Black Dragon Code

Chapter 195 Luna

All members of the Black Wing Clan know that in the past few days, the Great Lord of the Black Dragon has been in a gloomy and restless mood, but the reason is that only a few high-level officials such as Hogg know that the Elven Forest is too slow, and the discussion about the goblins The results and follow-up matters have not been given an explanation so far.

Finally, Caesar couldn't bear it anymore and decided to ask Luna what was going on.

It's not that he can't wait, for a real dragon with a long lifespan, time is not an obstacle, but he is fed up with the torment of waiting.

Damn, these damned, slow, and extremely inefficient elf forest tribes should all be captured by the abyss demons and hanged alive.

The big black dragon bared his teeth, and returned to the Emerald Palace in a huff, blowing white air from his nose. He drove away all the flying dragon guards standing around, and then curled up on the tall throne that had just been built and presented by the goblin. Find the mass energy crystal that can resonate with the crystal that Luna is carrying, and crush it.

The illusory bubbles and holes are first overlapped and blurred, and then gradually become clear.

Caesar didn't see Luna, and the first thing he saw was the broad-leaved forest towering into the sky, huge twining vines, and endless unknown vegetation.

"Luna?" he called.


The picture was slightly adjusted and turned around, revealing the bright and pretty figure of the little guy. She greeted the black dragon, called "Caesar", and then quickly put her finger on the center of her lips, with a mysterious expression on her face: "Shhh "

"What are you doing?" Caesar lowered his voice cooperatively and asked.

The huge black dragon changed his head position so that he could see more clearly. He noticed that the little guy had a small backpack hanging on his back, and he was holding the magic staff he gave her last time, "Spring".

"Run away."

Luna said with a choked voice, while flapping her wings, she quickly traveled through the broad-leaved forest, and deliberately took a detour to avoid the cold spring where ethnic groups often inhabit. The speed was very fast.

"Escape? Where are you going?"

"Go to your place, my parents have not allowed me to leave the forest of elves, so I sneaked out by myself." Luna responded.

After listening, Caesar's face became a little ugly. As early as January, Garcia promised him to persuade Luna's parents, but the little guy's situation has not changed. Is it because the elf forest is slow in handling things, or They didn't take it to heart, and didn't do it at all?


I miss you. ' continued the little one, pulling his thoughts back.


In front of Luna, the black dragon couldn't get angry, so Caesar put the matter aside for the time being, and grinned: "Then I'll just watch you fight your way home."


Luna's expression was a little confused, but she quickly put it behind her.

When he was with her, Caesar would often pop out words that didn't exist in Elradia. The little guy was used to it. If it was important, the black dragon would explain it further.

... The Forest of Elves is Luna's home. Her mother always said that she knew how to run around in the forest before she even learned to fly. Of course, Luna didn't remember whether she had messed around in the forest of elves before she learned to fly. Running, but her familiarity with this forest is indeed beyond doubt.

For outsiders, the forest of elves is a vast labyrinth formed by undulating mountains, fertile giant trees, twisted vines, and various flowers and plants. In the ancient forest, countless branches lean around and bar the road ahead, which is easy to make people feel unaware. A sense of where you are. The previous elf king, the mother of His Majesty Yufeng, once said: For thousands of years, we have built the forest into a growing alien plane in Elradia, which is hard to find and isolated from the world.

In such an environment, even Caesar could not help feeling dizzy.

It's rare for the little guy to be so reticent. He didn't chat excitedly with the black dragon, but concentrated on walking through the dense sea of ​​flowers and burrowing around in the grove like a fantasy.

For these things, Luna knows everything, and the complicated environment does not trouble her. The reason for being cautious is not to identify the direction, but to worry about being discovered. This is the first time she has sneaked out like this. The former Luna I never thought that I would go against my parents' wishes like this, so I was inevitably nervous and my heart beat faster.

Since being infiltrated into the depths of the Elven Forest by the evil race last time, Garcia has stepped up his vigilance, and there are a very large number of ethnic watch guards in the fringe area.

If you want to leave quietly, the best way is to start from the camphor forest, sneak close to the ground, drill through the beautiful sea of ​​Yanan flowers, and then bypass the rubber trees that are used as guard habitats, and then go straight to the border. Get out of the elf forest.

Now Luna is almost halfway done.

"After you come out, go directly to the mountain range where I sent you last time. There are guys from the Blackwing clan there, and let them send you back."

Caesar told her that he watched Luna go around the jungle with great interest and relish, and his mood gradually became calm and stable. Regardless of the relationship, facing a large group of greedy and evil subordinates all day long is quite interesting at first, but if things go on like this, I am afraid that no one will be in a good mood.

"I know." Luna nodded, her little face was full of seriousness, she was not joking, but really wanted to sneak away, and now she was about to succeed.

Soon, she swept across a newly-born rainforest again, swinging among the entangled vines with ease, but suddenly heard the voice of a voice, which made her tremble in fright, and fine beads of sweat immediately appeared on her white forehead.

Caesar couldn't help cheering up and keeping his attention.

"His Majesty Yufeng said to remain vigilant."

A strong voice said that the little guy was leaning against a big tree, and the voice came from the other side: "Recently, we are negotiating with Blackwing Nest, I am afraid it will not be peaceful."

"Isn't it the so-called Dragon King?"

The clear voice answered, and Luna could tell that it was the voice of Tia elf, it should be the elf ranger patrolling the forest: "Why do we have to deal with it, it's just a black dragon, if it really dares to come, we will use sharp swords and arrows Stab its ass with an arrow."

Luna was hanging in the air, flying forward quietly. She didn't want to eavesdrop on other people's gossip, she just wanted to leave the forest of elves as soon as possible and return to Caesar's side.

However, it was still found.

The ranger troops in the Elven Forest had enough military quality, and they were not lacking in vigilance, so when the two creatures stopped talking, they immediately noticed the slight movement of the goblin.

"What?" A low shout sounded, and the elf ranger quickly approached here. Besides, beside him, there was a huge bear beast with a vigorous gray mane.

"Oh hoo."

Luna subconsciously let out a low cry, dropped her disguise, and began to flee quickly, but unfortunately, the speed of the forest goblin was not fast, and even with the blessing of the fountain staff, it was incomparable to the patrolling guards.

Caesar slowly stood up from the throne, staring at the picture in the bubble.

In fact, the forest of elves are all ethnic groups of the good camp, so the patrolling guards will not do anything to the goblins. At most, they will let her go home after asking a few times, but Luna is very nervous because she escaped. Seeing people made her feel even more guilty, and she ran away directly.

Such a move made the patrolling guards subconsciously feel that there was something wrong.

"Catch her!"

There was a louder scolding sound.

Everything that followed happened so quickly, it seemed that in an instant, amidst the little guy's exclamation and screams, the bubbles in front of him turned around, and countless blurred pictures flashed by. , and when it freezes again, there is only a green grass left in front of it.

Caesar heard the little boy's pleadings and the stern questioning of the ranger, but the voices became more and more indistinct and farther away.

"Luna." Caesar called her name, but after finding no voice, he asked again: "Where is the person?... Luna?"

There was silence all around, no one answered.

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