Black Dragon Code

Chapter 388: Everyday things (1)

Caesar shrunk his body and curled up on the steel throne, his sharp claws gently stroking the polished and smooth armrests. He was too huge and it was difficult to maintain his body shape. Imagine what a 50-meter hill that can move would look like. Every move of the guy will bring great disaster to the surrounding creatures, so without the need to fight, Caesar began to use his psionic ability to compress his body, keeping it in a suitable shape of about five to seven meters.

The reduction in size also brought about a change in temperament. Under such circumstances, Caesar no longer has the majestic majesty of the past, but this is what Luna likes. To be honest, if the big stupid dragon is too large, it is really daunting. Even her is the same, it is more intimate like this, and the proposal was originally made by Luna.

Against the scorching afternoon sun, Caesar left the royal court.

Last night, under Luna's constant pleading, Caesar had no choice but to agree to take her out to play, to walk around the civilian area of ​​the royal capital that he created but rarely set foot in.

Caesar walked slowly along the Yananhua Street leading to the royal court. The Black Wing Empire was not as dark and unbearable as described in the "alien threat theory". Even if it was close to the dragon's nest, it was still sunny and warm. Both sides of the avenue are full of swaying Yanan flowers, exuding a delicate fragrance.

Compared with humans, whether it is dragons or clan monsters, it is indeed dirtier and smellier, but whether it is the capital or other parts of the empire, the empire officials will pay a sum of money to hire people to clean the city every day. Among these sweepers are humans and clans. Even with this system alone, the Black Wing Empire is definitely cleaner than the highly developed countries on which the sun never sets, but it is definitely cleaner than those self-proclaimed civilized river countries.

Elradians do not have the concept of "epidemic", they call it a curse instead, so it is difficult for them to have a complete concept of hygiene, whether it is the disappearing kingdoms of the North, or the standing river country, these small countries There are few private rooms (toilets) in the palaces of even the rulers of China. It seems normal to them to defecate everywhere. The corners of the city streets are full of human and animal feces and domestic garbage, and countless sewage that can be drained willfully flow. After the accumulation became unbearable, the rulers would let the mages remove all these things, but the city then fell into a new cycle.

Only relatively developed countries like trading city-states have begun to install some necessary systems such as public baths, sewers, garbage disposals, etc., but even this cannot change the problems of people not paying attention to hygiene and defecating everywhere. , and made Caesar instantly think of an absurd and funny story, and couldn't help grinning.

In Elantra City, a trading city-state, the location of the city hall was too close to the streets where the people lived, causing the judges in the city hall to be troubled by the stench of feces. Proposals to try to ban public defecation in the streets around City Hall resulted in a massive riot. A delegation led by local craftsmen went to the Lord's Palace to protest that the judges had violated the sacred "Freedom Act" of the trading city-state. The people claimed: "Our fathers defecated here,

I poop here too now, and my kids will poop here in the future! "

Such remarks were widely supported at the time, and finally, the battered city lord had to admit: the Elantras of the trading city-state are born with the right to defecate wherever they want!

On the other side of the continent, as early as the founding of the country, the Black Wing Empire spent countless manpower and material resources to build comprehensive public facilities and provide them for residents to use. During this time, the Northern Royal Court also taught people a new word : Fertilization - use manure to water crops periodically, even if there is no gift from the God of the Earth, you can still get a good harvest.

After knowing how to fertilize, farmers picking up dung appeared one after another in towns and countryside. They are hired for free and can share the pressure for urban cleaning. In addition, the empire has also promulgated several coercive measures to reverse the many bad habits of the clans and humans under its rule.


Luna poked her head out of the spines on his back, just like they did when they were kids: "You're giggling again, what did you think?"

"Interesting things." Caesar continued to move forward.

"Tell me tell me!"

Marble palaces and fragrant gardens were left behind, and the Rue Arnan had come to an end. While talking to Luna, Caesar turned to the Avenue of the Cross. There is not only one Avenue of the Cross, but, as its name suggests, two Roads are formed in a staggered manner, running through the entire imperial city.

With the royal court standing in the center as the core, it is divided into upper street, lower street, left street and right street, dividing the royal city into different areas for people of different classes and species to live in. Caesar led Luna aimlessly Walking through, although it will still attract a lot of eyeballs, it will not cause a sensation and riot.

After telling the story of Elantra to the little guy, Luna looked a little embarrassed, and didn't understand the black dragon's joke: "If this is the case, why do humans release their own excrement?"


Caesar was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that humanoids are just the names given by humans to goblins and elves. Academically, such creatures are called fey creatures, and fey creatures cannot excrete, otherwise Garcia would Being hanged upside down for seven days without knowing what it would look like, it was hard for Luna to understand the meaning of this joke.

Luna didn't ask any further questions. After Cross Avenue, it was no longer as strict and cold as Yanan Street, and the two sides had gradually become prosperous. Black Wing King is the largest city in the north, and the streets are colorful and full of people. Pubs, warehouses, and casinos lined up next to each other along the street, and high-end and cheap brothels were closely connected. The streets of the entire city were connected into a continuous market, with business day and night.

The skinny goatmen hunched over, selling goat milk in clay pots tied to their shoulders; the wild boar men stared at the people on the street with rigid eyes, and fiddled with the farm tools for sale under their feet; When I came here, I yelled and sold live sea fish in the common language.

The air smells not only of grilled meat and fried fish, but also of hot pitch and honey, more or less mixed with oil, spices and salt.

Turning around an intersection, the little guy's attention was quickly attracted by other things: "Since there are such vendors here, pork sausages, creamy vegetables... This barbecued meat with sauce seems very fragrant, Caesar Caesar, I Want to eat..."

"Since when did you start liking meat?"

Caesar turned his neck back to look at her: "And there are so many cooks in the royal court, you can ask someone to cook what you want."

"You don't understand, how can there be delicious food from outside at home." Luna stared at the delicious barbecue from the street vendor, and begged: "Caesar, can you go buy it, as long as you are in the city now, they will be cooked with other races." For business, even a dragon is fine."

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