Black Dragon Code

Chapter 134 Targaryen (2)

"You know, the Kakiland is the brightest jewel in the Northland Alliance."

Lord Beauchamp complimented: "This treasure land connected to the vast wilderness is a paradise for adventurers and a residence for profit seekers. Poets sing songs for it and dancers dance for it; here."

"We all know." Naina nodded.

As the last transit station and supply point for humans to go to Sailong Gobi, Mostel Grand Canyon, Mangye and Green City, the flow of people in Kajiling is unquestionable. Countless confident and smart adventurers poured in Here, one may form a team or be hired to go to an unpredictable place with neither order nor security, in an attempt to get rich overnight.

"Since this is the case, what happened next will be logical."

The lord took a sip of tea and said, "He came to Kakiland a few days ago. I'm talking about him, Earl Targaryen. It seems that he likes the scenery here very much and plans to settle here."


"It's no wonder you don't know about the free people's residential area outside the lord's castle. It's true that you've been busy recently, so you naturally don't pay attention to what's happening outside the noble area."

"No, that's not right."

Naina frowned: "You said he is an earl, a great nobleman? How could he condescend to live in a shanty town? Could it be that he is just a down-and-out nobleman with a famous name?"

"That's what we thought at the time."

Beauchamp shrugged his shoulders: "But that's the beauty. Do you know that this man bought all the apartments of the freemen in the Flower Lane in Torefo District."

"Buy them all."

Naina murmured again, and then asked: "Flower Lane? That's not a bad place in the outer city. But I remember that there were a few merchant's shops there, and some knights' heirs lived there, and they gave it up so easily. people?"

"As long as you are willing to spend money, there is nothing you can't buy, Mrs. Naina, I believe you know this better than me. There are indeed some small twists and turns in the process, such as your knight Frey's family, out of noble dignity , they asked for one hundred and sixty gold, 50% higher than the market price, but guess what?"

"That one directly pays 320 gold!"

As he said that, the Lord half stood up and shouted towards the corner behind the long table: "Little Frey, do you think so?"

The abrupt question and undisguised sarcasm made the two young men Naina approached before very embarrassed, but they still had to smile and nod immediately.


Naina raised his glass to them to ease their embarrassment. Even in the face of these little nobles, the etiquette was impeccable: "Is that really a big man who spends a lot of money? A big rich man?"

"That's right, that person ordered his servants to do it that day, demolish all the commoner's residences in Huahua Lane, renovate them, and build a magnificent and majestic garden mansion in just a few days."

Bo Shang praised: "To say that there are many people who get rich overnight, but most of them have neither taste nor self-cultivation. In our opinion, they are just lowly nouveau riche after all. But this one is different, his house No matter the taste or layout of the mansion, it is not inferior to Brando's lord's mansion."

Then, the Lord stood up and bowed slightly to express his apology: "Forgive me for being rude and rash to compare, but with my short-sightedness, the crown of elegance and luxury I have seen is the exquisite mansion of a gentleman, I can only compare the two. on a par."

"Where does he come from? Since he is a nobleman,

If you are planning to settle here, why would you visit the owner first, regardless of the basic etiquette? "Nina showed a little dissatisfaction at the right time.

"Perhaps the customs are different. I heard that the nobleman is from the central free trade city-state. Maybe in those cities, their rules and customs are different from ours."

Beauchamp explained to the stranger with a smile.

Yes, who doesn't love the rich when there is no conflict of interest and emotional entanglement?

"It is said that?"

Naina keenly grasped the key point of the matter, and asked the person's origin: "Who did you listen to?"

"Well, that's what people say." Some minor nobles standing beside the earl's eldest son interjected.

"It's well known."

Lord Beauchamp also nodded, and then added: "When you meet him, you will know that the southerners look different from our northerners. Those beautiful southerners walk on the boulevards in the city-state every day. Hanging out on the road, taking a leisurely walk in the green forest, is not the same kind of person as the strong and brave northerners under the scorching sun."

"Are you complimenting him? A stranger?" Naina continued to ask.


Lord Beauchamp said: "Earl Targaryen is indeed an elegant person. Besides, I have seen him from a distance, and I am not unfamiliar with him. Oh, by the way, he seems to have kept an elf as a pet .”

"Elf? Or the Fairy of the Forest?"

At this moment, Naina's heart throbbed uncontrollably, and she asked subconsciously.

This shows that the Forest Fairy has already left a deep impression on him, and it doesn't matter if it is not deep. According to his brother Roy, the black dragon that is hostile to Brando has a Forest Fairy as a member.

"The elf of the forest? Oh! Now that you said that, I remembered, it is indeed a forest elf, not an elf."

Lord Beauchamp slapped his head and said with a smile: "Look at my low-sighted appearance. The elf is a creation of elements, and the forest elf has a body. That is indeed a forest elf."

At first, Naina's always polite face changed color, and a faint blush flashed across his pale face. He subconsciously thought that it was the black dragon that had sneaked into Kaji's collar, preparing to pose a huge threat to Brando. He wanted to Immediately notify Roy and Earl Brando on the front line, requesting the army to return.

But soon, he calmed down again.


Naina's clenched fists gradually loosened, and at the same time she laughed at herself inwardly.

True dragons are not fools. Even the most stupid and lazy five-color dragons will not show those iconic things carelessly in front of others when they are lurking. Even a five-year-old child can see through this lowest-level camouflage.

According to Roy Brando, the black dragon is extremely clever and cunning, if it wants to sneak into Kaji, it is impossible not to consider this.

Moreover, Lord Beauchamp mentioned before that the earl spent a lot of money and bought all the houses in Flower Lane without hesitation, and spent huge sums of money to rebuild elegant gardens.

This made Naina completely relieved. Even if the queen of the five-color dragons, Tiamat, came to the world and pinched the necks of those five-color dragons with her claws, they would not be able to do such a thing. The treasure and gold coins were their life.

In any case, he should go to visit the so-called earl, maybe this trip can solve the problem of the Brando family's current financial difficulties.

Naina had something to look forward to.

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