Black Dragon Code

Chapter 177 Follow-up (4)

"Your eyes are sharper than a giant eagle's, Your Majesty."

The half-lich complimented it, squatting down halfway, with its dark black robe on the ground, and raised its head and said frankly: "My enemy, Jon Arthur, Tashanmu's lackey, the king of Qohor."

Kehor, like the hometown Elantra that Caesar pretended to be when he infiltrated the human race, is one of the nine free trade city-states in the central region. Although they all honor Tashanmu as the head of state, each has its own master.

The Jon Arthur mentioned by the demilich has been the ruler of Kehor for nearly 20 years. He has no title and is known as the King of Kehor.

Caesar knew about the city of Cohor, but he didn't know who Jon Arthur was. However, this guy was very ignorant and didn't delve into it. He maintained the majesty of the master of Blackwing Lair, and changed the subject with great interest. asked, "Let me hear, what evil have you done?"

"For a spellcaster who studies the undead, living is evil."

Ren responded with a bitter voice: "The radiant paladins will only uphold their so-called justice, judge the evil in their eyes, and swear to take my life until I die."

"That's not certain."

The entrenched evil dragon was not moved by the demilich's emotional outpouring, but sneered, and then his voice intensified: "Tell me, mage, what evil have you done?"

"Just for the lives of a few ordinary people and a few insignificant corpses, Jon Arthur took away everything I loved deeply."

The demilich paused for a moment, and found that the Dragon King was unmoved at all, so he had to admit: "Of course I want to take his too."

It looks sad and angry, as if it is still tormented by the pain at that time.


Caesar was amazed and amazed at this guy's three views, but he is an evil dragon, and he would not reject a spellcaster with rich knowledge because of this, so the black dragon lord continued to ask: "They chased to the Northland?"

"No, I got rid of them for the time being."

Leaning on a deep staff, Ren said that the key point of this sentence is "for the time being", and then he spoke eloquently.

Since then, the evil necromancer has been in exile for a long time, and Jon Arthur's minions are always in hot pursuit. A big trading city-state, wandering around, everyone shouting and beating.

In the end, the half-lich who failed to transform came to the northern kingdoms, set foot in no man's land, went deep into the Blackwing Lair, and went straight to the dragon king.


After listening, Caesar struggled his body, stretched out his body curled up on the high platform, and walked down step by step, looking down at the evil one seeking asylum: "You have to understand what it means to be loyal to me."

"The black dragon has never been a fool to be fooled. Don't expect to treat us like the red dragon. If you dare to have any infidelity, concealment and deceit, don't expect me to be as merciful as those humans."

Anyone who has seen the appearance described by the black dragon lord, there is no one who is not shocked, whether it is a human being or a real dragon.

But fortunately, the semi-lich has seen the mass-energy crystals that have been circulated in the northern countries before, and he came here for this, so he did not show any embarrassment, but looked directly at such a powerful evil dragon. Make the pupil of the human face on the left tremble slightly.

"I understand, Your Majesty."

Ren responded in a low voice, the black dragon lord let go of his dragon power, and the terrifying aura surged like a landslide and tsunami, forcing the demilich to lower his head, and the soul fire that was originally floating in his eye sockets was deeply suppressed.

"Very good, mage."

Caesar showed a satisfied smile, but the black dragon face couldn't see that he was smiling, because the mouth was open to reveal the sharp teeth, but it was more ferocious: "In this case, you have to follow the rules of the Black Wing Lair first." rules, Hogg," he growled.

"At your disposal, Your Majesty." The leader of the gnoll immediately emerged from the shadow of the corner of the palace, holding a bright hatchet in his hand.

"Let this mage live in the shantytown on the edge of Blackwing Nest, yes, that's where the kobolds live, and by the way, tell the mage the rules of Blackwing Nest."

Caesar said that Black Wing Lair implements strict class control, and it will not change whether the outsiders are powerful or not. The newcomers, whether they are humans or other creatures, have the lowest class. Even if the caster plays a significant role, the Black Dragon Lord They will not let the other party enter the core area or even the Emerald Palace, which is a place where only privileged clans can stay.

Only after the outsiders have survived the repeated oppression of the Black Wing Nest and proved their worth can they be promoted and improve their embarrassing living conditions.

This was not conducive to Caesar's acceptance of foreign clans, but it was crucial to the stability of his rule.

In fact, there is another reason why the demilich Ren fell into the miserable situation of living with the kobolds.

The goddamn guy scared Luna.

"I see."

Hogg glanced at the frightening-looking demilich, turned around, and took the lead to step outside the Emerald Palace.

"Please allow me to retire, Your Majesty."

Ren nodded. As for the residence, the demilich, who is used to the filthy, dark, wind and rain, has no requirements, and doesn't care about living with anything. Its purpose is just to get the protection of the powerful evil dragon. .

Following behind the leader of the gnoll, it obviously noticed one point, that is Hogg's weapon, which is not a supernatural being, but a legendary weapon with powerful power. Ren remembers the last time he saw such a thing , or on Jon Arthur, the so-called king of Kohor.

how? Legendary weapons are so common in the Northland that even a gnoll leader is qualified to use them?

Ryan didn't believe it.

Moreover, this guy was able to use this thing blatantly in front of a greedy five-color dragon, which obviously got the tacit approval of the Black Dragon Emperor. Even, this legendary item was originally a weapon it bestowed on its family members.

After thinking about this question, the suspicious and sensitive heart of the demilich trembled slightly. Of course, it didn't really want to seek refuge with the Dragon King. Its original plan was to hide under the protection of a powerful evil dragon for a while and suffer In 2009, when the weather is calm and the pursuers give up their search, they will find a chance to escape.

But now, Rennes has changed his mind a little bit, intending to find out some of the real situation of the Black Wing Lair first, evaluate the potential of the Dragon King, and then re-judge his allegiance.

"Outsiders, I warn you first."

After arriving at the destination, the strong Gnoll turned around and said in a bad tone, "The first of your Majesty's prohibitions is that you are never allowed to harm any creatures in the Blackwing Nest. You are allowed to study necromancy. , but if you touch the ban, we will tear your bones apart."

"Please don't worry." The demilich nodded, instead of looking at the gnoll, he was looking at the surrounding environment with a less polite attitude.

"Just remember."

Hogg continued: "Because you have to memorize each of the following items..."

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