent meeting."

"Excuse me, the monitor is the first in the grade, and he is always the one who is praised in the parent meeting." Wang Ningxiu couldn't listen anymore.

Xie Feng paused.


How did he forget this.


The parent-teacher meeting was almost over, so Shao Heng didn't need to pick up anyone, so he went straight back to the dormitory.

Shen Lingxi received Shen Yun's speech and the two were on their way to the stairs when they saw Jiao Yuanyuan who came to hold a parent meeting for Shen Yuxin.

"Xixi, what a coincidence that Xiao Ci is." Jiao Yuanyuan felt very disgusted in her heart, and had to put on a very enthusiastic look on her face.

Shen Yunci glanced at it: "Well, Yuxin didn't pick you up?"

"No, she's not feeling well, so I asked the driver to take her home first."

When mentioning her daughter, Jiao Yuanyuan's eyes turned cold.

If it wasn't for Shen Lingxi, how could my daughter fall ill due to fear, and make her become such a person, but it's as if nothing happened.

"Are you driving? It's getting late now. If you don't have a car, why don't you go back together? Anyway, tomorrow is the weekend." Jiao Yuanyuan did a good job on the scene.

Shen Yun refused: "No need, I'm coming by car."

Hearing this, Jiao Yuanyuan didn't say much, but before leaving, she explained how to eat at home on weekends.

Shen Lingxi thought about it, it seemed that it had been a while since she went home for dinner last time, so she agreed.

"If you don't want to go back, you don't have to go back." Shen Yunci knew that she didn't like the Shen family, so she never forced her to live at home.

Shen Lingxi didn't care: "It doesn't matter, it's just idle and boring anyway."

Not long after Jiao Yuanyuan got into the car, she received a message.

People bailed out.

Jiao Yuanyuan replied that she knew, and then deleted the message.

In order to release Wan Lingling from the prison on bail, they really took a lot of effort, and hoped that she would be useful.

"Brother, who the hell are you guys? Where are you taking me?" Wan Lingling was quite frightened by the big men in black around her.

These men in black are obviously not easy to mess with. If she dares to act violently, she won't know how she will die.

"Shut up, it's so noisy." The driver in front was annoyed to death after hearing what she babbled all the way.

"Brother, I beg you to let me go. I really don't have any money, and it's useless for you to arrest me." Wan Lingling cried out in fright.

She had always wanted to leave the police station, but she didn't want to leave in this way.

"If you keep arguing, I'll find a place where no one is around and push you down."

Hearing this, Wan Lingling became even more frightened, but she was afraid that the other party would really do this, so she honestly shut up.

two hours later.

He drove her car to a luxury villa area.

The architectural style of the community is much more luxurious than that of the dealer's villa, and it is not a place of the same class at all.

After arriving at the place, Wan Lingling was lifted out of the car like a chicken.

Entering the room, he was pushed heavily on the ground.

The heating in the room was fully turned on, even though it was winter, the room was as warm as summer.

"It's too rude, how can you treat girls like this."

A man in a brown nightgown squatted down, and an extremely cold voice came from his mouth.

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