Black Dragon Code

Chapter 320 Goblin

Although the deep sleep this time improved Caesar's body size, it did not make his combat effectiveness stronger. Leaving aside the new ability he acquired from the black dream, the fusion fire in Caesar's body did not Ignition, the fission furnace has never been restored to a perfect state, and the strengthening of the body in the ordinary sense has no longer brought him a leap in growth.

However, this does not mean that the effect of the deep sleep this time is worse than before. This time the adjustment has expanded the volume of the black dragon's body as a container. Coping with possible future changes.

After sorting out what happened during this period, it was reported to Caesar one after another. He soon learned about the development of trade, population migration, the construction of the royal city, and the invasion of the Underdark.

But compared to these, Caesar first paid attention to a group of goblins who were sent to the royal court.

A horde of goblins.

A host of unusual goblins.

A long time ago, a large number of goblins had been added to the Black Wing clan, and these guys are all serving the Black Dragon Emperor in the arsenal. However, some of the goblins that Caesar saw this time were similar to those dirty, ugly, thin and weak ordinary people. Goblins are a little different.

Although these goblins also have pointed ears, they look more like dwarves with pointed noses. These goblins don't smell bad. Most of the goblins are dirty and annoying, and they emit a smell similar to rot. Speaking of which, this was the first time Caesar had seen a non-stinky goblin.

And the cleverness revealed in the eyes of these guys is far beyond what ordinary goblins can compare. When picked out and grouped together, they look almost like another species.

Caesar didn't know where such goblins came from, just like he didn't know how a "genius" like Hogg could be born among the gnolls, but this did not prevent the Black Dragon Emperor from being very interested in these goblins.

According to the statement of the wild boar in charge, these unusual goblins have a strong learning ability, and they can quickly get started and master some of the jobs they first came into contact with in the arsenal. In addition, these guys also have a The wild boars are born with talents that they don't know how to describe. These guys are very disobedient, always causing troubles in the arsenal, and causing all kinds of explosion accidents by artificial means.

Different from ordinary goblins, this group of guys with pointed noses and extraordinary talents have started independent research work without a teacher. Some are keen on researching the method of making explosions, while others are eyeing the easiest way to make explosions in the arsenal. The stuff that comes out steams, privately doing all sorts of rework on it.

These unusual actions,

It was also the reason why they were picked out one by one by the Wolf Man and the Wild Boar Man.

Caesar looked at the trembling wretches kneeling in front of him, and after inquiring about what had happened in detail, his heart moved.

Different from the research and development team responsible for magic power, goblins with this kind of scientific exploration talent are very suitable to embark on another research path, a path that does not rely on magic power and purely follows the laws of matter.

Hot Weapon Enlightenment Gunpowder.

This is what Caesar first thought of. Gunpowder is a must-have farming artifact for any traverser. The source of materials is extensive, and the technical threshold is very low. It is extremely convenient to make. As long as you know the optimal ratio of sulfur, charcoal and saltpeter, you can Can be produced in batches.

But the people of Eladea are not stupid. Gunpowder existed in this world a long time ago, but the gunpowder here is made of a super high amount of sulfur, a little charcoal, and strange materials such as mercury and fine gold. Caesar even felt that the magical product manufactured with the support of magic power was a deformed product that relied on magic power to forcibly pile up the effect, and could not play the real role of gunpowder at all.

In a world like Aladea, it is not realistic for hot weapons to completely replace cold weapons, but after a certain scale, it is not difficult to occupy a place, or even half of the country, and develop as an intelligent creature for thousands of years The vast world of the world, the reason why this area is blank is mainly due to the proliferation of supernatural forces.

No one in Elradia knows that even without relying on magic as a medium, pure gunpowder is still very terrifying. The weapon equivalent is everything, and art is explosion.

The black dragon gave these unusual goblins a paradise where they could act recklessly, and let these bluffing goblins tinker with their favorite things. Of course, there is a price. If these guys can't complete the task indicators of the royal court, the end is self-evident .

It stands to reason that this matter has come to an end for the time being, but it is not the case. During this process, Caesar couldn't wait to try out his newly acquired ability in the royal court, and he released his own radiation.

Don't be nervous, the rewards given by Black Dream are not as simple as imagined. There is no doubt that radiation is controllable, and the so-called radiation is actually just a general overview. After waking up, Caesar is very clear that he can cast two completely different types of radiation, benign and malignant.

The goblins mutated very quickly, and it was the first time that the black dragon knew that the effects of radiation could be so fast. The first reaction of the long-nosed goblins was fever, but the high fever, which was enough to evaporate the water in their bodies, failed to dispel it. These goblins were scalded to death.

In the process, their sweat glands are blocked and passively shut down, making it impossible to sweat on their own.

Immediately afterwards, under Caesar's observation, the goblins fell into a state of delirious trance, their bodies shrank sharply, and eventually completely lost their ability to move. They all fell to the ground and fell into a state of shock and coma.

The effects of radiation continued, and the bodies of these goblins with sticky green skin were soon dyed black during their deep sleep, and their skin became rougher, thicker, dry and cracked.

They were comatose for a full month. During this period, these guys did not eat or drink anything, but they still did not lose their vital signs and died completely.

This phenomenon stunned the instigator of the incident. The performance of the goblins far surpassed Caesar's understanding of radiation. He thought that benign radiation was to eliminate danger, and then he was just like the clan leaders whose bodies were deformed. In fact, the two The latter is not the same thing at all. This is not radiation at all, and even if it is, it is a magically modified version of radiation.

After sleeping for a month, the goblins lying on the ground finally had a new reaction. Their bodies began to glow and heat, and began to emit some weak rays that should not have appeared. The newly acquired super perception and hunting intuition, Let Caesar easily observe the subtle changes in these goblins.

After the goblins woke up, the symptoms of high fever and stupor finally faded away, and the radiation left an irreversible and permanent effect on them. These little green guys turned into black skin monsters one by one, leaving a scar on their bodies. A dark red mark like a burn.

The appearance of this imprint is not accidental, it can be found on every goblin, although the position is different, but the shape is exactly the same, like a burning flame or a blooming flower bud.

These dark-skinned goblins with dark red marks became Caesar's new subordinates, and their work was completely different from other clans. In order to distinguish these guys from ordinary goblins, Caesar named them: red lotus goblins.

This name will also be retained, becoming the prefix for the black dragon to irradiate other clans.

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